My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 119

In order to meet the vampire’s need for blood, Chen Mo has established a farm to provide fresh blood for the Knight regiment and workshop.

Of course, vampires do not need blood like humans do. They need to eat frequently. As long as the body is not injured, there is no problem even if they do not drink blood for several days.

But once injured, the vampire’s need for blood becomes very urgent, and enough blood can also allow the vampire to quickly recover from the injury, and soon become intact.

There was fresh blood just delivered in the castle. It didn’t take long for Amelia to return to Chen Mo’s study with a cup of bright red blood.

Chen Mo waved to her and motioned to her to hand over the blood to Andrew who was standing aside.

Receiving the glass containing animal blood from Amelia, Andrew looked at Chen Mo with some doubts.

“Taste it and try how it tastes.”

Andrew hearing this glanced at the blood in his hand and didn’t think much about it. He put the cup to his mouth and gently Take a sip.

As the blood entered his mouth, Andrew’s brows suddenly frowned, and then he vomited the blood out of his mouth.


When Chen Mo saw the eyes shined, he quickly asked.

“It’s too bad to drink, there is a strong fishy smell, is this blood not fresh?”

Andrew turned his head and looked towards Ami who got the blood Leah asked uncertainly.

Amelia is also showing doubts, she shouldn’t. The blood is obviously just collected from the livestock and it is very fresh.

She believes that people on the farm would never dare to send stale blood to the castle.

Besides, she also smelled it when she took the blood before. It was indeed fresh blood.

Two steps forward, Amelia reached out and took the wine glass in Andrew’s hand, first put it under her nose and smelled it, and found that not at all is wrong, so she took it to her mouth and took a light drink Take a sip.

The expression swallowed the blood down her throat with enjoyment, and Amelia looked a little strange towards Andrew.

“Very fresh blood, no questions, what’s the matter with you?”

Andrew did not answer her question, but turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo.

“Sir Lord, is this?…”

“It seems that your shortcomings have been completely made up, I think you should be able to enjoy the food as before. “

Originally converted into vampires, their food is only blood. All the delicious and delicious food before becomes hard to swallow in their mouths, and even if they try to eat them, In the end, they would vomit all of them out of control.

Chen Mo speculates that this is due to changes in their sense of smell, taste, brain perception, and the entire digestive system after being transformed into a vampire.

Just like sheep eating grass, wolves eating meat, different creatures have different needs and feelings for food. The stomachs of carnivores can no longer digest crude fiber plants, and vampires can no longer eat them. Foods other than blood.

Blood that smells bad for ordinary person is delicious and fragrant for vampires.

Compared with the monotonous blood, Andrew is still very happy that he can continue to enjoy human food again, which makes him feel like he has become a person again, not a blood-sucking monster.

“Any other changes?”

A question from Chen Mo interrupted Andrew’s reverie about food.

Hearing Chen Mo’s words, Andrew carefully felt the changes in his body, then pulled out the long sword and waved it in place, but he didn’t notice any other changes.

Putting away the long sword, Andrew said to Chen Mo sternly.

“My lord, no other changes have been found.”

Chen Mo hearing this nodded, it seems that the effect of a drop of perfect blood is limited to the shortcomings of the vampire, in terms of strength not at all has been enhanced.

Amelia on the side was made a little unfathomable mystery by the words of the two, and looked towards the two with a blank face.

Chen Mo slightly smiled, not in a hurry to answer the doubts in her heart, but picked up the test tube containing Alexander Covinus’ blood and handed it to Andrew.

“Drink them all.”

This time Andrew was not as straightforward as the first time, and Fowns drank all the blood in the test tube.

This time he can clearly feel that there seems to be a huge change in his body.

“Sir Lord, my body seems to have changed!”

Without waiting for Chen Mo to ask, Andrew clenched and loosened his fists, feeling the changes in his body. One side spoke with some uncertainty.

It seems that the feeling is not very accurate, Andrew pulled out the long sword again and prepared to dance the long sword for a trial.

Amelia on the side finally couldn’t help it. With a “shua”, she pulled out the long sword from her waist and strode forward and stood beside Andrew.

“Let me help you see what has changed in your body!”

As Amelia turned her head and looked towards Chen Mo seriously, Waiting for his approval.

Chen Mo couldnt help being amused when he saw it, and recalled that in the castle of the Marquis of Leonard, after hearing Chen Mo said that he was here to propose a marriage, Amelia got up angrily. Sword, ready to lead Knight and Chen Mo to the death battle.

Obviously, Amelia, who is arrogant and frank, is angry because of the relationship between the two. There is no way to take Chen Mo, so she is ready to cast her anger on poor Andrew.

Chen Mo glanced at Andrew who was somewhat unfathomable mystery, and smiled and nodded lightly.

With Chen Mo’s permission, Amelia turned to Andrew, gave him a pair of beautiful eyes fiercely, and then tenderly shouted, and rushed up with her sword.

When Andrew saw this, he quickly raised his sword to block, Amelia Ruthless, and Long Sword kept cutting off at him, and the two fought against each other in Chen Mo’s spacious study.

Originally, Andrew’s strength was slightly stronger than Amelia, but he has always lost in the previous two trials.

Because of being afraid of accidentally hurting her, Andrew never dared to use his full strength and kept carefully letting Amelia down.

This time is no exception, Andrew still chose defense as the mainstay, but after a few moves, they both found the difference.

Although Andrew deliberately kept her hand, Amelia still felt the tremendous pressure. In the short-lived match, Andrew’s strength and speed far surpassed her.

When the long sword fights, Amelia only feels a huge force that is far superior to the previous one from Andrews sword, and her hands are a little numb if its not for Andrew to stop in time and say The long sword in the uncertain hand will be knocked into the air.

The two stopped fighting after a while. Amelia looked at Andrew in surprise, not understanding how his strength suddenly became so much stronger.

But it was Amelia, her brain was not stupid at all, she instantly thought of the conversation between the two and the blood in the test tube that Andrew drank.

“What was the blood just now?…”

Faced with Amelias question, Andrew did not answer, but turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo, although he asked It is his love, but without Chen Mo’s permission, he would never tell the secret privately.

Amelia also reacted when she saw it, turned her head and looked towards Chen Mo. She knew that this must be very important, and she couldn’t help but feel a little worried. I wonder if Chen Mo will allow her. know.

Chen Mo naturally had nothing to hide from his loyal subordinates, and told them all about the identity of Alexander Covinus and the secret of his blood.

He saw the battle between the two just now. Although Andrew deliberately gave in and didn’t use his full strength, Chen Mo still accurately judged his current level of strength.

After drinking the perfect blood in the entire test tube, Andrews strength has been greatly improved. He originally had more than three times the physical fitness of an ordinary person, but now he has improved to five times that of an ordinary person. Times, similar to the American Captain Steve modified by the enhanced Super Soldier serum.

I also wanted to see how perfect blood can strengthen the vampire. Chen Mo asked Andrew to drink a perfect blood, but this time, besides making him feel more energetic and full of enthusiasm, Did not continue to enhance his strength.

It seems that the perfect blood has already been the limit for vampires to strengthen before. Drinking more is of no use, and it may even exceed the body’s ability to withstand it and directly burst the body.

After the initial experiment was successful, Chen Mo ordered Victor to be called to the study room. These three were Chen Mo’s most capable men and the most loyal and powerful Knight to him.

Looking at the three confidants standing in front of him, Chen Mo took two test tubes filled with bright red blood from the shelf on the table. Amelia was full of excitement, and Vic With much confusion on his face, he gave them two test tubes.

“Andrew, you can explain to Victor.”

Chen Mo turned around and sat down on the chair, and waited for Andrew to finish the story of Alexander Covinus With the effect of the blood in the test tube in their hands, Victor and Amelia, who were also excited about the expression, raised their fingers and motioned for them to drink the perfect blood.

Soon, Victor and Amelia also absorbed the blood of perfection, completed the strengthening, the strength double breakthrough, reached five times the physical fitness of ordinary people, of course, due to the characteristics of vampires, they The speed is still slightly stronger than the strength.

The secret of Alexander Covinus and Perfect Blood Chen Mo only told their three people and did not intend to let more people know.

In fact, after several years of fighting, all the Knights in the Temple Knight regiment have become more and more loyal to Chen Mo. Chen Mo is not worried that they will betray or reveal the secret of Perfect Blood.

The reason why the secret of controlling the blood of perfection is only known to Andrews is not to guard against the Knights, but to guard against the ambitious people who may appear in the future. After all, no one will say no to the future. Yes, some secrets are better to be blocked tightly. The more people you know, the more likely problems will arise.

“Now, you go outside and guard for me. Without my permission, you are not allowed to let anyone in!”

The effect of perfect blood has been verified. Down, it’s his turn!

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