My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 117

The ruler of the entire European continent, in the ancient and magnificent Blackstone City forts conference hall, is the Peak battle between the two most powerful houses in the world.

Alexander Covinus rushed to Chen Mo at an astonishing speed. The long sword in his hand pierced the air with unparalleled momentum, and moved towards Chen Mos chest. Past.

The powerful force and astonishing speed that broke out in this move instantly made the presence of Andrew and Victor and the others complexion greatly changed.

The battle between Chen Mo and Alexander Covinus on the sailing ship ended very quickly. They didnt know how strong Covinus was. They didnt know until then. , This Chen Mo has been searching for a goal for several years, but he is so powerful.

Faced with Alexander Covinuss unparalleled swiftness, Chen Mo saw rays of light flourishing in his eyes, and he only felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and his mind was clear and focused like never before.

This is the feeling of fighting!

With both eyes firmly locked on the swift sword in front of him, Chen Mo’s legs, waist and hips are strong, while the upper body rotates to the left and swings the sword to block, the center of gravity of the whole body moves towards Offset to the right, avoiding the attack track of Alexander Covinus’ long sword.

The rotation of the body drives the shoulders and arms. The strength of the whole body rises from the feet, and the strength of various parts of the waist and back, shoulders and arms are constantly superimposed and accumulated, reaching Peak during the rotation.

The long sword in Chen Mo’s hand carries a tremendous amount of power, and with the force of wind and thunder from the side, it slashes heavily on the long sword stabbed by Alexander Covinus.


Along with the sound of an extremely loud long sword clash, Alexander Covinus’ unparalleled sword was missed by Chen Mo.

At this time, Covinus has already rushed to Chen Mo’s body. Without waiting for him to return his sword to launch the next attack, Chen Mo directly took a step forward, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand borrowed The rebounding force of a blow, from left to right, moved towards Alexander Covinus and cut across.

A swift stab attack was opened by Chen Mo. Facing Chen Mo’s swift change of the sword, Alexander Covinus was not at all panicked.

He kept in shape, still rushing forward, and at the same time twisting his body. The long sword in his hand, which was missed by Chen Mo, withdrew to block almost at the same time as Chen Mo. Before he could let his hair out, he blocked Chen with his sword. Mo’s sword came across.

“Boom! chi! !……”

The crisp long sword symphony resounded throughout the hall.

The blade of Chen Mo slashed across the sword of Alexander Covinus, bringing out a burst of flickering sparks, but he failed to cut off the long sword as before.

The two men’s attacks were blocked by the other party, without a pause, the two wielded their swords to fight together again.

Suddenly, the intensive long sword clashing sounded in the entire hall, and the silhouettes of the two moved around the hall at a very fast speed, surpassing them by a crowd of vampires Knight. The eyesight of ordinary people can’t fully keep up with the speed of the two, let alone see the details of their battle.

At this time, in this magnificent castle hall, in addition to Chen Mo and Alexander Covinus who are fighting, there are also Andrew, Victor, and Amelia. And dozens of guarded vampire Knight.

Just as the battle between Chen Mo and Chen Mo was going on fiercely, when all Knights eyes were attracted by the two people in the field, one was only eight-nine years old and dressed in pink and jade. A little blonde girl in a cute princess dress stumbled in from an entrance that connected to the inside of the castle.

After the little girl heard the news of the triumphant return of the Knight regiment, she hurried over. As soon as she entered the hall, she saw Sir Lord and a majestic middle-aged man with a white hair white beard. Holding a sword to confront, hurriedly ran behind Amelia, pulled her cloak with both hands, quietly leaned out from behind her, looked towards the two fighting in the field.

Amelia had long heard the small footsteps coming from behind her, and she couldn’t help but smile. When the little girl ran behind her and pulled Cloak out of her head, Amelia slowly stretched out her right hand, and lightly stroked her small head against the side of her thigh.

“Selena, look at it with your heart.”

When Amelia spoke, the two people who did not leave the field in the battle, could witness this kind of supreme powerhouse. The battle for each of them is a very valuable experience, enough to benefit them a lot.

The little girl Selena is hearing this gently nodded, letting Amelias slender fingers touch her head, her small face on Amelias thigh, a pair of big blue eyes Staring at the two fiercely fighting in the field without blinking, their faces were serious.

This little girl is the little girl Chen Mo met in the workshop who was almost trampled by a war horse, the granddaughter of Chief-In-Charge Kane of the workshop, and her father Bert Responsible for the construction of the dungeon where William was held.

When Chen Mo first heard her name, he guessed in his heart. When he learned that his father happened to be a craftsman proficient in dungeon construction, Chen Mo had basically concluded that this lovely The little girl is the heroine in the movie “Underworld”, the vampire warrior, Selena.

For the valiant and formidable looking, glamorous and charming heroine in the movie, Chen Mo was very impressed, but he didnt expect, the future protagonist of this World. In his territory, and her grandfather is still Chief-In-Charge of the workshop where he personally admits his fate.

After confirming Selenas identity, Chen Mo was naturally more concerned about this cute little girl. After Marcus converted all the people in the workshop into vampires, Chen Mo took the game Linna took it into the castle and gave it to Knight Amelia, the only female in the Knight regiment, to teach on her behalf, and she was allowed to enter and leave the workshop and castle freely.

Amelia also likes this very beautiful and cute Little Brat. Normally, she always takes her by her side when she is in the castle, teaches her carefully, and treats her like her own daughter.

Selena also likes this beautiful and noble Master who treats others very coldly, but is very gentle to her. Although Amelia teaches her the sword technique very harshly, she still I like to be by her side very much. Although they are not related by blood, they are like a real mother and daughter.

Not only Amelia, none of the Knights in the entire castle dislikes the innocent and cute little Selena. They killed the enemy in an expedition and returned to the castle to see this lively, The beautiful Little Brat, the baleful qi in his heart will dissipate instantly, and it feels like returning home.

With Selena, the solemn and dull Blackstone City fort has become a lot more vivid and beautiful.

Sir Lord’s special treatment, Amelia and other Knights’ favors, made Selena the Little Princess of the entire castle. No one is willing to bully her, and no one dares to bully her.

However, Selena is not at all because of the love of the crowd and becomes arrogant. She is still as innocent and kind as before, cute and cute.

At this time, Selena was hiding behind Amelia, watching the battle between the two in the field seriously, her big eyes were wide, she had never seen such a fierce and violent battle. , The previous competition between Knight Uncles and this comparison was far worse.

Looking at Chen Mo wearing a black robe and wielding a sword like the wind, Selenas big bright eyes are full of admiration. It turns out that Sir Lord is so powerful!

As the battle progressed, Chen Mo also had a certain understanding of the strength of Alexander Covinus. His power and speed were about six times that of ordinary people, which was equivalent to Chen Mo in basic aspects. Skills and experience are still above Chen Mo, Chen Mo can barely cope with it with stronger perception and reaction.

The two are equal in strength, each has its own strengths, and they were evenly matched for a while, and Alexander Covinus still has the upper hand.

It’s just that Chen Mo’s learning ability is too strong. In the fierce battle, Chen Mo quickly accumulated experience, learned Alexander Covinus’ superb fighting skills, and turned it into Used.

The skill gap between the two began to narrow, and soon became evenly matched. Alexander Covinus went from being cautious at the beginning, to the ease and doubts after gaining the upper hand, and then to Now, gradually being suppressed by Chen Mo, the expression on his face has become more and more surprised.

The longer you fight, the greater the pressure you will feel from Chen Mo. Alexander Covinus was still wondering how Chen Mo, the “Spiritual God” skill is weaker than himself. some.

After discovering Chen Mo’s terrifying learning ability and speed of improvement, Alexander Covinus was shocked and relieved.

Perhaps, God did not need to fight with a sword before, as long as he controlled the thunderbolt, he could easily burn the enemy, but now, once he uses the long sword, he can quickly learn various fighting skills. The sword technique quickly became stronger in a short time, and even soon surpassed the most powerful powerhouse of his sword technique.

The battle between the two continues, and Alexander Covinus no longer has the ease at the beginning of the battle.

Even if he tried his best, spent hundreds of years and experienced countless battles to the extreme of his powerful fighting skills, he still couldn’t reverse his disadvantages. Instead, Chen Mo The suppression is getting more and more severe.

At the end, there is only the power to parry. Chen Mo’s continuous and fierce attack retreats after training, hurriedly waving the long sword in his hand and barely parrying.

“clang! clang! clang! clang! _”

After a series of intensive long sword clashes, Alexander Covinus finally couldn’t stand it, the long sword in his hand He was knocked out by Chen Mo, and then Chen Mo’s long sword was put on his neck.

Looking at Chen Mo, who is holding a long sword in front of him and exuding a strong sharp aura, Alexander Covinus is not disappointed and discouraged. On the contrary, he is surprised and shocked, and only feels magical in his heart.

Chen Mo’s sword technique has made such an amazing progress in such a short period of time!

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