My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1219

Tony _Stark often flies at high altitude, but he stays in steel battle clothes.

The feeling is similar to sitting in the cockpit and flying an airplane. No matter how fast or violent movements he is, he feels very exciting, because he knows the performance of battle clothes, no matter how he flies. , There will not be a problem with safety. Even if he is asleep, Jarvis can control the battle clothes and land safely. Naturally, he feels very relaxed!

But the situation is different now. Mark 42 was taken away by Chen Mo. Although he was also wearing a Vibranium nano combat uniform, he did not have the ability to fly. , It will fall off the faucet!

Without steel battle clothes, he doesn’t want to experience the feeling of free fall!

At this time, Tony _ Stark didn’t have any thoughts about revenge or not. He just hugged the dragon horn tightly with his arms, and his whole body was pressed tightly, and he almost folded his legs. !

On the other hand, Chen Mo, holding the dragon horn in one hand, stood there calmly. The strong wind assaults the senses, but he couldn’t shake his figure at all!

At this time, Chen Mo also lifted the steel battle clothes. The clothes deformed from the “riots” were hunting and hunting under the blowing of the strong wind. Chen Mo stood on the dragon’s head and felt the oncoming wind. , The corner of his mouth could not help but show a smile!

This feeling is completely different from flying in steel battle clothes!

Flying in steel battle clothes is more like sitting in a closed car, no matter how fast you fly, there is no feeling.

At this time, while riding a giant dragon in the air, it is like a fast drive in the open top, and it is like driving a horse to gallop on the grassland. It makes people feel more chic and unrestrained. Dripping!

But this kind of feeling can only be enjoyed by a super powerhouse with a strong body like Chen Mo.

At this time, even if the flame giant dragon didnt use its full strength, it was much faster than an ordinary passenger plane. They changed to an ordinary person, even if they had a dragon horn, they simply couldnt catch it. They were already caught by the wind. Juli blew out, and simply couldn’t enjoy the feeling of galloping!

Even Tony Stark, a superhero enhanced with Super Soldier serum, is a little overwhelmed. Although he hasn’t been blown away, he can only grab the dragon horn with all his strength. Chen Mo feels happy. I didn’t feel it at all, I just felt painful and suffering!

Chen Mo, who inadvertently realized his childhood dream, felt particularly comfortable. He knew that at this time, he suddenly realized that the ability to travel through space not only made him stronger, and mastered stronger technology and In addition to his ability, he can also help him realize many dreams that were simply impossible in the past!

For example, driving a giant dragon soaring in the sky!

Ignore the guy sticking to the dragon horn, this picture is almost the same as he imagined when he was a child!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but feel the urge to pull out the sword of the king and shout “Dragon Sword!”

However, the reason of adults finally defeated the impulse of childhood, and finally they did not make such a second-degree move!

Riding a dragon is the realization of childhood dreams. “Dragon Sword” is really naive. Thinking about his dignified commander, the Guardian of the earth, how could he make such a naive move!

But then Chen Mo looked towards Tony _Stark’s gaze was a bit disgusting!

I wonder if Chen Mo would no longer worry about his identity without the large plaster Tony _Stark, drew his sword out of its sheath, and shouted!

Cosplay and so on, its actually nothing!

speaking of which He is only in his twenties on the earth, playing Cosplay is not an old Uncle!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but decide secretly in his heart, he must have a chance to try it in the future!

Since it is a childhood dream, you can’t leave regrets!

I glanced at Tony Stark, who was holding himself tightly on the dragon horn again, with a bad eye, Chen Mo immediately ordered the flame giant dragon to accelerate.

In Tony _Stark’s screams, the flame giant dragon spewed more violent flames behind him, moving towards the distance at a faster speed!

Riding the giant dragon that pulls the wind, Chen Mo did not cross the Atlantic Ocean directly to New York, but crossed the Mediterranean to the South and came to Africa!

The flame giant dragon pulls the wind back to pull the wind, but it is too conspicuous. If Chen Mo rides it directly back to SHIELD, SHIELD’s position will be directly exposed to the eyes of various countries and many forces!

So Chen Mo chose to take a detour to Wakanda first!

Anyway, the distance is not too far, with the speed of the flame giant dragon, it will not be delayed for long!

When Tony _ Stark felt that his body was almost frozen by the cold high-altitude wind, the flame giant dragon finally stopped!

Feeling the oncoming icy wind disappeared, Tony Stark looked up stiffly, and when he found that they were still high in the sky, he couldn’t help but retract his head quickly.

“You are waiting here, I will go back!”

After Chen Mo finished speaking, before Tony _ Stark could speak, he disappeared on the dragon’s head with a teleport!

Tony _ Stark’s face changed when he heard Chen Mo was leaving, and he quickly wanted to stop him, but his frozen stiff mouth finally opened, and Chen Mo’s silhouette has disappeared. !

For a time, only the flame giant dragon and Tony _Stark were left above the sky!

The painful memory of being bitten by the violent flame giant dragon before could not help but resurfaced in his heart. Tony _Stark couldnt help but feel terrified, for fear that the flame giant dragon would take advantage of Chen Mos absence to expose the previous ferocity again. On the side, eat him!

This time he doesnt have steel battle clothes on his body. Physical strength alone cant stop the flame giant dragons sharp teeth, let alone escape. If the flame giant dragon is really aggressive, he will only die. One!

But after a long time Tony _Stark trembling in fear, the flame giant dragon still hovered in the air quietly, without any intention of attacking him. Tony _Stark’s hanging heart slowed down. After falling down, he felt the coldness on his body again, and the moved towards dragon horn could not help but tightened.

In this cold high altitude, only the warm body of the flame giant dragon can give him a touch of warmth.

Feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand, Tony _Stark’s fear of the giant dragon could not help but dissipate for the most part!

Now it seems that it is just a bigger pet that’s all, there is nothing to be afraid of, dogs still bite people, even more how is dragon!

Compared with ordinary pets, this flame giant dragon is much more exciting!

Riding it to fly is much cooler and prestigious than his steel battle clothes!

Long Knight is the dream of countless men in the West!

In fact, it is also in the East!

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