My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 103

After a period of rest, Chen Mo plans to continue to expand his territory.

His caravan has not found the person he is looking for. He can only continuously expand his power and the scale of the caravan. He believes that the person he is looking for will appear sooner or later. After Super Soldier serum, Chen Mo, whose lifespan has been greatly extended, has enough time and patience.

However, Chen Mo found out that Andrew, the leader of the Knight regiment under his command, was not in the right state recently. Others may not have noticed, but Chen Mo’s keen perception can often feel a worry from him. , Tangled emotions.

Especially after knowing that their next target to attack is the Marquis Leonard, who is located on the periphery of the territory, this feeling is more intense and obvious, and even the daily training seems absent-minded.

Chen Mo can conclude that Andrew’s emotions must be related to the territory of the Marquis Leonard.

As the first to follow Chen Mo, and at the same time Chen Mo’s strongest and highest-ranking leader of the Knight regiment, the performance of Andrew until now made Chen Mo very satisfied.

He is persistent, brave and extremely loyal. All orders to Chen Mo will be executed unconditionally. Under his leadership, the entire Knight regiment has been extremely loyal to Chen Mo, even if it is When they hit the city gate with flesh and blood, no one was afraid and timid, all with a determined heart, press forward, and of course Chen Mo did not disappoint them.

The 100-member Knight regiment had gone through a years battle, and now it has expanded to more than 500 members, and the original more than 100 members have all passed their own efforts to be truly recognized by Chen Mo conferred. Knight.

Because of the Knight many people under his command, in order to distinguish different levels and clarify the affiliation, Chen Mo simply divides the formal Knight into four levels, distinguished by gold, silver, copper, and iron.

The highest gold Knight has not yet been canonized.

As the leader of the Knight regiment, Andrew is also the strongest warrior who kills the most enemies. He is currently the highest level of Chen Mo’s subordinate. The only silver Knight is in charge of the entire Knight regiment.

The eight people who were rescued by Chen Mo along with Andrew were shortly after joining Chen Mo, but the outstanding Victor was the bronze Knight, each leading a Knight squadron of dozens of people. .

The Black Iron Knight has a total of more than one hundred people, most of whom were originally members of the territory guard. Each of their subordinates led four knights to form a squad as the most basic combat unit.

The more than four hundred attendants of Knight were selected by Chen Mo from the original aristocrats Knight who had either voluntarily defected or been captured, and added them to the Knight regiment.

When I came to Chen Mo’s territory, everything had to start again. The original Knight title was no longer useful.

Some of them, through their own efforts, bravely killed the enemy, and became the official Dark Iron Knight again, and the others have all worked hard, hoping to get their own honor back soon.

Chen Mo clearly rewards and penalizes his subordinates. Fighters who do meritorious service are never stingy about rewards. Gold Coin, land, and even knighthood. As long as you make enough merits, becoming a Baron is not impossible. of.

Therefore, the morale of the entire Knight regiment is extremely strong, and they are extremely eager to fight, fight for the Sir Lord, and accumulate merits.

Everyone hopes that one day they can gain a piece of their own territory, establish their own Knight family, and even become a true hereditary nobleman, and Andrew is the most desperate among them.

It is not only fearless and bravely killing the enemy on the battlefield, even though it is already the strongest military force under Chen Mo, I have never relaxed and exercised, seizing every opportunity to improve my own strength.

Under his leadership, the Knight regiment not at all relaxes their daily training because they are equipped with sophisticated armor and weapons. Everyone trains very hard, especially those Knights who joined later. It is the Supreme Treasure of the Holy Cross sword technique, and keeps practicing every day.

But now their Knight leader is uncharacteristic, absent-minded all day, without fighting spirit, Chen Mo has to ask himself, let his brave confidant love be so abnormal, there must be something in it Hidden.

Blackstone City Fort, Lord’s Study Room.

Hanging on the wall is a portrait of a charge of Knight, majestic and domineering. The floor is covered with soft and gorgeous wool carpets. All around is decorated with heavy and exquisite solid wood furniture. The whole study is elegant and elegant. And atmospheric.

Chen Mo sat behind the dark solid wood desk and looked at the latest information sent back by Chamber of Commerce.

The wood in the fireplace is crackling and lightly burning, and the study is warm and quiet.

Suddenly, a heavy footstep sounded outside the door, and then the study door was gently knocked.

“Sir Lord, Andrew Knight is here.”

The announcement of the castle steward came from outside the door.

“Come in.”

Chen Mo’s majestic voice sounded.

With Chen Mo’s consent, Steward outside the door opened the door of the study, slightly bent over, and reached out to signal Andrew to enter.

Wearing armor and holding a helmet in his hands, Andrew strode into the study room with a serious face and standing straight in front of Chen Mo.

With the expansion of the Knight regiment, the original manor was no longer sufficient to accommodate a large number of Knights and war horses. Coupled with a very important secret workshop, Chen Mo simply took the Lords Mansion from the original Baron Manor. , Moved to this Blackstone City Fort that originally belonged to Warren Earl.

This ancient Gothic castle is made of hard black stone. It has a huge area and a long history. The towering towers and pointed roofs are majestic, mysterious and slightly gloomy.

In the study, Chen Mo put down the information in his hand and looked towards Andrew, who stood proudly in front of him. Although he tried to cover it up, Chen Mo could still see the worry in his eyes.

Under Chen Mo’s sharp and wise, clearly understood eyes, Andrew felt as if he was completely seen through, and there was no more secret.

“This attack on the Marquis Leonard, do you have anything you want to say?”

Chen Mo looked into Andrew’s eyes and asked slowly.

Under Chen Mo’s gaze, Andrew’s forehead gradually oozes sweat, and finally seems to have made some determination, gritted his teeth, and said.

“Sir Lord, I actually come from the territory of the Marquis Leonard. My father was once a Knight under the Marquis Leonard.”

It seems that I completely let go of my heart. Andrew’s worries, Andrew said everything in one mind.

At the beginning, because Andrews family could not afford the huge cost of becoming Knight for him and his big brother, as a young boy, Andrew resolutely joined the Marquis of Leonard in order to realize his ideal of becoming Knight. The guards have fought for him for many years.

Relying on his rigorous Knight training since he was a child, his strong strength and extraordinary talents, Andrew has repeatedly made great achievements. It stands to reason that even if he cant become Knight, he should be appreciated by the lord, and at least he can become one. The attendant Knight or the leader of the guard.

However, many years later, Andrew even killed two werewolves with his own hands, but failed to get the slightest promotion, and remained an ordinary soldier.

The reason, turned out to be the daughter of Marquis Leonard.

Once, Andrew and dozens of soldiers and two Knights were ordered to escort the marquis-samas daughter on an outing. Who would have thought that they encountered two terrifying werewolves.

Dozens of soldiers were slaughtered, and the rest fled in all directions. Two Knights desperately killed only one werewolf and wounded the other.

Just when the two Knights all died tragically, the soldiers were killed and fled, the noble Young Lady was about to be buried in the wolfs mouth, and Andrew finally survived and picked up a long sword that Knight had dropped. He stood up to stand in front of her, and finally killed the werewolf at the cost of serious injuries, saving the young and beautiful noble Young Lady.

Living in the castle since childhood, Young Lady, a nobleman who has never been in contact with the outside world, experienced this thrilling crisis and had a secret love for the brave and powerful Andrew.

Andrew has a growing affection for this innocent, kind, and arrogant and domineering beautiful girl who is not at all as the aristocratic Young Lady. The two secretly meet and date.

After experiencing the danger of being almost buried in the mouth of a werewolf last time, this weak aristocratic Young Lady is also full of interest in the sword technique. After seeing Andrew’s strength, she often asks Andrew to teach her the sword technique.

After learning that his ideal is to become a Knight, she said that she would also become a Dame in the future and kill the werewolves with him.

The two have been dating secretly like this, practicing swordsmanship. The sword technique of the noble Young Lady is getting higher and higher, and the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper.

A few years later, this aristocratic Young Lady reached the age to marry. Although Andrew has been working hard, he is still an ordinary soldier. It is basically impossible to marry the daughter of a noble Marquis.

In the end, Marquis Leonard made a marriage decision for her, but she was very persistent. She would rather die than marry. In order to show her determination, she even put on armor and mixed into the Knight regiment and followed They went to the battlefield together, fighting the enemy.

In the end, the Marquis had to cancel the marriage contract, but then, he found Andrew. It turned out that he had known about the two.

Its just until now. Both of them didnt overstep the rules. They just chatted, played, and practiced the sword technique. The Marquis Leonard only thought that his daughter was saved by him and trusted his strength. Let him escort him to play, and learn from him only after he likes the sword technique, so he didn’t interfere too much, just let his confidants pay close attention.

For Andrew, Marquis Leonard is not at all taking seriously. There are nearly a hundred powerful Knights under him. In his eyes, the infantry is just cannon fodder. He doesnt pay much attention at all, even if Andrew is better than other soldiers. To be much stronger, still not in his eyes.

In his opinion, Andrew is just a slave playing with his master. As for saving his daughters life from the wolf population, this is what he should have done as a slave, if he did not protect the master. , They all deserve to be executed!

Discovering the relationship between the two, the Marquis Leonard was furious. Due to his daughters current staunch personality, the Marquis did not directly execute Andrew, but expelled him and asked him to leave her with one. Letter to make her completely give up.

According to Marquis Leonard, you are not worthy of the noble Marquis Young Lady at all, so don’t think that only nobles can be worthy of his beautiful and noble daughter.

Andrew has no hope of becoming a Knight consciously, let alone a nobleman. He asks that he cant match her and give her a better life. He is discouraged and leaves a letter in accordance with the requirements of the Marquis. Sadly left the Marquis’s territory, and came to live in the small village where Chen Mo had met Chen Mo, intending to forget the past and spend this ordinary life like this.

But how could he forget, he will always remember the beautiful girl who wielded the long sword with him.

Her name is Amelia!

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