My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 121


Little Selena leaned back her head, closed her eyes and opened her mouth vigorously, waiting happily for Chen Mo to give She eats a piece of candy.

It’s just a pity that she guessed wrong.

A drop of bright red blood dripped from Chen Mos fingertips into Selenas opened mouth. Selena felt something entered her mouth, and quickly closed her mouth and licked her tongue, just in her mouth. The familiar taste told her that it was not sugar, but blood.

With eyes opened suspiciously, Selena saw Chen Mo’s hand being retracted, and there was a trace of red blood on the tip of a finger.

Little Selena, who felt she was cheated, pouted and looked towards Chen Mo with anger.

Chen Mo, who was stared at by Selenas big eyes, ignored her dissatisfaction, but lowered her head to observe her changes carefully.

After drinking a drop of Chen Mos blood, Selenas puffed face turned from pale to ruddy at a speed visible to naked eye, and restored Chen Mos original The natural state when I first met her in the workshop.

Obviously, the “perfect blood” from Chen Mo has worked.

For the little Selena, Chen Mo didn’t dare to let her experiment with the sun first, but stretched out the bloody finger that had just been pierced to her mouth.

“Open your mouth.”

Little Selena doesn’t buy the lord Chen Mo’s account this time, pouting her mouth and turning her head, ignore Chen Mo.

“A piece of candy.”

The temptation of her favorite candy made Little Selena lick her lips gently, but Little Brat was still a bit angry, stubbornly snorted, still He turned his head and refused to pay attention to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo couldn’t help laughing when he saw this.

“Two yuan.”

The little Selena was a little tangled now, turned her head and looked at the fingers in front of her hesitantly, but still refused to open her mouth.

“Ten yuan.”

Chen Mo’s voice carries a confidence that he is winning. With his knowledge of Little Brat, she can’t resist the temptation of so many sweets. .

Sure enough, Chen Mo did not expect it. When Chen Mo offered the sky-high price of ten candies, Little Selena fiercely swallowed her saliva, without the slightest hesitation raising her head and opening her mouth. The two big crescent eyes that were narrowed were full of joy.

Ten pieces of candy! Is it better to eat one piece a day, or eat it all at once?

Too many! So happy!

On one side, Amelia looked at this scene, her mouth couldn’t help showing a smile, this good-for-nothing little greedy cat!

Chen Mo squeezed another drop of blood into Selenas mouth. This time, little Selena was frowns and closed her mouth quickly, if it werent for the ten candy that Chen Mo promised, I already vomited the blood out of my mouth.

Chen Mo asked with a smile looking at her frowning little brows.

“What’s the smell?”

Little Selena heard this and said with a look of disgust.

“Salty, and smelly, not good Hah!”

She also had some doubts after saying that the first drop of blood she had just drank was still fragrant, why? Has it become awful this time?

Hearing Selenas answer, Chen Mo was finally relieved. It is obvious that she has now restored a normal sense of blood and got rid of her dependence on blood. His “perfect blood” is really Worked.

With this proof, coupled with the change of little Selenas skin color, Chen Mo is not too worried about the next experiment of exposure to sunlight.

Chen Mo took the little Selena to the window, still lightly opened a little curtain, let a small beam of sunlight shine in.

Seeing this golden sun, little Selena is very happy. She hasn’t seen the sun for a long time. Normally, the adults dont let her go out, and the castle never sees the sun. , She almost forgot the feeling of the sun shining on her body.

Selena couldn’t help but moved towards The bright sunlight took two steps closer, carefully watching her obliquely shining on the floor.

Amelia of Chen Mo who met Chen Mo didn’t stop, little Selena lightly stretched out her little hand and put it under the sun.

Without the violent pain like the flame burning that the adults told her before, the sun shone on her little white hands, and some were only warm and bright.

Chen Mo, standing behind him, finally felt relieved. It seemed that his perfect blood was no different from Alexander Covinus’s. His feeling was not at all wrong.

His body has been completely transformed by the blood of perfection, becoming an immortal body, and what his body has produced is the purest perfect blood.

“Sir Lord, you lie! The sun simply doesn’t hurt!”

Little Selena shook her little hand under the sun, looking up at Chen Mo said angrily.

Chen Mo hearing this slightly smiled, reached out and opened the curtains, letting the sun shine through the window completely.

The originally dark and cold study room was instantly filled with sunlight, becoming clear and bright, and with a touch of warmth.

Suddenly brighter light made little Selena feel a little uncomfortable, and quickly covered her eyes with her little hand, after a while, after a while to adapt, she put it down and squinted her eyes. Look out the window on tiptoe.

It’s just that she is too short. No matter how hard she stands on tiptoes, her head is always shorter than the window sill, and she can’t see outside.

Looking at her anxious little face flushing, Chen Mo slightly smiled, stepping forward and holding her up.

Little Selena sits on Chen Mo’s bent arm, with one arm around Chen Mo’s neck, she stretched her neck excitedly and looked out the window.

Chen Mos study is above the main building of Blackstone City Fort. Through the windows, you can see the strong castle outside, the tall city wall, and the vast plains in the distance.

The green grass and trees, the incomparably wide blue sky and the floating white clouds made Selena look happy.

When she was less than ten years old, she spent several years in the castle without seeing the sun. She had already forgotten what the world outside was like. At this time, she saw it just like the first time she saw it. Excited and happy.

“The sun did burn you before, but never again. You can play under the sun anymore.”

“And you dont need to drink blood anymore. , You can eat what you want like before.”

Selena hearing this happily clap her hands, twisting to let Chen Mo put her down, and happily rushed out of the study, toward Running up the stairs, it seemed that the impatient wanted to go outside and had fun.

Amelia was a little worried and gave a salute to Chen Mo and quickly followed along.

Chen Mo has a smile on the corner of his mouth, and sits down after returning to the desk.

The bottle of perfect blood left on the table shines with scarlet rays of light in the sun.


Alexander Covinuss body recovered very quickly. Chen Mo carefully controlled the amount of blood taken when he took blood. Losing that blood would only make He was temporarily weak for a period of time, and there would be no mortal danger. With his strong physical fitness, he would soon recover.

The large amount of blood drawn from him before has been left after the evolution of Chen Mo himself. Chen Mo used them to carry out all the rest of the Knights and the craftsmen in the workshop. Strengthen, completely eliminate the original flaws of the vampire.

After drinking a drop of blood bestowed by Chen Mo, the Knights cheered and took off their helmets, enjoying the warm sunshine and chanting Chen Mo’s name silently in their hearts.

The craftsmen and family members of the workshop also happily walked out of the cave, moved towards the castle and bowed down in prayer, thanking Chen Mo for giving them strength and immortality, and helping them find the lost light .

I have to say that Alexander Covinus has good luck. If the blood drawn before is not enough to support Chen Mo’s evolution, Chen Mo will definitely continue to draw perfect blood from him until The evolution is finally completed.

Today, Chen Mo has successfully evolved, and all the vampires under his command have got rid of the fear of sunlight and dependence on blood. He has finally ended his fate of being drawn blood and no longer needs to be a blood cow. .

Having obtained the blood of perfection and successfully evolved into an immortal body, the ultimate goal of coming to this World has been over fulfilled, but Chen Mo did not rush to leave.

Now Chen Mo has a truly eternal life. Time has no meaning to him. One year, ten years, or a hundred years are just a number for him, so why bother For a while.

Besides, he still has many things to do.

At this time, the entire European continent is completely under Chen Mo’s rule, from the Atlantic coast in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east. The vast land in between has all become Chen Mo’s territory. , All the civilians on this land have also become his people.

It would be inappropriate to call him a lord at this time.

3 months later, the ruler of the European continent, Chen Mo, officially ascended to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Blackstone City Fort, and established a strong Great Empire across Europe.

Andrew, Amelia, Victor, and Marcus were awarded the highest-level Golden Knight title of the Temple Knight regiment, and they were made dukes, each giving a vast land as their Fiefdom.

Of course, this is only their identity on the surface. In the vampire empire created by Chen Mo, unknown to the ordinary person, the four of them will serve as the Four Great Elders of the vampire family, named Chen Mo Manage the entire family of vampires.

Because of the transformation of Perfect Blood, vampires no longer need to become a corpse and enter a dormant state to improve their strength as in the movie.

Like Alexander Covinus, with the accumulation of years, their strength will naturally continue to grow. Of course, the speed of this improvement is very slow.

Alexander Covinus, the earliest Undead, has lived for hundreds of years, and his strength has only reached six times that of an ordinary person, which is twice as powerful as an ordinary vampire with three times the physical fitness , Of course, this was enough for him to crush ordinary vampires.

Actually, after the transformation of the perfect blood, they got rid of the dependence on blood. They can no longer be called vampires, but they still retain the echolocation ability like a bat, so Chen Mo I think it’s more appropriate to call them Batman.

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