My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1119

Based on the urinary nature of these politicians and capitalists, if the desperate situation virus falls into their hands, there is no guarantee that another character like Killian will be born!

Coping with alien threats is enough to keep Chen Mo busy, Chen Mo has no spare time to deal with these endless ambitious!

As for Maya Hansen, leave Chen Mo not at all to Phil Coleson!

What Chen Mo told Maya Hansen before was not the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, but SHIELD!

Sweeping a glance and standing aside, looking at Phil Coleson and the others nervous Maya Hansen, Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Tony _ Stark, instructed him.

“Tony, give her a set of battle clothes, let’s go back to Los Angeles!”

Tony _ Stark hearing this is complexion changed, he said quickly.

“Daddy, my battle clothes are all tailor-made, there is no model that suits her, and they are wearing skirts!”

Speaking, Tony _ Stark looked He glanced at Phil Colson next to him and said to Chen Mo.

“Why don’t you let Phil Colson take her back first?”

Maya Hansen hearing this, looked at Tony with shocked expression, this damn guy actually treated her this way!

I was really a dog back then. No, I was given to you by the dog!

Maya Hansen gave Tony Stark angrily, then looked towards Chen Mo for help.

Chen Mo gave Tony a cold glance, said solemnly.

“Call Igor here!”

Tony _ Stark felt Chen Mo’s unkind gaze, his neck shrank, and he didn’t dare to pretend to be fooled again , I could only transfer Igor over obediently.

Soon, Igor, who was on alert in the sky, flew down and crashed down in front of Maya Hansen.


Even after slowing down, Igor’s heavy weight still shakes the ground.

As the most massive armor currently manufactured by Tony Stark, Igor is nearly three meters tall, burly and heavy, standing in front of Maya Hansen, like a mountain, with a strong force Her oppression assaults the senses, which made her step back involuntarily.

And Phil Coleson looked at the nearly three-meter-high giant armor in front of him, and his resentment for height became heavier!

Even Tony _Stark’s armor has begun to grow in size. If this continues, he will look up when he sees Tony _Stark!

His age is no longer young, Senior has a bad cervical spine, can you not just keep moving up so hard!

Is it just because the aliens that appeared in New York last time were taller than humans?

Then he hopes that the alien creatures that appear next time should be shorter, Thor has appeared, and the legendary dwarves must also exist!

I just dont know what kind of expression Phil Colson will look like when he sees the Dwarf King who is taller than five meters!

In Maya Hansens somewhat scared gaze, the armor on the front of Igor spread out quickly, exposing the space inside.

Igor’s size is very large, and the internal space is several times larger than that of ordinary armor.

Igor is a heavy-duty armor. Tony _ Stark would not wear Igor to do heavy work himself, so the space inside the armor is not at all reduced according to his body, except for the driving device. In addition to the space occupied by various components, the remaining space is reserved.

Not to mention Chen Mo, even if Hulk can barely fit in, it is very easy to accommodate the petite Maya Hansen!

Chen Mo released his thoughts and controlled Maya Hansen to float up slowly, and put her into the Igor armor in her surprised eyes, and the open front armor was quickly closed.

Maya Hansen feels like she has entered the body of a giant, the space inside is very spacious, she can even turn around inside!

Help Maya Hansen put on the armor, Chen Mo is about to leave, looking towards Phil Coleson standing in front of him, Chen Mo said.

“I’ll leave it to you here!”

“Wait! Commander, one more thing!”

See you, Phil Colson Zhuang hurriedly stopped Chen Mo and said quickly.

“President Ellis’ Air Force One is still out of touch. The military has dispatched fighters and still has not made contact with the President.”

Chen Mo hearing this could not help but Glancing at Tony Stark, it seems that President Ellis is really dedicated!

At this time, more than an hour has passed since they left Air Force One. President Ellis is still missing. It is estimated that the White House and the Pentagon are already in a hurry.

The reason why Phil Colson told him this was obviously from the US government that he and Tony Stark appeared there after Air Force One lost contact.

Chen Mo said to Phil Colson immediately.

“I see, I will go there with Tony!”

Immediately, Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Tony, glanced at the broken armor on his body, slowly said .

“Do you plan to wear this to go back?”

The Mark 42 is actually just that the outer armor is seriously damaged. How does Tony _ Stark not at all feel in the armor, I almost forgot The problem of broken armor.

The damage of outer armor has little effect on ground operations or low-speed flight, but returning to Los Angeles for a while, it will definitely be a supersonic flight. At this time, the damaged armor will seriously damage the flight stability. Can’t fly at full speed at all!

At this time, Chen Mo reminded that Tony _ Stark only reacted and quickly summoned down a suit of armor again and replaced it.

Seeing that Tony _ Stark finished dressing again, Chen Mo moved towards Phil Coleson nodded, then put down the armor mask, the thruster under his feet activated, and the tall Raider armor quickly rose into the sky.

Tony _Stark follow closely from behind, Igor and the more than thirty armors suspended above the pier are also under Jarvis’ control, spewing flames, and followed behind and flew towards the west. Accompanied by the sound of one after another breaking through the sky, it sounded one after another over the dock, full of momentum!

Like the fireworks at the end of a feast, one after another dazzling light flashed across the night sky, quickly went away, and soon disappeared into the night.

Phil Coleson stood on the dock and looked up at the steel battle clothes Legion away. Knowing that he was completely disappeared, he raised his hand and rubbed his sore neck.

Next time, he will definitely not stand so close!

I feel like my neck is about to break!


A high altitude above ten thousand meters, a blue and white passenger plane is flying forward steadily, but at this time, around the plane, There are six fighters encircling it all around. The pilots in the fighter continuously tried to get in touch with the personnel in the airliner through Wireless Electronics and gestures, but they never got any response!

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