My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1147

Howard was about to ask who this person was, but the elevator had already stopped and the elevator door opened. Chen Mo stepped directly out and moved towards the director’s office.

Although Howard was full of doubts, he could only follow closely.

Sitting down in Howard’s position as the chief, Chen Mo ignored Howard’s questioning and directly began to give orders!

Following Chen Mos orders, SHIELDs power was quickly mobilized. In England on the other side of the Atlantic, teams of special service personnel began to dispatch. At the same time, two detailed documents were also mobilized. Sent in front of Chen Mo.

Although Chen Mo mobilized SHIELD’s power directly in front of Howard, the director of SHIELD, Howard was not at all dissatisfied.

He is very clear about his own weight. He is a super genius in scientific research, but he is far behind Chen Mo in managing SHIELD and task arrangement and command.

When fighting Hydra that year, the commander Chen Mo was responsible for all mission arrangements and wartime command, and did everything to his best. He was completely a logistician, except At the meeting, after Chen Mo wiped out the three major Mafia families in Brooklyn, he had never even worked on the field!

Chen Mos absence is thats all, SHIELD is naturally the master of SHIELD, but as long as Chen Mo is here, Chen Mo obviously has more say in this respect. This is why Howard has always worried that Chen Mo will directly The reason for his “removal”.

As long as Chen Mo does not deprive him of the post of SHIELD director, everything is easy to say. It is all right to give orders to him!

After listening to Chen Mo’s arrangement, Howard approached Chen Mo who was sitting on the throne of his director with a puzzled look. He stretched his head to look at the information on the file and asked suspiciously.

“What do you want the information of the two of them for? Although they have something to do with Thor, they can’t help you go to Asgard, right?”

Chen Mo slightly raised his head and glanced at Howard. , Said.

“Remember who opened the Space Wormhole over New York?”

Howard hearing this immediately said.

“Evil God Loki, he took Tesseract first, and then controlled Eric Selvig Court Academecian…”

Speaking of which, Howard suddenly I understand who Chen Mo is talking about.

But Eric Selvig Court Academecian only used the power of Tesseract to open Space Wormhole, and now Tesseract has been brought back to Asgard by Thor. Howard doesnt think he can be without Tesseract Open the Space Wormhole leading to Asgard.

However, thinking of the celestial aggregation mentioned by Chen Mo earlier, Howard had a guess.

“You mean, through Eric Selvig Court Academecian, find the space channel formed by celestial bodies, and go to Asgard to find Thor?”

Chen Mo hearing this is shook the head, shook the information in his hand and said.

“According to the information, Selvig Court Academecian has not found the location of the space channel. If we want to find Thor, we have to rely on her!”

Chen Mo said on the patted table There is another piece of information that says: Jane Foster!


On the Thorsbury Plain, 120 kilometers southwest of London, is a world-renowned attraction, Stonehenge!

At ten noon, there are fewer tourists around Stonehenge than in the morning, and only a dozen tourists are visiting the vicinity of Stonehenge.

A dilapidated car suddenly drove to a stop in front of Stonehenge. A middle-aged person dressed in a suit and a straight-faced walked out of the car and took a few long pieces from the car. Metal science instrument.

While the tourists were curious about his strange behavior, his next behavior was stared wide-eyed that shocked everyone present.

This middle-aged man who seems to be honest, like a university professor, started to take off his clothes!

Someone reacted quickly and immediately took out their mobile phones and started to call the police. More people hurriedly retreated to the distance, trying to stay away from the middle age person!

Just as people were in the commotion, several large black SUVs suddenly galloped from a distance and stopped beside the middle age person who was undressing.

The doors of several cars were opened almost at the same time, and a group of healthy men in black suits got out of the car.

At this time, the middle age person has stripped off his shirt, revealing a somewhat fat snow-white figure, and is about to continue to untie his belt.

The sudden appearance of these black clothed persons obviously shocked him, and he couldn’t help but stop taking off his clothes.

Several black clothed persons swiftly stepped forward without talking to him, and directly took his arms to the left and right, and moved him towards an SUV.

“Are you who? Don’t hinder me, I want to save the world!”

A dozen tourists not far away watched the actions of this group of black clothed persons. There were still people. I wanted to ask, but when the middle age person yelled out loudly, the words that had reached their lips were swallowed back.

They don’t want to be regarded as partners in mental disorder!

Everyone withdrew a certain distance back again, leaving enough space for the black clothed persons. No one asked if they were who and why they were arrested.

This middle age person is obviously mentally abnormal. It is very likely that he ran out of the mental hospital. These black clothed persons may be the security of the mental hospital!

As for they look more like agents?

That has nothing to do with them. No matter which country, the agent works, or the ordinary person, its better to hide as far as possible, or else its a tragedy if you get so tired!

Soon, the middle age person with his upper body naked was taken to the car, the door was closed, and his shouting was completely cut off.

Several agents quickly put away his clothes and a few instruments leaning on the car. Even the car left by the middle age person was driven away, and the convoy quickly moved away.

Soon, the surroundings of Stonehenge returned to quiet again, and nothing seemed to have happened!

At this moment, a female voice suddenly rang from a tourist’s phone.

“Hello, this is the London Police Station. Is there anything I can help?”

The tourist took a look at a few cars that had already driven a long way. After hesitating, he finally said.

“Sorry, wrong number!”


In fact, those tourists will not have any impact on them whether they report to the police or not.

The convoy left Stonehenge and soon drove into a small estate on the outskirts of London.

After Selvig Court Academecian was taken into the car, he looked at him from left to right. He was burly in shape and sharp-eyed. At first glance, he was not to be trifled with a black clothed person. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

He just intends to run naked. As for sending these people to arrest him?

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