My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1145

Originally Chen Mo thought that with the help of Tony and Abraham Erskine Court Academecian, the desperate situation of the virus would be perfected very smoothly, but now it seems that he is thinking too much. It’s easy!

Although he does not intend to become a green monster like Hulk Hulk, Hulks power is undoubtedly very strong, even if it is not much better than those Universe level powerhouses. I want to come to Chen Mo , If we can learn from the strength-related fragments of Hulk gene, even if it can’t reach the level of tyranny as Hulk, it should surpass the current by a lot!

But Abraham Erskine Court Academecian shook the head and said.

“Hulk’s power is generated by mutation under the radiation of gamma rays. His power does not seem to come from pure body or genes, but from the anger in my heart. I also use Hulk’s power The gene was tested, but the power of Hulk seemed to conflict with the Flame Power of the desperate situation virus, and it was impossible to complete the enhancement. After the desperate situation virus was injected into the experimental body within the body, it would explode soon!”

They discussed and researched in the laboratory for a long time, but there is still no progress.

All night, they tried many ideas and conducted many animal experiments again, but in the end all ended in failure without exception, and never found a feasible solution.

Seeing that the research has reached a deadlock, the atmosphere in the laboratory can’t help but become heavier.

If this problem cannot be solved, breakthrough the bottleneck, their “God Creation Project” will be stranded!

At this moment, Tony’s eyes suddenly lit up, and a silhouette flashed through his mind.

Turning suddenly and looked towards everyone, Tony Stark said slowly with his eyes shining.

“Maybe, we need a real Divine Race!”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian hearing this look of unfathomable mystery, he had been in deep sleep before and was awakened After that, I invested in the research of the desperate situation virus. I didnt understand the current situation and didnt know the existence of Divine Race. So when Tony suddenly asked for a real Divine Race, Erskine Court Academecian I couldn’t help looking at Tony with a foolish expression. There is no Divine Race in this World, is your brain broken?

However, apart from Erskine Court Academecian, everyone else quickly reacted. The Divine Race that Tony said was naturally Thor!

Before their god-making plan was just a hypothesis, lacking real reference objects. They could only use the genes of superheroes such as Chen Mo as a reference, and use the desperate situation virus’ ability to re-encode the host genes. Optimization and transformation.

There is a huge gap between the current transformation effect and the real Divine Race, but there is no object that can be used for reference. There is still a huge sky away from the real Divine Race.

But if at this time, they can have a real Divine Race as a reference object, then the next research direction will be more clear!

Everyone couldn’t help but shine under Tony’s reminder, but Howard frowned immediately and said to everyone.

“The problem now is that Thor is not on Earth! And we dont know how to get to Asgard!”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian listened to Howard. When the nouns in Myths and Legends such as “Thor” and “Asgard” were out, the gaze looking towards Howard couldn’t help but become weird.

This unreliable guy usually talks nonsense thats all, and now theyre talking about business, and Tonys nonsense is thats all, and your dads brain is also broken. !

Of course Thor is not on earth! The god of thunderbolt and power in Norse mythology is naturally in the legendary Divine Realm, Asgard!

As for the way to Asgard, it is naturally through the “Rainbow Bridge” in the myth. Maybe the father and son can go look for the rainbow and see if they can fly directly to Asgard and find Thor Thor draws a tube of blood!

Erskine Court Academecian turned his head and looked towards others with an absurd expression, only to find that Chen Mo and Maya Hansen not at all felt absurd as he had imagined, but had a face instead With a thoughtful expression on his face, he seemed to agree with Tony and Howard’s words!

What’s wrong with this World?

is it possible that Thor fell to the earth during the time I was sleeping?

Just when the atmosphere in the laboratory started to become very weird, Chen Mo suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone said solemnly.

“I know how to get to Asgard!”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian hearing this, he couldn’t help showing the face of this World crazy.

Why did Chen Mo start talking nonsense?

Erskin Court Academecian finally couldn’t help it this time, looking at Chen Mo and asked with a weird face.

“Are you trying to say to pass the Rainbow Bridge?”

Chen Mo hearing this gently nodded.

Under normal circumstances, it is true that Asgard can only be reached through the Rainbow Bridge connecting Nine Realms.

Erskin Court Academecian looked at Chen Mo and spoke about Myths seriously. In the things in and Legends, the expression on his face can’t help but become more and more weird, my God, what is going on, is they all crazy, or I’m crazy alone!

Chen Mo turned his gaze to Erskine Court Academecian as he spoke, and then found that he was looking at him with a weird face, as if he was looking at a mental patient.

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. Erskine Court Academecian just woke up and did not know about Thor!

Chen Mo immediately explained to Erskine Court Academecian what happened during this period, telling him about Thor’s birth and Evil God Loki leading Chitauris invasion of the earth. Show him the relevant video.

Erskine Court Academecian looked at the Chitauri soldiers who were tall and armed with energy weapons and constantly attacked; they were huge, but able to fly flexibly in the air, and collide with buildings constantly. beast; and the burly blond man standing on top of the giant beast, wearing silver armor, flying scarlet cloak behind his back, thunderbolt summon in his hand and thunderbolt directly blasting giant beast!

Is this the legendary Thor?

After a long time, Abraham Erskine Court Academecian finally accepted the existence of Thor.

Until this moment, he realized that this World is bigger, more mysterious, and more dangerous than he knew!

But at the same time, Erskine Court Academecian is excited again!

Since Thor really exists and possesses as powerful as the legend, then their god creation plan is really possible, as long as they can get the genes of Thor!

Thinking of this, Erskine Court Academecian couldn’t help but looked towards Chen Mo and said excitedly.

“You just said you have a way to go to Asgard?”

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