My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1128

As for the car accident, it was obvious that not at all took the lives of the two, and even Maya Hansen had a bold idea that there was simply no car accident, and everything was just An illusion that deceives the world that’s all!

Maya Hansen suddenly remembered that, in addition to Chen Mo and Howard, the American Captain Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter who had returned after the commander also maintained their original appearance!

Moreover, the two are almost the same as Chen Mo, no matter how they are frozen or the process of returning!

Originally, Maya Hansen didnt think at all when he heard the news. He only thought it was a coincidence. The reason why the two were found and awakened was also inspired by the discovery of the commander. The government sent The personnel searched the Sea Territory where the two crashed, and finally found them “frozen”.

But now after seeing the same young Howards, Maya Hansen has a deep suspicion!

Did Rogers and Carter fall into the sea accidentally?

Maya Hansen feels that the crash of the plane was likely to be the same as that of the Howards, a scam!

As for the reason, Maya Hansen glanced at the SHIELD logo hanging high in the hall, and she had an answer in her heart!

Maya Hansen feels like she has been exposed to some incredible great secrets!

But when Maya Hansen set off a huge wave in his heart because of these huge discoveries, and when his mind was swaying, the protagonist who caused all this, Howard _ Stark stood there with a serious face, quietly Squinted at his wife and son next to him.

Standing by the side and waiting for a long time, seeing the two of them each minding their own business talking, not at all, taking care of their own meaning, Howard was a little disappointed withdrawing his gaze, and turned towards looking towards the opposite. Chen Mo walked towards him with a smile on his face.

“Boss, how come you Senior has time to inspect the work again?”

When Howard spoke, he was still cynical.

Maya Hansen listened to Howard’s words and looked at Chen Mo, Boss in surprise? Inspection work?

Dont they come from a SHIELD, but a factory hidden under an abandoned factory?

Chen Mo, who knows Howard, can hear a slight depression in his tone. Obviously, he is very disappointed that Tony is only talking to his mother and completely ignoring his actions.

Chen Mo immediately patted Howard’s shoulder, said with a smile.

“This time I’m not here to inspect any work, we will stay here for a while!”

Howard hearing this brightened, looking at Chen Mo with excitement and said .

“Really? That’s really good!”

Chen Mo looked at Howard’s excitement, but he knew in his heart that his excitement was not for himself, but It’s Tony!

The relationship between the two has been squeezing. When meeting, they either quarreled or didn’t talk. In serious cases, they even fought directly!

Back when Tony was young, he was too strict with Tony, and the work of research and SHIELD took up too much time for him, and he did not have enough time to accompany Tony.

Now that Tony has grown up, he wants to relax the relationship but doesn’t know where to start. The most important thing is that he has almost no chance to get along with Tony.

If Tony can spend more time at SHIELD, their relationship will definitely ease a lot!

But then Howard found out that it was wrong and asked Chen Mo quickly.

“Tony can stay here? This is not his luxury villa. I guess he should run away after two days.”

“You think we are here On vacation? Of course there is a business!”

With a white look at Howard, Chen Mo turned to point at Maya Hansen, who had been standing beside him with wide eyes, and introduced Howard.

“This is Maya Hansen, Tony’s, uh, old friend, you know all about AIM, right?”

Speaking of business, Howard’s expression changed again I got serious and looked at the beautiful Maya Hansen, gently nodded.

Chen Mo immediately looked towards Maya Hansen, who was still a little stupefied, and said to her.

“You should see that this is Tony’s father, Howard.”

Maya Hansen came back to his senses, looking at the front of him exactly as in the photo, At most, Howard is only 40 years old. Even though he is mentally prepared, he still has a look of shock on his face.

Chen Mo naturally knew that a person who should have died a long time ago stood in front of him alive again. It was indeed difficult to accept for a while, but he continued.

“Howard is the director of SHIELD and your new boss in the future! As for the details of SHIELD, you will learn more about it.”

Heard this, Maya Hansen Hurriedly moved towards Howard and said hello.

Chen Mo told her a long time ago that she was asked to join SHIELD. From now on, she will be Howard’s subordinate. Although the new boss is a person who should have died, she is a little awkward, but anyway It is definitely better than staying under Killian’s hand or falling into the hands of the US government!

At this time, she has basically confirmed what she just guessed that Howard must have been suspended for death, and then she was hidden in this mysterious and hidden SHIELD!

However, she still doesn’t know what kind of existence this SHIELD is. She just has a little speculation based on the identities of Chen Mo and Howard. The specific situation can only be understood later.

Howard looked at Maya Hansen, remembered the intelligence information obtained from the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau last night, and finally guessed why Chen Mo came here.

“Are you going to study the desperate situation virus?”


Chen Mo nodded said.

“But what does this have to do with Tony?”

Howard asked puzzledly.

In his thoughts, although his son Tony is a genius, he is as good at machinery, physics and weapon manufacturing as he is. The desperate situation virus, a genetic biology project, should obviously have nothing to do with Tony. That’s right.

Chen Mo hearing this was slightly smiled and said, looking at Howard with a puzzled face.

“Do you think that Tony, like you, can only build bombs. Your son is more talented than you and knows more than you!”

Howard heard Chen Mo’s words, one The tangled face doesn’t know if it should be refuted.

Turning his head and looking at Tony who was still talking and laughing with Maria, Howard finally closed his mouth.

In other words, he is also complimenting his own son, he should be happy to be a father!

Howard immediately turned his head proudly and looked at Chen Mo proudly.

“This can only mean that my genes are good enough. In your Huaxia’s words, this is called azure from blue, but it is bluer than blue!”

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