My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1228

In addition to the speed of being compared in front of the flame giant dragon, defense and strength have also been exposed to great deficiencies in the battle!

For defense, its okay to say, mainly because he has been upgrading battle clothes recently. The upgrade of battle clothes is too fast, so the armor materials used are not the best. Wait until the battle clothes are further improved. , And ask the old man for some Alpha Alloy, or even Edman Alloy, the problem of defense will naturally be solved!

But in terms of strength, it is not so easy to improve.

After being bitten by the flame giant dragon, Tony _ Stark struggled with all his strength, but was unable to shake the huge mouth. The huge power that he was proud of was like in front of the flame giant dragon. Like a child, easily crushed!

This made Tony Stark, who was already very satisfied with the power of battle clothes, once again soberly realized the insufficiency of the battle armor, but like the enhancement of speed, in addition to increasing the number and specifications of the driving device , You can only study to strengthen the power output of the drive device!

Increasing the number and specifications of the driving devices means that the size and body shape of the battle clothes must be changed accordingly. I think that I have to wear a set that is as huge and bloated as the Iron Monger of Obadea back then. Tony Stark’s steel battle clothes are ten thousand unwilling!

Tony _ Stark has not considered gaining more powerful power by increasing the size and driving device. He has also tried to make large armors before, such as the Mark 37 armor, Igor !

However, when designing it, Tony _ Stark gave up the idea of driving it personally, let Jarvis directly control it, and positioned it as a heavy-duty armor, and never took it to the battlefield. Plan!

If it hadn’t been for dealing with a large number of ultimate creatures before, Igor would simply not have the chance to play, it is estimated that he would stay in the arsenal forever!

For the steel battle clothes he uses, Tony _Stark has almost obsessive persistence. The cool appearance cannot be given up anyway!

So, in terms of power improvement, Tony _ Stark still chose the more difficult path to study and improve the power output of the driving device!

In addition to power, speed and defense, many problems were exposed in this battle with the flame giant dragon!

For example, the heat insulation ability is still insufficient, and the countermeasures after being bitten by the giant beast are too few. The reaction speed and the anti-vertigo ability of the air roll need to be improved!

But this is actually a good thing for Tony _ Stark. He has been constantly upgrading his battle clothes during this period of time. Mark 42 is the latest product after repeated upgrades. .

But he doesn’t think the Mark 42 is already perfect, but he doesn’t know how to continue to upgrade.

The previous battle with Kylian allowed him to upgrade the heat insulation system, so that he can persist in the mouth of the flame giant dragon for a long time, and finally escape smoothly, otherwise if it is the battle clothes before the upgrade, even if there is no Being sprayed by the flames, it is estimated that he has already been paralyzed by the high temperature that has swept through!

And the various problems exposed in the battle at this time have just pointed out the direction of the next step for him to strengthen. What he needs to do next is to give full play to his greatest advantage, through research and development, to battle clothes All the weaknesses are made up!

This time, Tony _ Stark did not return to Los Angeles, but instead called Pepper to make arrangements. They want to move back to the Avengers building!

Because of anxiety, I left everyone and returned to Los Angeles. Now the anxiety has been cured. The later “God Creation Project” must have his participation. It is troublesome to run back and forth frequently. .

Moreover, the workload and difficulty of upgrading battle clothes and researching on thrusters and driving devices is a little too much by himself. If Ethan and Banner Court Academecian can help, it will be much easier!

Desperate situation The perfection of the virus includes Abraham Erskine Court Academecian and Maya Hansen, and the upgrade of steel battle clothes is Tony Stark. These things do not require Chen Mo to worry about himself.

So when everyone was busy with their work, Chen Mo did not at all stay in New York, but teleported away directly, and came to a piece of sea dozens of kilometers away from the coast. .

Everything seemed normal on the calm sea, but the spiritual connection between Chen Mo and the flame giant dragon told him that the flame giant dragon was not far in front of him.

As Tony _Stark understood, although Wakandas stealth device is advanced, it can only be optically invisible. The flame giant dragon not at all really disappears, so its easy for Chen Mo to release his mind. Found the exact location of the flame giant dragon.

A teleport again came to the top of the flame giant dragon’s head. As the body entered the range of the invisibility device, Chen Mo’s silhouette also disappeared into the air!

Mind force penetrated into the flame giant dragon’s mind, connected to its consciousness, Chen Mo soon knew what happened after he left.

This guy was attracted by the sharks in the sea and started hunting, but he still obeyed Chen Mo’s order, not at all to expose himself, including Tony _ Stark passing by, the flame giant dragon did not make it Any action!

It seems that it has a high degree of obedience and execution to its own commands!

The level of intelligence is also much higher than that of ordinary animals. Chen Mos commands can be fully understood and flexibly executed, instead of just rigidly following his commands and staying in the air motionless. .

This guy also knows that he can go to the sea to catch fish when he is hungry, and he carefully observed the surrounding situation before he did it to ensure his safety!

The reason why the flame giant dragon is so smart, Chen Mo’s judgment should be related to its spirit strength.

Although consciousness was completely shredded by Chen Mo, the original memory and consciousness have all disappeared, but the powerful spirit strength has been retained, and has been re-formed by the spirit strength of Chen Mo. His new consciousness is constantly swallowing, and it has been swallowed completely at this time, and it has recovered to the similar spirit strength strength!

Although the scattered spirit strength after being crushed has no memory and consciousness left, it cannot bring the original memory and experience to the flame giant dragon, but the enhancement of the spirit strength makes it ‘S intelligence has improved a lot.

Feeling the return of Chen Mo, the flame giant dragon connected with Chen Mo spirit strength immediately sent a burst of joy. Chen Mo smiled and stroked the dragon horn, and then drove it Fly to the northeast!

While flying, Chen Mo also ordered Jarvis to quietly control all the satellites in the space orbit above them, monitor their dynamics at any time, and prevent someone from using thermal energy detection and other means to find the traces of the flame giant dragon.

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