My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1150

Jane Foster looked at Richard apologetically and said.

“I’m really sorry!”


In the end, Jane Foster still failed to complete this blind date, and dropped Richard Hastily caught up with Daisy.

Daisy was sitting in her old-fashioned red station wagon, waiting confidently. Seeing Jane Foster opened the door and got into the car, she couldn’t help showing a smile on her face.

She knew that Jane Foster was impossible to let anything related to Thor.

“I hate you!”

Jane Foster, who got into the car, looked at the proud Daisy and said helplessly.

Daisy pretended to be puzzled.

“What’s wrong, did I do something wrong?”

“Shut up and drive your car!”

Jane Foster tied He said angrily while wearing the seat belt.

Daisy started the car with a smile, and was about to start in gear. However, four large black SUVs suddenly rushed out of the road, tightly surrounding their station wagon!

With the horsepower of their car, even if they want to rush, they can’t break through the surrounding of these large SUVs.

“Do you know these guys?”

Just as the two looked at a group of black clothed agents coming out of the car in surprise, a mans voice suddenly appeared behind the car The seat sounded, startled Jane Foster, who was already nervous.

She quickly turned her head and looked to the back seat, but saw a young man with a hat sitting behind him. Seeing Jane Foster turned to look at him, the young man said to her excitedly.

“Hi, hello, Foster Court Academecian, I am honored to work with you!”

Jane Foster couldnt help but turn around and looked towards Daisy, asking in surprise Tao.

“Who is this guy?”

“He is my intern.”

Daisy looked at the crowds of black surrounding the front. clothed person, said casually.

“Do you have an intern?”

In fact, Daisys current identity is only Jane Fosters intern, and now she is an intern. I don’t know how to get myself an intern from school!

“Yes! But I think you should consider these guys outside now. What should we do now? Charge ahead?”

Jane Foster looked at Dai Xi clasped the steering wheel with both hands, and said to be eager to have a try, shook his head quickly.

“no! Are you crazy! We are not tanks again!”

But then, things are not at all going in the worst direction as they thought.

Treat Jane Foster and the others, these agents are not as rough as the court Academecian, who is obviously mentally dysfunctional, preparing to run naked.

Most of the black clothed agents stood on the periphery of the car, only a middle age person who seemed to be the leader moved towards them and they continued to walk over and came to their car.

“Dang! Dang!”

The middle-aged agent leaned over and knocked on the window of Jane Foster’s side.

Jane Foster looked at the front with a stiff neck, pretending not to see, not knowing what to do.

The middle-aged agent looked at the nervousness of the three people in the car through the window, without being impatient, and tapped on the window again.

When the target is mentally normal, they will still try to communicate first, and will not use force as soon as they come up.

But I heard that the spirit of the other group’s goals is not very good. I guess I can only do it directly. The task of their group is easier.

Listening to the crisp knock on the car window in her ears, Jane Foster wanted to continue acting stupid, but Daisy side reminded her.

“Hey, Jane, that guy is knocking on the window.”

Jane Foster hearing this couldn’t help but turned her head and glared at Daisy, then turned her head helplessly and looked towards The black clothed middle age person outside the car window.

Seeing that Jane Foster finally turned her head, the middle age person pointed her finger down, motioning her to lower the window.

Jane Foster hesitated, glanced at the agents who surrounded them, and raised his hand to lower the half of the car window.

The middle-aged agent spoke through the lowered car window.

“Jane Foster Court Academecian, the commander wants to see you.”


Jane Foster looked confused.

It was Daisy who was sitting next to her reacted first, leaning over and interjecting.

“You mean the commander who was over a hundred years old and killed the aliens and saved the earth?”

Jane Foster heard Daisys When describing the reaction, he couldn’t help but rolled the eyes, and he corrected it in a low voice.

“He is less than a hundred years old!”

“Of course, he is really younger than yours!”

Daisy said After that, he suddenly remembered something, watching Jane Foster continue to speak.

“Jane, that guy seems to have joined the Avengers! Maybe…”

Jane Foster naturally knows who the guy in Daisy’s mouth is referring to. Thor did not show up since he left two years ago. She once again knew his news was that during the alien invasion in New York six months ago, Thor and the commander and other Avengers superheroes fought side by side to stop The invasion of the alien Legion.

But after the incident, Jane Foster not at all waited for Thor, and he disappeared again!

For this reason, Jane Foster, who was disappointed, agreed to come to the blind date under the repeated persuasion of Mother, hoping to forget this guy who let her pigeons for two years!

But obviously, she didn’t really put him down in her heart!

Now, the Avengers commander who has close ties to Thor wants to see her, Jane Foster said immediately without the slightest hesitation’s nodded.

“Lets follow you!”


Soon, Jane Foster came to the small manor and walked in In the hall, Jane Foster saw a lively discussion with a young man sitting on the sofa and so on Eric Selvig Court Academecian.

“Court Academecian!”

Jane Foster walked towards the sofa quickly, but didn’t pay attention to her feet, stepped on a medicine bottle, I just feel my feet slip, my body loses balance, moved towards and fell to the ground!

However, the expected pain not at all came, but a gentle force appeared out of thin air to support her. When Jane Foster came back to his senses, she found that she was just right. Stand there.

Glanced at the medicine bottle rolling on the floor, Jane Foster couldn’t help but moved towards the young man sitting on the sofa.

Her womans instinct told her that this young man should have helped her just now!

At this moment, Selvig Court Academecian, who was next to the young man, also found them. He immediately stood up and said happily.

“Jane! You came so soon! Then we can go!”

“Go? Where?”

Jane Foss I couldn’t help but asked in confusion.

“A gravitational anomalous area has appeared in London, we have to check it out immediately!”

Jane Foster heard this immediately.

“My instrument also found an abnormality. We were about to pass, so these people brought it over.”

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