My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1209

Since he was pretending to be dead, he could no longer call Heimdall to teleport him back to Asgard. Originally, Loki planned to continue driving the airship back to Asgard through a secret passage, but when he saw When the dark elf standing by the side battleship, Loki’s eyes couldn’t help but brighten!

This battleship should have been cleaned up by Chen Mo, and he can drive this battleship back!

But when Loki raised his foot to walk towards it, the gangway protruding under the battleship was suddenly retracted, the hatch closed, the battleship engine started, and the huge battleship slowly separated from the ground, quickly Take off.

Loki watched the dark elf battleship leave with a stunned look, his face full of suspicion, and he couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Could it be that there are still surviving dark elves in the battleship?

Thinking about it, Loki found that there was only one reason to explain it.

Looking at the dark elf battleship that quickly disappeared into the clouds in the sky, Loki couldn’t help but slander Chen Mo.

So strong, how to clean up a battleship and leave a fish that escaped the net is too unprofessional!

In fact, Loki did not know that a dark elf in the battleship did not survive at this time, and it was Jarvis who controlled the battleship to take off!

When Loki just suspended his death, the dark elf battleship was already controlled by Jarvis. Before Chen Mo took Thor and Jane Foster away, he ordered Jarvis to fly the dark elf battleship back to earth!

Seeing that the battleship he had gotten flew away by himself, Loki had to turn around and moved towards the top of the mountain when he came.

The slope of this mountain slope is very steep, it is very easy when going down the mountain, but it is unavoidable to have some trouble when going up the mountain.

After finally climbing to the top of the mountain, Loki patted the dust on his body while climbing, looking towards the Asgard airship parked aside, but the mighty silhouette of the huge dark elf battleship could not help but come to mind.

Wait for his next plan to succeed and successfully ascend to the throne, he just needs such a mighty and domineering car to highlight his greatness!

That’s all without a chance, but an advanced and powerful battleship that can be obtained by seeing it, but flying away in a blink of an eye, how can Loki feel comfortable.

But now it’s too late to say anything, Loki had to clear up his mood and board the airship.

Steering the airship into the air, moved towards the secret passage he knew and flew away, the anger on Loki’s face gradually disappeared, but a touch of expectation slowly emerged.

Although the dark elf battleship didn’t get it, it didn’t affect his plan at all!

The airship was flying fast, but Lokis silhouette changed quickly. With a golden light flashing across his body, Lokis robe turned into a set of golden armor worn by Asgard soldiers. Even his face has changed, and the whole person looks completely different!

Even if Thor is here, he can’t recognize him, he just thinks that the one standing in front of him is an Asgard soldier!

Driving the airship, Loki returned to Asgard from another secret passage.

The subtle Illusion Technique disguise did not arouse anyone’s suspicion, and Loki came to the Golden Palace unobstructed.

Loki, disguised as a soldier holding lance, strode into the palace, came to the throne, and said loudly to Odin, who was standing with his back in front of the broken throne.

“Sorry, Your Majesty! I have brought back the Dark World news!”

Odin hearing this turned his head and looked at the “soldier” below and said.


Loki shook the head, replied.

“Not at all I saw Thor, and that weapon was not found, but…”

Odin could not help turning around solemnly asked when he heard the “soldier” hesitating.

“What’s wrong?”

Loki said immediately.

“We found a corpse!”

Odin hearing this, a silhouette flashed quickly in his mind, his complexion could not help but he looked towards the soldier and said.


Loki saw Odin’s reaction in his eyes. It turned out that this Old Guy still cares about him!

But this will not make him change his plan.

Between him and Thor, Odin has always been biased towards Thor. This is an indisputable fact. Loki is therefore very dissatisfied with Odin. The last time Odin ordered him to be permanently imprisoned in the dungeon, he was Angered.

Although Odin’s eyes also showed concern for him at this time, it was not enough to make Loki change his mind!

Facing Odin’s gaze, Loki nodded, Odin’s guess was confirmed, and he couldn’t help being lost.

He also admits that he prefers Thor more, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about Loki!

In fact, his love and expectations for Loki are no less than Thor, and he has never coldly treated Loki because he is not his own.

The reason why he prefers Thor is also because of his strong and brave personality, and he is more suitable to be a king than the cunning Loki!

So he has always cultivated Thor as his successor, so Loki will naturally feel that he is partial.

The reason why Loki was ordered to be put in the dungeon was because he made a serious mistake and didn’t know how to repent.

As long as Loki reflects on it in the future and realizes his own mistakes, Odin will let him go!

After all, in his heart, he has always treated Loki as a newborn!

Suddenly learned of Loki’s death at this time, Odin was still hit very hard. At that moment, Odin’s brain couldn’t help but go blank!

And when Odin was lost, Loki suddenly shot two golden lights in his eyes, and shot them straight into Odin’s eyes.

Odin, who lost his mind after hearing the news of Lokis death, was completely in a state of undefended spirit. Loki took advantage of it. The powerful Illusion Technique directly sealed Odins spirit strength and Odins eyes instantly Become at a loss!

When Loki saw this, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but evoke a triumphant smile. At this time, Odin had fallen into Loki’s Illusion Technique, his consciousness and spirit strength were completely sealed, and he had lost his relationship with the outside world. The whole person doesnt seem to have the imposing manner of the king of gods anymore, but like an old man with severe Alzheimers!

Loki looked at Odin who was controlled by his Illusion Technique, raised his hand excitedly, and a golden light flashed across both of them at the same time. The images of the two of them changed directly, and Odin became A Divine Race soldier, and Loki has become like Odin!

Under the action of the Illusion Technique, Loki’s dull eyes have also changed, and they look piercing, no different from normal soldiers.

Looking at the broken throne above, Loki’s eyes flashed with desire, but worried that Thor might return at any time, it would be a long night, Loki did not dare to delay, and immediately moved towards Rainbow Bridge with the soldier that Odin had turned into Go!

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