My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1162

Thor rushed forward when he saw this, leaned over and leaned down in front of Jane Foster, looking at her with concern.

Jane Foster’s confused eyes opened, she was confused at first, and when she saw Thor clearly in front of her, she was taken aback.


Just as Thor looked at her affectionately and called her name, Jane Foster unexpectedly raised her hand directly. It was a slap on Thor’s face.


Seeing this unexpected scene, Thor and the people around couldnt help being stunned, but Jane Foster got up from the table. , Said with an unexpected face.

“Sorry, I just want to confirm if you are real. Today is really weird.”

Thor hearing this immediately nodded.

“I am real, Jane…”


Thor hasnt finished yet, Jane Foster is fiercely again The slap slapped, even harder than before. After the slap, Jane Foster immediately looked at Thor angrily, angrily said.

“Where have you been?!”

Everyone looked at Jane Foster, who was like an angry female leopard, and couldn’t help but keep quiet out of fear.

Jane Foster did not notice the presence of other people, and asked Thor angrily.

“I have been waiting in the place where we separated, crying while waiting, and then I went to find you everywhere, you said you will come back!”

Thor see Looking at the grievances and sadness hidden in anger in Jane Fosters eyes, he couldnt help but feel distressed in his heart. He could imagine that Jane was waiting for him to solve Asgards problem and looking for her, but couldnt wait. The mood of the time.

Thor immediately looked at Jane Foster with a look of guilt, and said softly.

“I know, but the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed! Wars broke out in the nine kingdoms, with beacon smoke and gangs of robbers, I have to stop these massacres!”

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered that Chen Mo had already explained to Thor when he was in the car, including why she didnt go to her after the New York incident, but she just woke up from a coma, and she first saw Thor. Did not think of it for a while.

Thinking of this, Jane Foster couldn’t help but apologize for the slap just now, and her eyes became gentle when she saw Thor.

“Well, the reason is not bad!”

Seeing that Jane Foster forgave him, and the look towards him became full of tenderness, Thor couldnt help but feel for a while. Warm, the eyes looking towards Jane Foster also overflowed with deep affection.

However, just when the two of them faced each other and were full of affection, an untimely majestic voice suddenly sounded.

“My words are like in one ear and out the other. Doesn’t it work for you at all?”

Thor hearing this stiffens involuntarily and straightens up with a face The complicated looked towards the old man who was striding in from the door.

He is a burly figure and an Asgardian. Although his hair and beard are gray, and he wears a golden blindfold on his right eye, he is a one-eyed person, but it does not affect his majesty.

The visitor is Thors father, Divine King Odin!

He learned that Thor had rushed to the Medical Room with a strange woman. He immediately guessed it was Jane Foster and hurried over.

Thor is his eldest son and his favorite Divine King successor, but he does not support Thor and Jane Foster together.

The life of people on earth is less than a hundred years, while the life of Asa Divine Race is as long as 5000 years. For them, human life is too short and fleeting.

Odin believes that Thor should choose a powerful Divine Race female warrior as the future queen, not a human being like a trivial ant!

This is also something that has been bothering Thor during this time. He would go to the Rainbow Bridge every night to ask Heimdall to help check Jane Foster’s situation, but he still couldn’t make up his mind to see her.

As the successor of Divine King, he shoulders the responsibility of commanding Divine Realm and guarding Nine Realms. He must put the safety of Nine Realms in the most important position, but he is very important to Jane Foster. Feelings can’t be abandoned either, which makes him wonder how to deal with all this.

It can only be said that with his brain full of muscles, it is beyond the scope of his brain to handle such complicated issues as love and responsibility at the same time.

But when he saw Jane Foster again and saw her unconscious, Thor had a decision in his heart!

He couldn’t give up this woman. Not only did his previous escapes not let him forget about Jane Foster’s feelings for Jane Foster, but it became stronger, even if she really died soon, Not long to live, he is also willing to give up everything, including honor and throne, and choose to be with her!

So in the face of Odin’s accusation, Thor didn’t shrink at all, and faced Odin’s gaze with a serious face replied.

“She is sick!”

Odin hearing this was not at all. He waved his hand and turned off the detection device, and the golden light spot gradually disappeared.

“She’s a mortal! Of course a mortal can get sick!”

“But we can save her!”

Thor said without backing down.

Odin ignored Thor and strode to the platform, said solemnly.

“She doesnt belong to Divine Realm, just like goat meat cant be served on the banquet table.”

Odins words are full of disdain for mortals, and a kind of aloof and remote, belonging to The pride of Divine Race!

It seems that mortals set foot on Divine Realm, which is an insult to them!

Chen Mo stood by and looked at Odin, his eyes flashing cold.

I dont know if he will look down on humans so much after he is sealed off with all the divine forces and sent to the earths nursing home!

As if feeling Chen Mo’s gaze, Odin turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo who was standing beside Thor, frowning and looking up.

And Jane Foster listened to Odin’s racist words, and couldn’t help turning his head to Thor with an incredulous expression.

“He just said…”

Jane Foster said, looking towards Odin with an angry expression, saying bluntly.

“Who do you think you are?”

Odin glanced strangely at Chen Mo, who was wrapped in black armor, and then turned to look towards Jane Foster, Said proudly.

“I am Odin, the king of Divine Realm, the protector of the nine kingdoms!”

Jane Foster is not at all scared by Odins name Live, but shook the head with a serious face, said loudly.

“Sorry, I dont know about other places, but as far as I know, the protector of the earth should be the commander by my side. He stopped the invasion of aliens and led the aliens Loki, the army invaded the earth, seems to be your son!”

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