My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1189

Loki couldn’t help but looked towards Thor and asked with a frown.

“Why do you trust me?”

He has deceived Thor and Odin many times before, and he doesn’t believe they will trust him so much.

Thor hearing this gave Loki a deep look, and his voice replied.

“I don’t trust you, but the queen trusts you!”

“I want to say that when we played against each other, I did have a glimmer of hope for you, because after all It’s my brother!”

Hearing this, Loki couldn’t help but change his expression. I remembered Thor’s show mercy for him again and again, and every time he trusted him, he was finally betrayed!

While Loki reflected on his betrayal and harm to Thor in the past, he heard Thor continue to say.

“But now, that kind of hope no longer exists. I will never show mercy to you again. If you dare to betray me, I will kill you!”

Loki hearing This is not at all angry, he can feel Thor’s disappointment in him.

Loki asks himself, and its him. Faced with the brother’s repeated betrayals and deceptions, he may have hated him, not just disappointed like Thor!

Looking at Thor with a stern face, Loki felt warm in his heart and asked with a smile.

“When shall we leave?”


Immediately, Thor released Loki from the cell and took him with him Leaving the dungeon.

Being locked up in the dungeon for more than half a year, Loki couldn’t help but get a little excited when he was free, and asked as he walked forward with Thor.

“Man, what is your plan? The two of us took your little girlfriend to Walter Alheim, and then used her as a bait to lure the dark elves over, and then? You greatly showing divine might , Kill them all? What is my mission? Help you cheer?”

Thor Wenyan kept walking and took Loki out of the Golden Palace, moving towards an Asgard that stopped not far away The airship walked over and said without looking back.

“First, you missed someone, and second, your task is not just to cheer!”

Just when Loki’s face was puzzled, the rest of his eyes Suddenly I found two familiar silhouettes!

Loki quickly raised his head and took a closer look. When he saw the two people standing next to the airship clearly, his steps couldn’t help but he couldn’t help but almost tripped himself to the ground!

The tall silhouette in black armor next to Jane Foster is not the person he least wants to see in his heart!

His destined nemesis!

There was a shivered in his heart, and Loki suddenly understood what Thor had just said. He indeed missed someone, and this person is Chen Mo!

Looking at Chen Mo who was standing next to the airship and looking towards him, Loki couldn’t help but slow down, and said to Thor with a very unnatural expression.

“Otherwise, I won’t go, anyway, my strength is not strong, and I can’t help much if I go. It’s better to let Fandal and Sif go with you!”

Thor hearing this said without looking back.

“The commander called you to go, and your mission was also arranged by him. You should tell him directly!”

Loki hearing this glanced at him It seems that Chen Mo lowered his head quickly, and followed Thor without a word.

As for rejection, forget it. As a member of Asgard, he has an obligation to fight for Asgard!

Of course, the most important thing is that he has no guts to defy Chen Mo!

He has learned enough lessons from Chen Mo, and he has already been scared by Chen Mo.

So after Thor walked to the airship, Loki didn’t dare to mention anything, Thor gave him a glance, showing an unexpected expression.

When Loki came to Chen Mo, he felt a dull pain in his body, and his legs were a little soft. After all, the painful memory before was too strong. Every time I saw Chen Mo, nothing was good, or Be beaten by him, or kicked off a cliff or a tall building!

If the airship hadn’t been parked on a flat ground and replaced with an outdoor platform of the Golden Palace, Loki would definitely hide as far away as possible and would never step forward!

Free fall on the earth is that’s all. If he does this again in Asgard, he will have no face to stay in Asgard in the future!

Originally Loki was worried that Chen Mo would take care of him as soon as he met, but what made him sighed in relief was that Chen Mo just stood there quietly until he came to the airship, not at all means hands-on.

However, Loki still instinctively leans on Thor. At the critical moment, only Thor can save him!

However, Chen Mo, who he had been guarding, didn’t respond, but Jane Foster, who was ignored by him, walked towards him with strides before and after he walked to the airship.

Loki stood beside Thor, looked at Thors earth girlfriend, looked at Thors face, and spoke politely.

“Under Loki, you may have heard of me…”

As Loki said, he saw Jane Foster aggressively approaching him, so violently right. The hand is fiercely slapped his face.


Loki’s words were not finished, but they were interrupted by Jane Foster!

“This is for New York!”

Jane Foster looked at Loki angrily and said sharply.

Thor looked at this familiar scene and couldn’t help but remember the scene where Jane Foster had slapped twice in the Medical Room before. Jane was good at everything, but this temper was ignited!

But it is not him who is being beaten now, Thor is happy to watch the jokes too.

For Loki, Jane Foster’s mortal power hitting him is simply no different from tickling.

Looking at Jane Foster who stared at him angrily, Loki couldn’t help but looked towards Thor, said with a smile.

“I like her!”

Thor, who originally watched the joke, saw a trace of playfulness and sympathy in Loki’s eyes.

It seems to be saying that although I can’t beat you, your little earth girlfriend can clean you up!

Although he knew that Loki impossible knew that he was slapped twice by Jane Foster, Thor couldn’t help but something guilty in Loki’s playful gaze, and immediately turned his head and said to everyone.

“It’s getting late, let’s set off right away!”

Jane Foster knew that it was not time to avenge the earth, so he gave Loki a fiercely fiercely. Turned around and stepped on the airship.

Loki doesn’t care about Jane Foster’s anger, but he can’t care about Chen Mo!

Seeing that Chen Mo got on the airship and stood at the bow of the ship, not at all pay him attention. Loki then set foot on the airship with Thor, but he was standing at the back of the airship.

“Where are we going now?”

After boarding the boat, Loki couldn’t help but ask Thor.

“Rainbow Bridge?”

Thor shook the head and said to Loki.

“No, let’s go the secret passage!”

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