My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1157

Under Chen Mo’s mind power exploration, there is no way to hide the underground space.

Soon, Chen Mo’s face was filled with joy, but then he frowned quickly.

Among the huge pillars all around, Chen Mo found a passage, but when Chen Mos thought power entered it and continued to explore along the passage, he found that the passage was completely sealed. died!

Chen Mo glanced at Jane Foster, who was lying on the ground in a coma, and immediately flew away from the platform with his thought power, crossed the dark and deep abyss below, and moved towards the passage he found and flew over.

After flying closer, Chen Mo felt the hugeness of these square stone pillars, each of which was more than 100 meters high, with a side length of six or seven meters, which was very huge.

Chen Mo’s body passed through the two square stone pillars and fell into the passage.

This is a channel dug in the rock. There are flat stone walls on both sides and above, and Level 1 steps at the foot.

Although the environment is dark, Chen Mo can still see the environment clearly with Chen Mo’s eyesight.

Chen Mo flew several dozen meters upwards along the passage, and suddenly there were some large and small rubble on the ground. After flying further, the top of the originally flat passage collapsed. The passage was filled with countless rocks, and the entire passage was completely blocked.

Chen Mo stood in front of the collapsed passage and released his mind again, moved towards the blocked passage in front, 50 meters, 100 metres, and 150 meters. The entire passage was completely filled with rocks until the moment. Having reached the limit of exploration, Chen Mo still did not see the end of the collapsed passage!

Chen Mo was secretly sighed, and the range of two hundred meters was filled with rocks. Chen Mo was unable to teleport directly through the collapsed passage, so next, he had to work hard to clean it himself. Channels!

Fortunately, Chen Mo has space. He doesn’t need to move or destroy a lot of rocks in the passage, but just collect them into the space.

As Chen Mo climbed up the stairs, large tracts of rocks accumulated in the passage disappeared, and the originally blocked passage began to be opened up little by little!

The length of this passage is beyond Chen Mo’s expectations, it is more than one kilometer!

Its also fortunate that Chen Mos current space is large enough. Although the side length is only 60 meters, the volume is 216,000 cubic meters. Even if there are a lot of materials stored in it, the remaining space is enough to cover this kilometer All the rocks in the collapsed tunnel were installed.

Chen Mo walked through the passage that was obviously considered to be sealed, and then walked out of several hundred meters, only to see a closed thick stone gate.

Chen Mo carefully explored the power of thought, and quickly perceives the situation outside the stone gate.

Beyond the stone gate, there is a long corridor, and the stone gate in front of Chen Mo is at the end of the corridor. In front of the stone gate, there are two lance shields in hand, wearing gorgeous clothes Soldiers in golden armor guarded there.

When he perceives these two soldiers in armor, Chen Mo is basically certain that he has really come to Asgard!

Because the armor and weapons on these two soldiers are exactly the same as the Asa Divine Race fighters in his mind!

And Chen Mo also found that the scene of the corridor outside is also very familiar.

Beyond the stone gate, it still seems to be under the ground, not at all the sun shines in and it looks a little dark.

However, it is limited to the corridor area. On both sides of the corridor, there are separate rooms that are isolated like showcases. The light in the room is very bright.

Except that these rooms are open towards the corridor, the other places are completely closed, and there are no windows!

In addition, Chen Mos thought power can be sensed. Although there is no wall completely open on the side facing the corridor, there is a strong energy barrier. Chen Mos thought power is blocked and cannot be penetrate.

However, this energy barrier alone cannot completely block Chen Mo’s mind power exploration. Chen Mo’s mind power penetrates the wall from a position where there is no energy barrier, and quickly senses the situation in the room.

Some of these rooms are it’s empty, but most of them are closed with a varying number of humanoid creatures!

Yes, not humans, but humanoid creatures!

Because they have a body similar to humans, but their appearance, skin color, and many physiological structures are significantly different from humans. They look more like aliens from different planets!

Moreover, most of them are wearing all kinds of armor, and most of them are very strong, and they don’t look good.

This is obviously a dungeon for prisoners, and in the dozens of cells on both sides of this corridor, there are hundreds of alien creatures of various shapes.

Chen Mo feels familiar because he has seen this dungeon in the movie!

Especially when Chen Mo sensed a familiar silhouette in a cell at the end of the corridor, Chen Mo completely confirmed his guess!

Loki, who was sitting on the chair in the cell and reading the book quietly, suddenly felt a sense of being peeped.

Loki immediately mobilized the spirit strength to sense it carefully, but found that the feeling had disappeared, which made him frown.

Who is spying on him in secret?

Odin or Frigga?

The only two of them that Loki can think of.

In Asgard, only Divine King Odin and Queen Frigga have the ability to probe him with spirit strength!

As for Thor, the guy with only muscles in his head, simply won’t mobilize spirit strength, let alone use spirit strength for probing!

After Chen Mo confirmed Loki’s existence, he withdrew his mind directly from him.

He doesn’t want to attract Loki’s attention now, lest he cause unnecessary trouble.

This is Asgard after all. If Chen Mo is discovered by these soldiers, the most likely thing is to arrest him directly.

They don’t know his relationship with Thor, they are likely to regard him as a prisoner who escaped from the cell, or an assassin who sneaked in!

Although Chen Mo is confident of his own strength, ordinary Asgard soldiers should not be his opponents, but he is not confident enough to completely ignore the siege of Asgard soldiers.

Its true that Chen Mo defeated Thor, but it was a one-to-one battle that was not a life-and-death battle, and relied on the sword of the king in his hand, quick response speed, and It is far beyond Thor’s superb sword technique!

If you switch to a one-to-many group battle and the opponent is an Asgard fighter whose strength is far superior to that of human beings on earth, the result will be hard to say!

Although I haven’t played against each other, Chen Mo can roughly judge from the performance of Asgard soldiers in battle in the movie that, in terms of physical fitness, these Asgard soldiers are not much weaker than him. .

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