My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1175

Under this severe pain, Algorim couldn’t help but seep a bead of sweat, trying to control himself to stay still.

Before the cursed stone was completely squeezed into the body, Algorim resisted the severe pain from his abdomen, looked up at Malekis, and said decisively.

“I will destroy their defenses and help you build a brand new universe!”

Malakis hearing this turned around and took one from the Dark Spirit Spirit Warrior soldier The fierce mask with long horns and fangs personally helped Algorim put it on his head, blocking the iconic sharp ears of the dark elf.

In this way, from the outside, the tall Algorim looks more like a savage robber, no one will associate him with the dark elf!

After that, with the important mission of destroying the defense of Asgard, Algorim took a small fighter plane on the battleship and secretly entered Wanaheim, which had just ended the battle, and got into the Asgard for imprisonment. Among the prisoners of war!

As Odin said, relying on the remaining dark elf battleship and less than a hundred dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers, they want a direct attack and enter Asgard to capture ether particles. It is simply impossible!

Asgard’s defense is not so easy to break through!

It is very possible that they were completely wiped out by Asgard before they got close to the ether particles!

Even if the dark elves have the strongest battle strength and curse the warriors, it is difficult for them to break into the heavily guarded Golden Palace!

But no matter how strong a fortress is, it can be easily destroyed from the inside!

So Malekis who stake all on one throw plans to let Algorim mix into the Golden Palace and destroy Asgard’s defenses from within!

The plan was also very smooth. Algorim, disguised as a captured robber, followed the other prisoners of war very smoothly and was escorted to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge, where he was imprisoned in a dungeon under the Golden Palace.

“All are in line!”

“Go forward!”


Dungeon Tianzi No. 1 cell When Loki first heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs above, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. It wasn’t until he saw that the new batch of prisoners had arrived, that Loki finally sighed in relief.

Fortunately, it is not that evil star!

I hope he never comes here again!

Just when Loki was secretly grateful, he suddenly felt a familiar wave of magic spread behind him.

Loki, who was still a little nervous just now, instantly regained his usual high cold, standing in front of the energy barrier glowing with golden light with his hands on his back, quietly watching the prisoners and escorts walking on the aisle outside. The soldier said indifferently.

“Odin keeps sending me new friends, so thoughtful!”

At this moment, a gentle female voice sounded behind Loki.

“Do you not like the book I sent?”

Loki turned around with a cold face, looking towards I dont know when he appeared in the cell, with a face The loving middle-aged woman, a trace of tenderness flashed deep in her eyes, but she still pretended to be casual and said indifferently.

“Do I just kill the rest of my life like this? Reading?”

The woman who appeared in the cell, the queen of Odin, the mother of Thor and Loki, Frigga watched Loki softly Said.

“I have tried my best to make your life more comfortable, Loki.”

Loki smiled coldly when hearing this, and put his hands on the table, watching Frigga slowly said .

“Really? I don’t know if Odin cares about this as much as you, and Thor.”

“Let them worry about me day and night, I’m really a bit sad!”

Loki pretended to be relaxed, but his tone was full of resentment.

Frigga looked at Loki and said to him with a serious face.

“You know very well that you have come to this step today, completely having only oneself to blame.”

“having only oneself to blame?”

Loki spread out his hands with a look of surprise, then said nonchalantly.

“I just exposed the lie that deceived my life. What do you say I was born to be a king!”

“Be a king?”

Frigga Hearing this said to Loki angrily.

“The real king has the courage to admit his mistakes. How many lives have you killed on the earth?”

Loki hearing this was involuntarily frustrated. What happened on earth was him. The great shame that I dont want to recall so far!

His original plan was to use Chitauri’s army to rule the earth, but he suffered a disastrous defeat. Chen Mo was cleaned up from beginning to end, not to mention ruling the earth. Even Chitauri’s army was completely planted. It was Chen Mo who suffered a big loss. He was beaten for several times, not to mention, he became a prisoner most of the time and was imprisoned!

As for how many lives have been killed on the earth?

Except for killing some people when capturing Tesseract and Iridium meteorites, they were later captured directly by Chen Mo. Although the battle in New York was fierce in the later period, they were all against the Avengers. A group of super powerhouses on Earth hit, civilians were evacuated long ago, and there were almost no civilian casualties!

In other words, the invasion he carefully planned did not cause much casualties!

But Loki didn’t want to admit his fiasco, and immediately continued to pretend to be cold, and said nonchalantly.

“Compared with the people killed by Odin, that little person is not worth mentioning!”

Frigga heard Loki mention Odin, and knew that when he fought in the nine kingdoms, Indeed, countless enemies were killed, but she still explained.

“Your father…”

Loki was instantly excited when he heard the words “Father”, so he turned around and moved towards Frigga loudly shouted.

“He is not my father!”

Who is the person Loki hates most now? It is not that he has been jealous and is better than him in every way. This time he personally arrested him. The Thor who came back was not Chen Mo who beat him several times and destroyed his plan to rule the earth, but Odin!

Odin always told him that he was born king just like Thor, but he prefers Thor everywhere. When he followed Odins past practice and led his army to conquer the earth, Odin said he did something wrong and sent After Thor caught him back, he personally ordered him to be kept in the dungeon forever!

What Loki until now did was just to prove himself, get Odin’s approval, and get the throne he deserves as Odin said, but now, Odin has completely shattered all of this!

Frigga looked at Loki with an angry face, was silent for a long time, and couldn’t help but ask softly.

“Then I am not your mother?”

Loki hearing this, his cold eyes could not help but flash quickly, my heart was extremely entangled, watching quietly watching His Frigga hesitated for a long time, and finally he whispered stiffly.

“You are not.”

It’s just that Loki regrets it after saying it.

Frigga hearing this involuntarily shook the head, and immediately laughed a little lost, walked up to Loki and looked at him slowly said.

“You have seen through everyone except yourself!”

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