My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1000

But soon, Alice shook her head secretly, and got rid of the idea. Lets not say that the high-tech weapon was not made by the umbrella company, but Chen Mo until now. The performance is absolutely impossible to be the people of the umbrella company!

With his strength, regardless of whether he wants to kill them or whatever, he can be said to be with no difficulty. There is no need to do such a play, and he also puts the Chief-In of the umbrella company -Charge is killed!

But if you are not from the umbrella company, what kind of identity will you be?

With full of doubts, Alice followed Chen Mo back to the cabin where the survivors were previously held.

At this time, there are many silhouettes wearing white clothed cabins in the empty cabins. The sound of opening the glass cabins keeps coming. Luther West and Angel Ortiz and the others are continuously Leading the crowd to leave the cabin and onto the deck, Alice noticed that K. Matt had also fully recovered, joined the crowd, and helped guide the other survivors.

In addition to K. Matt, there are other silhouettes familiar to Alice who are also helping out. It is the former Claire team member!

Everyones mechanical spiders have been shut down by Chen Mo, and the survivors were released from the glass cabin only after they recovered, so there is no need for everyone to step forward and help. The survivors of Claire’s team helped guide, and everything became simple.

After the initial panic, the survivors who came out of the glass cabin soon calmed down amidst the comfort of the crowd, and followed the crowd moved towards the deck.

When Chen Mo and Alice saw this, they couldn’t help but glance at each other. A touch of joy from the heart appeared on Alice’s face.

When Claire and Chris saw Chen Mo coming back, they greeted them and asked with concern.

“How’s the situation?”

Alice glanced at Chen Mo and saw that Chen Mo didnt mean to speak. She was about to tell everyone what happened just now, but she saw that the surrounding area was full. After the many survivors with bewildered faces, Alice held it down for a while, and finally said to everyone.

“Lets go up and say it!”

After confessing to K. Matt and the others, Chen Mo and Alice and the others left the crowded cabin immediately. Came to the cockpit above the bridge.

“What happened inside?”

As soon as she came in, Claire couldn’t help but ask Alice.

Alice glanced at everyone, then said slowly.

“This is indeed the trap of the umbrella company. We met the Chief-In-Charge of the umbrella company, Wesker!”

“He should have died, but However, it was resurrected under the influence of T virus, and now it has become a monster with a human appearance!”

“This ship is where he collects food!”


“That’s right! The T virus within the body has been competing with him for control of the body. He must consume humans to temporarily maintain balance!”

After that, Alice told everyone what happened in the cabin. After hearing that Wesker was still alive after Chen Mo had his head beheaded, everyone couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed, and when Alice said When Wesker’s head was full of hideous faces and looked towards her, everyone couldn’t help but think of that horrible scene, all of them were chilling in their hearts, complexion pale, and even more scared than hearing ghost stories.

After all, ghost stories are all fake, but what Alice is telling is obviously what happened just now!

But when they finally learned that there were other survivors in some cities, everyone’s expressions couldn’t help but lifted up!

Of course they know what survivors mean!

Before, they thought that this World had been destroyed, and only a few of them were left in the entire world. The feeling of loneliness, despair, and loss of hope was very uncomfortable!

And now, they have not only rescued many people on the Arcadia, but also learned about the existence of other survivors. This is of great significance to them, and it means that there is hope for mankind!

Claire couldn’t help but walked to the cockpit window and stretched out the blinds to look out on the deck. Thousands of white clothed survivors were standing on the deck and looking around blankly.

“This is a miracle!”

Claire turned and looked towards Alice everyone, and said with a sigh.

“I really didn’t expect so many people to survive!”

Chris heard this and patted her arm, and Claire did not resist at all, looking at K The concern in Reese’s eyes, nodded with a smile.

Chris felt warm in his heart, but then he turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo and Alice, and asked.

“What are you doing down here?”

Alice hearing this, glanced at the Wireless Electronics device on the table in front of her, and couldn’t help but stretch out her hand to open it.

The broadcast they had heard before sounded in the loudspeaker.

“This is Arcadia, sending an emergency frequency broadcast…”

Alice couldn’t help but make a decision in her heart when thinking of their joy when they first heard this broadcast.

“Let me say, we can continue to fulfill this promise!”

Alice said, reached out and picked up the microphone of the Wireless Electronics device, pressed the switch, and used her The magnetic voice slowly said.

“This is Arcadia, sending an emergency frequency broadcast! Location, 118.30 degrees west longitude, 34.05 degrees north latitude. There is no infection here, repeat, there is no infection here! We provide safety protection, food and shelter So, if you are still alive, we will help you!”

Alices words were not only sent out through Wireless Electronics moved towards the distance, but the external speakers of the Arcadia also sent her words in real time. Played out.

Just after coming out of the cabin on the deck, the survivors who were looking confused at first couldn’t help but stop and listen when they heard Alice’s words.

They have heard a similar broadcast before, but it was a man’s voice, and the words seemed rigid and formulaic, while Alice’s voice was full of sincerity at this time!

In the cockpit, Alice put down the Wireless Electronics microphone, turned around and looked towards other people with ease. This is actually what she wants to do until now!

Now “Acadia” is the real refuge for survivors!

“There are still a few planes in the cabin, we can continue to search for survivors along the coastline, and send planes to the inland cities to save people!”

Alice has already started planning She started the action afterwards, but Claire’s words made her stunned.

“But what about the two thousand people on board? This ship simply cannot accommodate so many people for a long time! We must find a way to put them down!”

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