My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1168

When the silhouettes of the three appeared at the entrance of the dungeon, Loki’s footsteps, who was strolling boringly in the cell, couldn’t help but stop.

Damn, this is a dungeon, not a garden, what are you doing here and there, scaring me? Well you made it!

Loki couldn’t help but moved a few steps back, away from the corridor in the middle, only to find that the three of them simply didn’t look at him, and walked briskly in front of the cell, moving towards inside.

Loki couldn’t help but feel a little curious, what is in the cell?

Is there any secret hidden here that he doesn’t know?

The three Chen Mo didn’t care what Loki thought. They quickly walked through the long corridor to the stone gate at the end.

Although Jane Foster is very curious about the strange humanoid creatures in the cages on both sides, she is more concerned about the space channel leading to the earth and the evidence that Malekis is still alive!

In front of the stone gate, the two soldiers who were still guarding before saw Thor and Chen Mo wearing pitch-black steel battle clothes from a long distance, and their hearts became nervous.

Why are these two guys back again!

Coming to the stone gate, Thor looked at the two guards who had run into the Medical Room before and told him in front of him. He waved the Thor’s Hammer and said with a grim expression.

“Do you need to do it again?”

The two guards who were already nervous about the arrival of the three, looked at Thor’s Hammer and couldn’t help swallowing together. saliva.

They have seen Thors formidable power of Thors Hammer. Before Thors push and fly, the two of them were about to fall apart. If they were hit by Thors Hammer, even Thor show mercy, they have to lie in bed for a few days at least.

Besides, Thor has already broken in once before. The two of them simply can’t stop Thor. Instead of asking for trouble, it’s better to cooperate.

The two looked at each other, then stepped away and stepped aside.

Thor saw that the two were still acquainted, so he ignored them, raised his hand and pushed the stone gate open, and walked in with Chen Mo and Jane Foster.

Looking at the heavy stone gate that had been shut down because of the two of them so hard, Thor easily pushed it open, and the two guards who retreated to the sides were even more grateful for their decision.

With their strength, blocking Thor simply is courting death!

“Are we going to report?”

Looking at the silhouette of Thor three people disappearing deep in the passage, one of the guards moved towards the other asked.

The other person hearing this couldn’t help but give him a blank look.

“What do you think?”

I thought of reporting this incident in front of Thor to Odin, but Thor was not punished, and I knew that Odin had trespassed on Thor. The behavior of the forbidden area has been acquiesced, and there is no point in the two people going to report it again, just asking themselves that it’s all.

So the two of them didn’t make any extra effort to report again, and they simply stood on guard in front of the open stone gate with lance.

Their task is to guard the stone gate, no matter whether it is on or off, just keep it!

In the passage, Chen Mo and Thor Jane Foster go all the way, the darker they go as they go in.

It’s okay for Chen Mo and Thor to see the road in the dark, but Jane Foster is just an ordinary person, and soon almost can’t see anything.

Chen Mo felt that Jane Fosters walking speed was getting slower and slower, and soon realized the problem. Fortunately, Chen Mo had all the materials in the space, and immediately took out a hand nodded and handed it to she was.

Jane Foster only felt better after turning on the flashlight.

Just now I cant see the road clearly, I am in the dark, even with the two super powerhouses Chen Mo and Thor by my side, Jane Foster still feels very scared, this is human Fear of the dark instinct.

Jane Foster couldn’t help but think, if the Spirit General this World is really turned into darkness by the Dark Spirit, what will happen to human beings, it is estimated that most people will completely collapse in a short time!

Anyway, must stop them!

She has limited abilities, but Thor has already been arranged by her!

The three people walked quickly along the passage moved towards the underground, Jane Foster from time to time moved towards all around the beam of the flashlight, and soon she noticed, except for the one they just came in Aside from that short section, most of the top of the tunnel has actually collapsed, and traces of man-made damage can be clearly seen.

It’s just that the rocks that should have collapsed and blocked the passage are all gone, so it seems that the passage has been widened.

Recalling that Odin had said before that the passage had completely collapsed, Jane Foster couldn’t help turning his head and looked towards Thor, asking suspiciously.

“This is what you did? Where are the stones?”

Thought to come by Jane Foster, Thors Thors Hammer can break the stones and open a way It came, but it was impossible to be so clean. There was no stone in the passage, as if it had been specially cleaned, which made her very puzzled.

Jane Foster had been in a coma before, but from the two guards who went to complain, he knew that Thor had broken into the stone gate, but didnt know what happened, and thought it was Thor who opened the passage. , Went to the underground space and rescued her.

Thor hearing this is shook the head.

“When I came to pick you up, you were already in front of you by pushing away the stone gate, I simply didn’t come in.”

Speaking Thor turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo , Asked suspiciously.

“But how did you do it? It turned out to be absolutely sealed. The impossible forbidden area for storing ether particles is only protected by a stone gate and two guards.”

“Also, how did you cross the stone gate and find me without disturbing anyone? Don’t tell me the soldiers in Asgard are blind.”

Speaking of , Thor couldn’t help thinking of Loki’s spiritual magic, and said quickly.

“Would you not be mind-controlling like Loki, do you control the door opened by those two idiots at the door?”

Chen Mo does have mind-control ability. But compared to using mind control to avoid all Divine Race guards, Chen Mo’s method is obviously simpler.

Chen Mo didn’t conceal it either. He spoke directly about his use of space to move stones, teleport to a transnational stone gate, and use the stealth ability of steel battle clothes to evade guards.

Seeing Chen Mo’s silhouette suddenly disappearing in front of him, both of them were stared wide-eyed in surprise.

“Damn! I feel you are more like a Divine Race than me!”

Thor looked at Chen Mo who appeared again, and said with envy.

“Why do you have so many magical abilities!”

“The power of earth technology!”

Chen Mo shrugged, said as he walked.

In fact, Im currently working on a new transformation and strengthening project, I call it the God Creation Project!

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