My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1155

This seems to be a huge underground space, and there are obvious traces of artificial construction. In the distance, several dozen meters are tall square stone pillars neatly arranged one after another, although they are not delicate , But the huge height of at least 100 meters and the huge number surrounding the entire space are very magnificent.

And where they are standing is not on the ground, but a huge rock platform four five meters wide and several dozen meters long, according to what Jane Foster just saw down the edge Under the circumstances, they should be in mid-air, and the abyss below is completely shrouded in darkness. I don’t know how deep it is!

“Where are we?”

Jane Foster couldn’t help but ask Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked around, his gaze swept over a ten-meter-high square stone pillar behind them, finally looked towards Jane Foster, and said to her.

“It doesn’t look like the earth here! Maybe it is Asgard!”

Jane Foster was so excited that she couldn’t help but ask.


Chen Mo did not directly nodded, but said.

“I just said that it is possible. The celestial bodies gather and the nine kingdoms are connected together, including Asgard!”

Although Chen Mo did not give a definite answer, Jane Fu Sturt was still excited and looked around with expectations.

Soon she found the huge boulder on the platform behind her.

This is a rectangular boulder with a side length of more than two meters and a height of nearly ten meters. However, this boulder is not a whole body. At the position of one meter and a half height below, there is one that is less than Ten centimeters wide cracks traverse the entire boulder, dividing it into two pieces.

The two boulders are not at all squeezed together under the action of gravity. The top one is nearly ten meters high and weighs more than a hundred tons as if it is supported by something, just suspended in this way. Above the huge boulder below, a burst of red light leaked from the gap in the middle of the boulder, which looked very mysterious.

Jane Foster couldn’t help but stepped forward curiously, leaning over moved towards the gap to look!

Immediately, she discovered that there was something in this gap, but what she did not expect was that it was not any stone, metal, or gem that supported the boulder above. , But a piece of flowing red liquid!

Yes, it turned out to be liquid!

Jane Foster was also stunned by what she saw.

However, these liquids are obviously not ordinary things. They seem to have their own consciousness. They do not just flow on a plane like a water stream, but flow continuously on the surface of the upper and lower two boulders, as if they have life. general!

Just when Jane Foster was fascinated by watching, these originally slowly flowing scarlet-colored liquids, like blood, suddenly seemed to sense something. The slow movement before, like watching Like the poisonous snake of the prey, he suddenly jumped at her!

Jane Foster was startled when he saw the change in the red liquid, and quickly stepped back, but it was already too late.

Scarlet’s liquid quickly gushed from the cracks in the stone and fell on her hand, and then moved towards her palm and poured into her hand like water hitting a sponge.

Jane Foster felt a tingling sensation in his hand, and quickly reached out and patted, trying to pat off the red liquid wrapped in the palm, but it was of no avail. In a blink of an eye, those red The liquid poured into her within the body.

At the same time, the huge boulder in front of her also lost its support. It suddenly fell and hit the huge boulder below, making a loud noise.

However, Jane Foster has no time to pay attention to the boulder in front of him. When the strange scarlet liquid gets into the body, Jane Foster only feels a strong dizziness, and then immediately He slumped down, moved towards and fell to the ground.

Before she completely lost consciousness, she vaguely saw a tall silhouette appearing in front of her eyes, supporting her fallen body.

Next moment, Jane Foster has completely lost consciousness!

On the other side, in the construction site, Selvig Court Academecian and Daisy and the others have installed all the detection devices and are testing the two space channels in the middle of the stairwell. .

Just as Selvig Court Academecian muttered to herself while looking at the reading on the receiver with excitement, Daisy turned her head around and said suspiciously.

“Is Jane not back yet?”

Her intern Ian immediately shook his head and replied.

“No, I should still be upstairs.”

Daisy heard this, turning her eyes, and then said to Ian with a gossip on her face.

“You said the two of them shouldn’t be on it…”

Ian, hearing this, gave Daisy a weird look, and then cautiously glanced around The black clothed agent, lowered his head pretending to be fiddling with the equipment in his hand, did not dare to answer.

When Daisy rolled the eyes boringly, she said disdainfully.

“Just kidding that’s all, you are so courageous, I am beginning to doubt whether you are up to the task of an intern!”

Ian is hearing this opening his mouth to explain. But seeing a serious black clothed agent not far away, he finally chose to shut up.

The time passed quickly for half an hour, but Chen Mo and the two still did not come back. This time, they finally realized that something was wrong!

The site area is not large. The main building is the unfinished building. After discovering the disappearance of the two, they quickly checked the entire building from start to finish, but Jane Foster and Chen Mo have never been found.

Jane Foster and the commander are really gone!

“Should we call the police?”

Ian said anxiously.

Daisy hearing this gave him a blank look and said angrily.

“If you think it is useful.”

Looking at the capable agents around, Ian quickly gave up the plan to find the police. These guys are obviously more professional than the police!

They didn’t find it. The police came in vain, but it would cause them extra trouble.

Daisy finished her attack on Ian, but she couldn’t help but say with worry.

“But where did Jane go?”

“I think they might have entered the space channel by mistake.”

Selvig Court Academecian Looking at the space channel area in the stairwell slowly said.

Daisy hearing this hurriedly asked.

“Then what should we do? Will she be in danger?”

“There should be no danger when the commander is with her, but that one eliminated a powerful The terrifying existence of alien races!”

Selvig Court Academecian said in amazement.

“And I also heard that he defeated Thor!”


Daisy and Ian are both one The face is incredible.

Although the commander has always been the strongest superhero on earth in peoples mind, no one thought that his strength would be stronger than the legendary mythical character, Thor!

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