My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 123

With the development of agriculture and production, the lives of the people of the Empire improved day by day.

More and more people put on exquisite, beautiful and inexpensive clothes, live in solid and warm brick and concrete houses, mirrors, sugar, soap, glassware, etc. They once thought Luxury goods that they dare not think about have become affordable daily necessities.

Everyone feels that they are dreaming. The changes in their lives are too big and fast, making it difficult for them to adapt.

But they know very well in their hearts who brought them this life like heaven, which can only be dreamed of in dreams.

It is their emperor, their god, who rescued them from hell and brought the heaven of their dreams to the world.

While people are marveling and enjoying the changes in their lives, they also become more and more devout in their belief in Chen Mo. What is it that is not Gods Vestige?

Chen Mo’s work on people’s livelihood is much more than that.

In addition to the construction and development of a large number of civilian production industries, in order to facilitate the circulation of economic materials and improve transportation, Chen Mo built large-scale roads across the country, and at the same time built water conservancy projects to ensure agricultural irrigation and develop water transportation.

In order to improve the cultural level of the whole people and cultivate talents in various industries, Chen Mo has built a large number of schools nationwide, popularized education, and gradually promoted the nine-year compulsory education system.

Now that the problem of food and clothing has long been resolved, young children no longer need to help herding sheep at home, farming, and can go to school to learn knowledge.

However, the number of teachers is a big problem. In this era, only nobles have the opportunity to recognize and learn. Ordinary commoners cant even fill their stomachs. How can they have the mind and ability to learn.

Fortunately, when Chen Mo conquered the European continent, he was not at all wantonly slaughter to the nobles. As long as he voluntarily returned, Chen Mo guaranteed their personal and property safety.

Its just that there is no income from the territory, and a large number of noble families have begun to sit and eat, although many capable nobles have been reused by Chen Mo and assigned to different positions to help him govern the territory and handle government affairs. But there are still many nobles who are beginning to have financial problems.

At this time, Chen Mo pointed out a way for them to enter school and become a teacher, teaching children knowledge to earn wages.

At this time, they have already lost their original noble titles, and they are completely asking for trouble if they continue to present themselves as nobles. Many former aristocrats, Lord, Lady and Young Lady entered the classroom and picked up With the pointer, embarked on the road of teaching and educating people.

Agriculture, industry, economy, transportation, water conservancy, and education have ushered in great development, and various construction and production are in full swing throughout the country.

Beside Chen Mo, a few kilometers away from Blackstone City Fort, a huge city is being built little by little.

The first group of residents of Chen Mo has moved in and became the first group of residents of Imperial Capital.

In the middle of this huge city, a tall and magnificent Gothic church built of reinforced concrete and bricks and stones stands tall. This is the Imperial Temple, the home of all the people of the Empire. Where the faith lies.

On the spacious and clean streets, people wear beautiful and neat clothes, and their faces are filled with happiness and contentment.

On the side of the road, a large and square long carriage slowly stopped under the wooden bus stop sign, and people arriving at the station filed out from the doors behind the carriage toward their respective destinations. Walking, the people in the car lined up and boarded the carriage from the front door.

This is obviously Chen Mo’s idea.

Public carriages like this can be seen everywhere in every street in this city, which greatly facilitates people’s travel.

In a huge square, many people strolled in it, old people sitting on benches basking in the sun, and children running in the square laughing and playing, who would have thought, A few years ago, they were still hungry worrying about food, unclothed, precarious, and might die at the mouth of a werewolf at any time.

Since enthroned, Chen Mo spent three years building this originally chaotic and dark Europe into a stable and prosperous civilized society. The long and dark Middle Ages ended early and Europe entered a A new era of rapid development.

Bringing his own territory and country to the right track, fulfilling his responsibilities as a lord and king to his own people, Chen Mo, who has experienced a good state of construction, is ready to leave.

But before leaving, Chen Mo still has many things to arrange.

On this day, in the study, Chen Mo called the four Andrews in front of him.

“I am about to leave here.”

Looking at the four people standing upright in front of them, Chen Mo slowly spoke.

“Master, are you going back to Divine Kingdom?”

Andrew hearing this quickly asked.

Chen Mo gently nodded, said solemnly.

“After I leave, the empire needs a new emperor.”

Speaking of which, Chen Mo looked towards Andrew who is now the first.

“Andrew, you have been with me for the longest time, and you will take over the throne.”

Andrew was hearing this without the slightest heartbeat, but went straight to his knees, Said excitedly.

“No, master! The empire will always be your empire, and I will always be your most loyal Knight.”

Andrew is a pure warrior, a loyal Knight, Let him replace the position of his loyal master, which makes him really hard to accept.

And Andrew is not at all interested in the position of the emperor. He was originally Chen Mo’s first confidant. In the empire, he can be said to be under one person above ten thousand people. He knows what it means to be in power. , But he is not obsessed with it. Rather than being caught in the complicated government affairs every day, he is more willing to fight with his Knight brothers, or take off his armor, and pass the days with his beloved. These are better than the throne. It is more attractive to him.

Has eternal life and everything about yearn for something even in dreams, what else is he not satisfied with.

Seeing Andrew’s resolute attitude, Chen Mo gently shook the head, then turned his head and looked towards Victor next to him.

Victor knelt down without waiting for Chen Mo to speak.

“Master, no one can replace your throne!”

Although Victor was once a lord, he is not at all ambitions, and his position is right now. For him, it is high enough to reach the heights it is today, and to be a duke of a country. This is something he has never thought of before. As for the emperor, in his mind, only Chen Mo is the Supreme Existence. As for himself, he is not. at all this qualification.

Chen Mo had no choice but to turn his attention to Amelia again.


Amelia fell to her knees. Although she did not directly refuse, Chen Mo already knew the answer from her face.

In her eyes, the throne might not be more attractive than her Marquis castle.

Finally, Chen Mo looked towards Marcus with a deep look. Under Chen Mo’s inexplicable gaze, Marcus’s heart tightened, and he knelt down quickly, bowing his head deeply. Dare to say a word.

In the past, he might have longed for the Supreme position, but now he has no such thoughts.

Even if the throne representing the supreme power of the empire is placed in front of him, he dare not touch it at all, because it belongs to Chen Mo’s throne!

When he first joined Chen Mo, he still had some other thoughts. He wanted to use Chen Mo’s power to seek higher rights and status. Now, he has realized his ambitions. The alien who had been hiding everywhere had become the ruling class of the entire European continent, one of the few who stood at the highest point.

But his ambition ends here. He is already satisfied with his current position. It belongs to the highest position of Chen Mo. He dare not move any thoughts. The longer he stays under Chen Mo , He felt Chen Mo’s deep and unmeasurable more and more.

At first he suspected that Chen Mo was just a powerful human being, but as he learned more about Chen Mo, he found that Chen Mo was full of countless mysteries and all kinds of magic in him. It cannot be explained by common sense at all.

He seems to know everything, omnipotent, not only has incomparable strength, but also holds countless advanced technologies and knowledge and ideas beyond this era. These things make Marcus more powerful than his In awe.

Because power may be obtained through mutation like him, but knowledge cannot, then there is only one possibility that can be explained. Chen Mo is really a god who came to the world from heaven!

I confirmed Chen Mos identity in his heart, and Marcuss fear and admiration for Chen Mo has deepened. He only dared to worship the throne Chen Mo gave up, but he did not dare to walk up. The throne of God, how can mortals be allowed to get involved.

In just a short moment, he had already figured it out clearly. He did not dare to sit in that position. Instead of pursuing the rights that were not his own, he should be obediently and honestly as his empire duke. Blood patriarch old.

Marcuss mind cant escape Chen Mos keen perception. Marcus, who is bowing his head and kneeling on the ground, doesnt know that he just walked past the gates of hell, if not his wise Corrected his position and put aside his coveting for the imperial throne. Now he should have been killed by Chen Mo!

Chen Mo still has a grudge against the cold and ambitious ancestor of the vampire in this movie. The hunt for Alexander Covinus never allowed him to join, but sent him Went to the eastern battlefield to conquer the territory of eastern Europe for him.

The Knights under him are all loyal to Chen Mo. Unlike Andrew, Victor and Amelia, each has its own core subordinates. Knight who follows him is only fighting. Shi accepted his command, and once the battle was over, he returned to a state of loneliness, unable to mobilize any Knight at will.

So, Marcus can be said to be the least powerful of the four major vampires Elder. After all, although he is loyal to Chen Mo, he is more in awe. In terms of piety, he is more powerful than others. Knight was a lot worse, not to mention the three of Andrews who had the strongest beliefs.

He didn’t even know that his father Alexander Covinus was in the castle.

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