My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1123

“What did you say?”

Tony _Stark heard this with a face of dissatisfaction, what is meant by jumping into a fire pit, and a look of regret , Am I that bad?

But neither of the two women paid attention to him.

Pepper looked at Maya Hansen and emphasized seriously.

“Trust me!”

After listening to Pepper’s words, Maya Hansen also said nodded with a look of approval.

“I think so too!”

When Tony _Stark saw two women sing and talk, he became a tragic fire pit, and his face couldn’t help but look.

But after a glance at the two women who looked at him with the same expressions, Tony Stark wisely chose to shut up.

One is his former friends and the other is his current girlfriend. He can’t take advantage of anyone, not to mention that the two of them are still faintly working together to deal with him.

Can’t give them a chance to unite, otherwise they will never have a good life!

Under the strong desire to survive, at this moment, Tony _ Stark’s emotional intelligence broke out in an instant, and his fighting skills were full. He quickly formulated an action plan for the night, vowing to bring Pepper back to his camp. !

Immediately Tony _ Stark quickly changed the subject, turned his head and looked towards Hapy on the side, loudly said.

“Hapi, take Ms. Hansen to the guest room to rest. She was detained by Killian for several days. After a long flight, she must be very tired and need a good sleep!”

Hapi hearing this immediately walked to Maya Hansen and said politely.

“Ms. Hansen, its nice to see you again, please follow me!”

Maya Hansen naturally remembers Tony Stark, a tall and burly bodyguard, she still I remember that this guy didn’t listen to her advice at the time, and had to play with an experimental plant that she had implanted with the desperate situation virus, which caused an explosion.

And this guy thought he was attacked, so he rushed directly into her room from the living room and jumped up and pressed Tony under him. Fortunately, the two of them hadn’t officially started yet. , Otherwise she will be seen out!

A weird look at Harpy, Maya Hansen was still nodded, moved towards Pepper and Chen Mo said hello and followed him out of the garage.

Being locked up in the yacht by Kilian for several days, she was frightened and frightened every day. She didnt know when she would be killed. She simply couldnt fall asleep. In addition, she was flying at extremely high speed along the way. The whole person is very tired, I really need a good sleep!

Successfully dismissed Maya Hansen, Tony Stark only slightly sighed in relief, without looking at Peppers meaningful gaze, Tony then turned and looked towards the many battle clothes in the garage.

“Jarvis, all battle clothes are put in storage, check the damage, give priority to preparing Mark 42 parts!”

“Good sir!”

Immediately, the steel Legion standing neatly in the garage like an army, queued under the control of Jarvis’ through the lifting platform to enter the underground weapon storage, and checked the damage one by one.

As for the repair work, let’s wait until tomorrow!

Retracting his gaze from the steel battle clothes, Tony _ Stark looked towards Pepper, said with a smile.

“My dear, I just fought a battle just to save you. I’m too tired. Let’s go back to the room!”

Pepper looks at the expression on Tony’s face , I knew he was talking about more than just sleeping. Tony gave Tony a blank look, and Pepper turned to look towards Chen Mo, who had been standing by and watching the excitement, and said seriously.

“Father, thanks to you for saving me, otherwise Tony, this idiot, might even be killed by Killian himself!”

Pepper is being killed Before Chen Mo was rescued, she saw Tony and Kilian fighting with her own eyes. She didn’t know if Kilian was going all out, but Tony must have used all his strength, but he was still no match for Kilian.

And with her knowledge of Kilian, he usually doesn’t use all his strength directly when he comes up!

So, the damage on Mark 42 is obviously caused by Killian!

Without Chen Mo, the two of them might really fall into Kilian’s hands!

Chen Mo glanced at Tony who was dissatisfied but unable to refute, and smiled and said to Pepper.

“Well, Tony is my son, and you are my daughter-in-law. The family has nothing to say. You haven’t had a good rest the past few days. Go back to bed early.”


Pepper moved towards Chen Mo nodded and gave Tony a sideways look before turning around and walking upstairs.

Tony _Stark was secretly overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately moved towards Chen Mo and said.

“Father, then I will go back too, and your Senior will take a break soon!”

After Tony said, he hurriedly followed Pepper upstairs.

He had been in a state of anxiety for the past six months, and he had very little in-depth communication with Pepper. After finally returning from Chen Mo, his anxiety got better. As a result, he had not had time to make up for what he owed in the past six months. Perk was taken away by Killian sent.

Now I finally got rid of Killian and saved Pepper back. What if I dont take advantage of the opportunity of hero saving the beauty to communicate well!

Chen Mo watched Tony hurriedly chasing upstairs, raised his hand to touch the non-existent beard on his chest, shook the head helplessly, and then a teleport disappeared.

Upstairs, Tony had just walked into the lobby when he met Hapi who came downstairs.

Tony _ Stark is not in the mood to take care of him at this time, watching Peppers lithe and graceful posture on the stairs, he is about to continue to catch up, but he is stopped by Hapi Come down.

Both Tony and Hapi accepted the enhancement of the improved Super Soldier serum, but Hapis own power is much higher than him, so he is still not in the case of wearing steel battle clothes. Hapi’s opponent!

“Get out of the way, haven’t you seen me busy?”

Tony Stark said impatiently looking at Hapi.

Hapi didn’t at all and immediately got out of the way. Instead, the mysterious and secretive came to Tony’s ear and whispered.

“Tony, I arranged her next door to you!”

After Harpy finished speaking, he gave Tony a look that you know, and Tony reacted instantly, resting on Harpy’s shoulder Take a hard shot and say happily.

“You still understand me! Don’t worry, I will avenge you!”

After Tony finished speaking, watching Pepper’s silhouette disappear on the upper stairs, he immediately impatient Passing by Hapi, moved towards Pepper chased after him.

That night, Tony _ Stark and Pepper stayed almost overnight.

Although Tony was compared to a fire pit before, Pepper’s feelings for Tony are still very deep, otherwise it is impossible to stand Tony’s original romantic temperament.

Pepper was kidnapped and left for three days. The two of them missed each other very much. At this time, the biggest threat, Kilian, had been resolved. Pepper returned safely. The worry, fear, and miss in both hearts , Relying on all the brains broke out, and the fighting that night was more intense than the previous few days!

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