My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 110

Marcus took the initiative to approach the door and became Chen Mo’s new subordinate.

He asked Chen Mo to help him find his twin biological brother, the source of the werewolf disaster, William the ancestor of the werewolves, and hoped that Chen Mo would provide them with shelter and space for them to live.

For many years, although he and Brother William have an immortal body and powerful strength, they have always been regarded as aliens by humans, and they want to get rid of them.

He himself was also a white Heavenly Prison. He was firmly hidden, and he dared to come out quietly at night, and always avoided the sight of human beings for fear of accidentally being discovered by humans.

This kind of cautiously life he lived for many, many years.

In Marcus’s view, werewolves and vampires should be the real masters of the earth. They are powerful and immortality. They are the most perfect creatures in this World, and they should rule this World.

Now, he sees Chen Mo’s opportunity to rule the world. With the huge power in Chen Mo’s hands, once they are transformed into vampires, sooner or later the entire world will be under their rule.

When the time comes, he, the ancestor of the vampire, can stand on top of the world, no longer need to hide from Tibet like before, live carefully, all human beings will become their slaves, vampires Will become the true ruler of this World.

The reason why Marcus did not wait until Chen Mo was old and dying before tempting Chen Mo to agree to his request with a long life is because Chen Mo’s strength is too strong, let alone him The amazing power he showed, the Knight regiment in his hands was far more powerful than Victor in the movie several decades later.

Marcus is worried that he will not show up again, his brother William is likely to be killed directly by Chen Mo or his Knight regiment.

At the same time, he also needs Chen Mo to help him control the growing population of werewolves, otherwise, this group of wild beasts will destroy this World.

At the beginning, he witnessed the shocking scene of Chen Mo sending out a thunderbolt and burning a werewolf. At the beginning, Marcus was shocked to regard Chen Mo as a god.

But after the initial horror, he calmed down and carefully analyzed everything that happened at the time, but doubted again.

If it is really a god, you can completely destroy all the werewolves in a single blow. There is no need to kill them one by one. It almost makes the Knight of the Knight regiment appear to be damaged. Through this, the horse Kus concluded that Chen Mo is definitely not a Spiritual God, at best he is a “alien” with magical powers like him.

To some extent, they are the same kind compared to the ordinary person class.

Whether it is for the safety of Brother William or the ambition in his heart, Marcus finally took the initiative to find Chen Mo and successfully joined him.

As for Chen Mo calling out his name, Marcuss guess is that Chen Mo probably learned from his father. After all, people who know his name in this World Only the father who gave him and William a special bloodline, immortality like them.

Marcus didnt know that Chen Mo had never seen his father, but he was always looking for him!

The first Undead in the world, Alexander Covinus!

Alexander Kovinus, a Hungarian warlord in the fifth century, a plague that swept Europe and destroyed the area he ruled. In the end, he was the only one who survived.

It turns out that he is a born alien with “perfect blood”!

His “perfect blood” within the body can fuse any gene to strengthen himself, but his “perfect blood” is originally recessive until the plague virus awakens his ability, He successfully survived the plague and evolved, becoming the first immortality in history.

His three children inherited his special physique. Among them, Marcus and William were bitten by bats and wolves respectively. After fusion of bat virus and rabies virus, they evolved and became The ancestor of vampires and werewolves.

Vampires and werewolves are immortality, but they both have fatal weaknesses. Vampires are afraid of sunlight, while werewolves are afraid of silver.

At the same time, his two sons have become extremely bloodthirsty. The difference is that Marcus must rely on blood to maintain his life, while Marcus has completely lost his mind and became wild. beast, become crazy bloodthirsty.

After discovering that his two sons had become aliens, Alexander Covinus, the father, was unable to kill his own son personally, and finally had to drive them out. At the same time, he has been hiding behind the scenes, silently watching everything about his two sons.

Alexander Kovinus always believes that the world is human, not something his son should conquer, so he has been secretly helping them clean up the mess and keep everything under control.

In the entire “Underworld” world, the most valuable thing for Chen Mo is the “perfect blood” on the ancestor of the undead.

Although vampires and werewolves can also make people obtain immortality and greatly enhance their strength, their shortcomings are too obvious, and the changes to the body are also unacceptable to Chen Mo. He can I don’t want to become a monster by myself, and the purest “perfect blood” does not have these problems. This is what Chen Mo really needs.

Chen Mo has been searching for him until now, but he has not found anything. On the one hand, Chen Mos caravan has a limited number of places to reach, and the collection of intelligence is not comprehensive. In addition, it has been hidden in In the dark, Alexander Covinus, who has wiped his two sons’ ass for hundreds of years, is not so easy to find.

But Chen Mo knew that as long as he found his two sons, he would not be far away. This is also the main reason why Chen Mo left Marcus.

But in addition to being used to elicit Covinus, Marcus is not entirely useless.

Although Chen Mo doesnt need it himself, his Knights can all be transformed into vampires. When the time comes, the strength of the entire Knight regiment will be greatly improved, whether it is dealing with werewolves or secular Strength, or dealing with Alexander Covinus who is hidden behind the scenes, will be much easier.

As for the fatal weakness of vampires fearing the sun, Chen Mo naturally has a way to deal with it.

After using Marcus to turn hundreds of Knights in the Knight regiment into vampires, when Marcus was about to bite him, Chen Mo unexpectedly chose Marcus. Refuse.

This made Marcus a little unexpected. According to his original plan, he used the temptation of becoming stronger and longevity to transform Chen Mo and his Knight regiment into vampires, when the time He then tells the carefully prepared lie, which makes Chen Mo feel jealous and prevents him from killing the donkey.

Its just that now Chen Mo has not at all transformed into a vampire plan. This completely disrupted Marcuss plan and made him feel a little embarrassed. If the lie is thrown out now, will Chen Mo Simply abandon the transformation, and after some trade-offs, Marcus still made a prepared statement according to the plan.

He believes that Chen Mo is impossible to resist the temptation of longevity. Now that he is still young, he will be prepared for himself before he refuses to turn into a vampire. When he feels time and life’s deterioration, sooner or later he will ask himself to treat him Who would not want to become a vampire, eternal life?

After hearing what Marcus said, if the ancestors of vampires and werewolves die, then their offspring will also die. Chen Mo is just nodded indifferently, not at all too much reaction, this It made Marcus even more confused about what Chen Mo was thinking.

However, Marcus believes that Chen Mo will still be affected by this lie and dare not move himself easily. After all, even if he does not say that he will always rely on him for longevity in the future, it is only the Knights under him. It is impossible to give up easily, so you should be safe.

In the movie, Marcuss lies did deceive Victor. In order to protect himself, his men and werewolf slaves, Victor has always been jealous of Marcus.

Even if he controls most of the vampire warriors and can easily kill Marcus, who is lonely, Victor still makes him an Elder, and takes turns ruling the entire vampire family with him.

Marcuss ultimate goal has always been to make the undead the ruler of the earth, and he himself becomes the eternal master of the undead, God!

Although he failed to rule the world, Marcus did achieve his plan to transform all the humans in a dominant position at the time, Victor’s faction, into vampires, from enemies to them Power to rule the earth.

Chen Mo will not be fooled by this lie, but he will not move Marcus for the time being. He still needs to rely on him to find William and lead Alexander Covinus.

The Knight regiment now has more than 600 people, and it takes a lot of time to transform one by one. While Marcus transformed them one after another into vampires, Chen Mo also started to solve the vampire fear The problem of sunlight.

Chen Mo had a plan for this.

After Andrew was first converted into a vampire, Chen Mo conducted experiments on him. Just as Chen Mo had guessed, after becoming a vampire, Andrew has a special bat ultrasound positioning. ability.

After a period of deliberate training, Andrew has mastered this ability very easily. He does not need to see with his eyes, but with his hearing, he can perceive the surrounding environment, and it is all-round. Even more precise and comprehensive than what the eyes can see.

Confirmed the conjecture in my heart, then the biggest problem was solved. Under Chen Mos order, the secret workshop was fully efficient, accompanied by the continuous reverberation over the entire castle. With the sound of knocking, new and exquisite armors were made.

Wearing Chen Mos redesigned full-body armor that covers even the eyes, you can go out to fight even in the daytime. As long as the armor is not torn, the vampire Knight inside will not suffer the slightest Sun damage.

A powerful vampire Knight Legion, fearless of the sun, was born!

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