My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 115

On the turbulent Atlantic coast, on the towering cliffs, a team of fully armed and majestic Knights, wrapped in silver armor, stand proudly on their tall horses. On the edge of the cliff.

Following their line of sight, you can see that a few kilometers away on the sea, a huge sailing ship is sailing in the wind, gradually going away, towards the depths of the ocean.

Alexander Covinus on the boat looked at the majestic silhouette on the cliff, and he no longer had his previous fears.

They are now far above the sea, even if Chen Mo wants to chase, he has to have a boat.

Since he was ready to flee by boat, Alexander Covinus was already fully prepared.

Except for the sailing ship they rode in, all the ships in the entire territory were destroyed and burned by them. In a short time, it was impossible to have ships for Chen Mo to pursue. Waiting for him to transfer ships from other places, They had already escaped disappear without a trace, the vast sea, boundless, Chen Mo would never know where he went.

Just as Alexander Covinus sighed in relief to finally escape Chen Mo’s pursuit, a stunned scene happened on the distant cliff.

Above the towering cliffs, Andrew, Victor and the others riding on the standing horses, watching the sailing boats farther and farther on the sea, gritted their teeth and hated them.

In the past three years, in addition to the expansion of the battle, they are looking for the trail of Alexander Covinus, or more accurately, their expansion is to find Alexander Covinus!

Now he has finally been forced to the end of the continent, stuck in this land blocked by the ocean, and finally he ran away, but they can only Here I watched their boat drift away.

Just now they found a winding stone path on the side of the cliff, which spiraled down the steep cliff wall and extended to the sea below the cliff.

Alexander Covinus and the others must have quietly descended from here to the beach while they were attacking the city, and boarded the prepared ships to escape in advance.

It’s just that they also discovered at the same time that there are simply no other ships under the cliff, and even if they go down, they will not be able to chase them.

Chen Mo stared at the burly middle-aged man on the sailing boat in the distance, standing alone on the tail section deck, but there was no irritation on his face, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, like a hunter Finally caught the prey.

Looking at the winding path on the side of the cliff, Chen Mo secretly shook the head. This path is too steep, narrow and winding. If he goes down from here, even he will cost a lot. At the time, the long-hundred prey is right in front of him, Chen Mo has no patience to climb the mountain slowly now.

Turning over and getting off the horse, Chen Mo stepped forward and came to the edge of the cliff.

The fierce sea breeze blew the hem of his robe backwards and swayed in the air. The exposed legs were covered with angular black armor full of power. In the sun, flashing Moving the mysterious black luster.

Because this cliff is slanting out into the sea, looking down from here, there is a deep sea directly below, not at all reefs.

Nodded in his heart, Chen Mo turned around, and commanded in a deep voice to the crowd behind him.

“You are waiting for me here!”

After that, before Andrew and the others could react, they stepped forward in their incredible eyes and jumped down. This huge cliff is more than 140 meters high.

Chen Mo’s body fell rapidly down the cliff, and his black robe was blown by the strong wind, like a cloak, dancing with the wind behind him, hunting.

Chen Mos sudden cliff jump made the Knights turn pale with fright, Andrew and the others quickly got off their horses, ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down anxiously, only to see Chen Mos silhouette straight up moved towards falling in the sea.

In the worried gaze of Andrew and the others, Chen Mo quickly crossed a height of more than a hundred meters and fell straight into the sea, causing a large surging white wave, and then Completely disappeared, disappeared under the sea.

When they were disturbed, the silhouette of Chen Mo black quickly surfaced. The Knights crowded on the edge of the cliff had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief. A boat with several meters long suddenly showed no signs , Suddenly appeared on the surface of Chen Mo side.

No one can see how it appeared there, as if it had been changed out of thin air.

This small boat that appeared suddenly is actually an assault boat that Chen Mo put in space. It was originally designed to deal with the air disaster in the real world, so as to have a foothold after a forced landing at sea, didn’t expect comes in handy here now.

In order to save space, Chen Mo chose two assault boats that can quickly and automatically inflate. As long as the pull ring is pulled, the compressed gas stored in the cylinder can quickly expand the boat in a few seconds. Come.

And the hull and the motor before inflating are only less than one cubic meter in volume, and will not take up too much space.

Quickly turned on the boat from the sea, Chen Mo started the engine, and a low and loud rumbling sound rang. The high-speed rotation of the propeller in the water produced a huge thrust, pushing the assault boat , Like a sharp arrow from the string, pierced the sea and rushed towards the distant sailing ship.

Alexander Covinus, standing in the tail section of the sailing boat, witnessed Chen Mo jumping off the cliff. He was still shocked by Chen Mos amazing actions, and then suddenly appeared ships and no sails. The weird scene of speeding forward without oars made his eyes widened and he was completely horrified.

He is very sure that all the ships in the entire territory that are hundreds of kilometers in size have been destroyed by them, and this ship that suddenly appeared was definitely not there before!

What surprised him even more was the performance of this ship. The speed of this ship was very fast, far beyond any kind of ship he had seen before, and it had neither sails nor No one can paddle, but can travel through the waves faster than a horse on the sea, which is somewhat beyond the scope of his understanding.

Under the incredible gaze of everyone, the assault boat driven by Chen Mo quickly chased the sailing boat in the distance, and soon approached a place less than 100 meters behind the sailing boat.

Until this time, Alexander Covinus, who was in horror, finally came back to his senses, looking towards driving the “Divine Boat” with unparalleled momentum. He rushed to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo stood proudly on the boat, exuding a powerful imposing manner, and a pair of sharp eyes locked him firmly.

Alexander Covinus hurriedly pulled out the gorgeous and ancient long sword from his waist, his eyes were fixed on Chen Mo who was rushing in, his face was full of solemnity.

As an Undead who has lived for hundreds of years, Alexander Covinus has experienced all kinds of complicated and bizarre things, but he has never encountered a mysterious body like Chen Mo. , A powerful existence with all kinds of incredible magical abilities.

The great Alexander Covinus has never feared anyone, but he has to admit that he has always had deep fears, or fears, for Chen Mo, deep in one’s heart!

This is a more mysterious and more powerful existence than him!

Chen Mo on the assault boat did not know what Alexander Covinus was thinking at this time. Seeing that the distance from the sailing boat was less than 50 meters, Chen Mo turned off the engine and let the assault boat use it. The inertia continued to move towards the sailboat rushed away at high speed.

Coming to the bow of the ship, Chen Mo drew the sword of the king, holding the sword in his hand, and his sharp eyes fixed on the stern deck, who also held the long sword, fully guarded by Alexander Ke. Vinus.

Seeing that the assault boat was less than ten meters away from the stern, and when it was about to hit, Chen Mo exerted his feet and stepped heavily on the boat, and the whole hull sank down. A big chunk.

Huge power burst out from his legs, Chen Mo leaped high from the assault boat, and with the blessing of inertia, moved towards Alexander Covinus on the tail section of the sailing boat. Past.

The distance between the two quickly shortened, getting closer and closer, and they could even see the cold light in each others eyes. Just when Chen Mo was about to fall on the deck, Alexander Covinus It moved suddenly.

He took a few steps forward quickly, approaching the position where Chen Mo was about to fall, and at the same time raised the long sword in his hand, and quickly moved towards the chest position of Chen Mo who was still in midair Stabbed straight in the past, trying to take advantage of Chen Mo’s body in the air and unable to take advantage of the strength to dodge, by surprise, to seize the opportunity in one fell swoop.

If Chen Mo can’t stop him from this sudden blow, he will be pierced by his sharp sword, and if he is not dead, he will be seriously injured. He will definitely be unable to fight again.

And if Chen Mo swung his sword to block this sword, he would be in mid-air with nowhere to borrow, his balance would inevitably be broken. When the time comes, he will completely take advantage of the opportunity. Chen Mo launched a series of fierce attacks based on the instability and defeated Chen Mo in one fell swoop.

I have to say that Alexander Covinus is an Old Monster who has lived for hundreds of years after all. He has extremely rich combat experience and immediately put Chen Mo into an extremely disadvantaged situation.

If it is an ordinary person, he will inevitably lose the opportunity under his plot against, fall into a disadvantage, and can only be beaten by him.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Chen Mo.

A return from the world of “American Captain” with six times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and an impervious to sword and spear, indestructible Edelman alloy armored combat suit, and from Norway where Tesseract is hidden It was accidentally obtained from the royal mausoleum. The sword of the king is unparalleled and no stronghold one cannot overcome.

For Chen Mo, there are many ways to deal with the ultimate move that cannot be dealt with by others.

Alexander Covinuss exquisite plot against made Chen Mo shine. From this simple trick, it can be seen that his fighting skills and experience are far above Chen Mo .

Only sometimes, skill does not mean everything.

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