My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1207

Chen Mo said, leading the two of them to continue walking forward. In his mind force induction, there is a space channel not far in front, and Chen Mo’s mind force passes through The space channel directly sensed the situation on the opposite side, which was the construction site in London before!

Seeing Chen Mos silhouette walked forward two steps, it was like passing through a ripple and disappearing in front of them instantly. Jane Foster and Thor glanced at each other, preparing to follow Chen Mo to continue to Walking forward, Thor suddenly cry out in surprise.

“Wait, I forgot Loki! His body is still there!”

Jane Foster, hearing this, moved towards Chen Mo where he disappeared , I couldn’t help but wonder if Chen Mo did it on purpose!

But Chen Mo has now returned to Earth, and they dont know where Loki is. They dont know how long it will take to find Loki again. Jane Foster immediately turned around and looked annoyed. Thor, said softly.

“Why don’t we go to the earth first, and pick him up later!”

Thor was teleported all the way by Chen Mo. I dont know where I am now. I heard Jane. Foster’s words had to be nodded.

Anyway, the person is already dead, and the body will not be lost if you put it there. If you come later, come later!

Now the earths matter is more urgent!

Thor immediately moved towards Jane Foster nodded, temporarily letting go of Loki’s affairs.

The two moved side by side towards the place where Chen Mo disappeared, and the silhouette passed through the space channel at the same time and disappeared within the cave!

Appearing again, Thor found that they had left the cave and came to an open space in the middle of the construction site.

Jane Foster originally thought they would fall from the two connected space channels located in the stairwell, so he held Thors arms tightly with both hands, ready to hang on his Body.

But soon she discovered that the situation was not what she thought.

Turning his head to take a closer look at the surrounding environment, Jane Foster immediately discovered that they were actually still in the construction site, but it was obvious that the space channel had changed, so where they appeared Subtle changes have also taken place.

Just when the two of them first appeared, several black clothed agents in charge of guarding in the distance had already stepped forward and Chen Mo, who had returned first, reported.

Jane Foster looked around, but did not see the silhouettes of Selvig Court Academecian, Daisy and Ian. Looking at the black clothed agent who was reporting to Chen Mo, Jane. Foster walked over quickly.

“…The detection device has been stepped up and manufactured, and our people are being placed in the Greenwich area according to the requirements of the Selweig Court Academecian, and the civilians in the area have also been evacuated… “

Jane Foster heard the black clothed agent’s words, and only then had the worries he had been relieved.

After Chen Mo got the general situation, he asked Selvig Court Academecian where they are now, and then teleported over again with Thor and Jane Foster.

This time, Thor was mentally prepared in advance, and when Chen Mo started teleporting, he quickly closed his eyes, and when he felt Chen Mo stop, he opened it cautiously. eye.

At this time, they had left the construction site and came to a tower. Many agents dressed in black cloth were working intensively in front of rows of computers temporarily placed.

This is the tallest tower of the University of Greenwich.

It is located in the center of Greenwich, and it can also overlook the whole Greenwich, which is convenient for them to observe, command and respond at any time.

Thor soon saw the silhouette of Sylvie Court Academecian and Daisy not far away.

At the beginning, he was demoted from Divine Realm by Odin, and the first three people he met were the three of Sylvie Court Academecian, who were considered old friends.

After they appeared, Servig Court Academecian and Daisy also quickly spotted them.


Daisy walked quickly to Jane Foster, stretched her arms around her, and said excitedly.

“You are finally back, if it weren’t for the commander’s message, we would have thought something happened to you!”

Daisy couldn’t help but complain.

“This World is crazy! The natural phenomenon we saw before is everywhere!”

While Daisy and Daisy were talking, Thor also walked over In front of Selvig Court Academecian, he greeted him.

“Are you okay, Eric?”

Selvig Court Academecian looked at Thor, involuntarily thinking of Loki, who controlled him half a year ago, and couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. Asked.

“Didn’t your younger brother come together?”

Thor hearing this said sadly.

“Loki, he is dead!”

Selvig Court Academecian hearing this, a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

“Thank God!”

As soon as the words were spoken, Court Academecian Selvig remembered that this was in front of Thor. Anyway, Loki was his younger brother.

Sylvie Court Academecian immediately turned his face straight, and quickly suppressed the excited expression, and said to Thor with a heavy tone.

“I, I’m so sad…please be sorry!”

Thor hearing this nodded with sadness.

“Thank you!”

At this moment, Chen Mo interrupted everyone’s chat and rescued Selvig Court Academecian from a somewhat embarrassing situation.

“Eric, has the detection device been set up? How is the situation of the space channel now?”

Sylvie Court Academecian quickly turned around and walked to Chen Mo’s side, lifted The control terminal in his hand said to him.

“The space detection device has basically been installed, and the installation can be completed within a few minutes. At present, there are a total of 103 unstable space channels in the entire Greenwich area.”

Salvig Court Academecian said and pointed the map on the control terminal to Chen Mo.

What is displayed on the screen is the map of the Greenwich area. At this time, there are many red spots distributed in the whole area, there are almost more than one hundred.

Selvig Court Academecian continued.

“These space channels are extremely unstable. The shortest existence time is only a few seconds, and the more can exist for a long time. At the same time, new wormholes are constantly appearing, and over time, celestial bodies gather Gradually reaching a climax, wormholes appear more and more frequently, now there are one hundred and seventeen!”

Sylvie Court Academecian pointed to the increasing number of space channels in the corner of the screen. , Said to Chen Mo with respect.

“Fortunately, you directly found the area where the space channel appeared, and let us evacuate the civilians in this area in time, otherwise many people will accidentally pass through the space channel, that would be troublesome!”


Chen Mo did not speak after listening to nodded, but instead looked towards a gentle black clothed agent who had been standing aside. It was Phil who was ordered to London by Chen Mo to direct the operation. _Phil Colson!

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