My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1097

To be honest, he was struggling with the decision to attack Air Force One, but for Pepper, he couldnt take care of that many anymore, and now Chen Mo has a better way , Of course he will not insist on catching the president to change Pepper.

Tony _Stark still trusts Chen Mo!

In the following few days, Tony _ Stark has been following the movements of President Ellis and Air Force One. Sure enough, as Kilian said, in the evening of 3rd day, President Ellis took the Air Force One The number took off from Washington, moved towards San Francisco and flew away!

At the same time as Air Force One took off, two sets of steel battle clothes also rushed out of the villa in Marbury Beach, moved towards Washington.

In fact, during the past three days, Chen Mo also asked Jarvis to view the dock where the Laux Oil Companys oil ship was anchored in the movie. It was also Aldridge Killians Last A lesson”, the place where the president of the United States was executed!

But although Jarvis found the dock and the ship, he did not find any trace of the ultimate creature.

Obviously, Killian will not show up until the last moment!

So this trip to Air Force One, they still have to go!

However, this time, Chen Mo is not wearing his own set of Edman alloy battle clothes, but among the many battle clothes created by Tony, except for the Mark 42 he is currently using. , The fastest Mark 40 super high-speed armor.

Jarvis monitored the position of Air Force One at any time. Chen Mo and Tony drove to the maximum speed, crossing over half of the United States in less than half an hour and came to Virginia.

Soon, in the high air in front of the two, a white dot gradually appeared, and the direction moved towards the two kept getting closer.

When the two people’s eyes fall on the white point, the holographic projection screen in battle clothes automatically enlarges the screen, but it is a blue and white Boeing 747 plane.

This is exactly the goal of Chen Mo and Tony’s trip, the US presidential plane, Air Force One!

Because this is only a domestic flight, the military not at all sent fighter jets to escort them. With the excellent flexibility and powerful speed of battle clothes, the two of them were not discovered by anyone. It approached directly under the belly of Air Force One and flew forward at the same speed.

Chen Mo released his thoughts, and instantly enveloped the entire plane, and all the conditions inside were clearly reflected in his mind.

Chen Mo quickly found the silhouette of President Ellis. He was sitting alone in the presidents office at the front of the plane, but outside the office, there were several Secret Service agents guarding .

Confirming the position of President Ellis, Chen Mo did not hesitate, and directly wrapped Tony Stark with his thoughts. After a teleportation, he entered the plane and appeared in the office of the president.

President Ellis, who was working with his head down, felt that something flashed in his peripheral vision. He instinctively looked up and then stared wide-eyed in shock.

I saw two tall and mighty steel bodies. I don’t know when they appeared in his office. They were standing at his desk and looking at him coldly!

President Ellis couldnt help but glanced at the door leading to the outside room. Suddenly two strangers in steel armor appeared in his office, but the agents guarding the outside did not respond. His Many thoughts flashed through my mind, is it possible that the agents outside were quietly solved by these two people in front of them?

President Ellis couldn’t help but sink in his heart!

But in the end it is the highest leader of the United States. President Ellis knew that it was not the time to panic. He tried to calm himself down. He looked at the two people in front of him and wanted to question loudly, but suddenly realized this The two figures are somewhat familiar.

His eyes were drawn across the two steel bodies in front of him, and soon President Ellis remembered, looked at the golden and red silhouette, and asked uncertainly.

“Mr. Stark?”

Following President Ellis questioning, the two armors standing in front of him began to change at the same time, and the front armor quickly opened. Two figures came out from inside.

President Ellis recognized Tony Stark at a glance, which made him slightly sighed in relief. Tony Starks identity in the Avengers and his disarming performance at least showed that they should no offence.

President Ellis then turned his head and moved towards the other silhouette beside him. When he saw Chen Mo’s face clearly, he couldn’t help but be stunned. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but for a while In the meantime, I want to do not raise.

Although no one knows the name of Commander Chen Mo, few people have seen his appearance.

Every time he appeared, he was either wearing an Edman alloy armored combat uniform or steel battle clothes. The public always had the impression of him as a black armor, holding a sword and shield.

Although President Ellis has seen Chen Mo’s photo from the information, he is not as familiar with Tony Stark after all. Under tension, he did not recognize him for a while.

Chen Mo said directly when he saw this.

“Mr. President, I am the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, commander of the special forces, Chen Mo.”

President Ellis is hearing this, and it immediately came to mind After reading the information of the commander I had read, I quickly matched the Chen Mo in front of him with the black and white photo in his mind.

Really a commander!

President Ellis immediately lit up, and quickly got up from his chair, looking at Chen Mo and said with excitement.

“Hello, Mr. Commander! I am honored to meet you! Thank you for everything you have done for the United States and the people of the world!”

President Elliss response order aside Tony Stark could not help but wonder whether this President Ellis is a fan of Chen Mo!

In fact, President Ellis enthusiasm for Chen Mo is also normal.

Chen Mo not only helped the Allied forces win the Second World War, but also moved towards the United States. The Hydra super bomber, which was about to bomb major cities, drove into the sea, saving the lives of countless Americans , And just six months ago in New York, Chen Mo took a huge risk and rushed into the wormhole alone to wipe out the alien Legion that invaded the earth. It is no exaggeration to call Chen Mo the Guardian of the earth!

But it was a politician, President Ellis quickly calmed down, watching Chen Mo and Tony ask suspiciously.

“What are you guys?”

Chen Mo looked at President Ellis and said slowly.

“I need you to do me a favor!”

Chen Mo will be about Aldridge Killians relationship with Mandalin, and he will take Pepper and threaten them The situation in exchange for the president is explained.

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