My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 99: Everything in the Dream

"The technique lies in the person, the cultivation lies in the heart, the great road is simple, and I am the only one who is supreme."

Murong Wushuang and others carefully savored Lin Taixu's words in their hearts, feeling as if they had caught something, but as if they had not caught anything.

In short, I don’t know how serious it is.

Suddenly, looking at Lin Taixu's leaving figure, they suddenly became extremely tall in their hearts.

The master is indeed worthy of being a master. Whatever he says is the truth of life and the essence of martial arts.

It's a pity that the disciple is stupid and cannot understand the essence for the time being.


"Since the controller makes something out of nothing, the system rewards the controller with 1,000 system experience points. A famous teacher has 1,000 experience points and 1,000 silver coins. Making something out of nothing is worth 1 point."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current controller has 45,500 system experience points, 26,000 famous teacher experience points, 27,400 silver coins, and 6 points out of nothing."

At this time, the system's upgrade sound sounded in Lin Taixu's heart.

"It's not easy for me to go. It actually adds a little bit of value out of nothing. It's too difficult for me."

Lin Taixu listened to the system's voice and complained in his heart.

But when I thought that the system experience value plus the famous teacher experience value was more than 80,000, the depression in my heart was immediately swept away, and I went back to the room with a smile to prepare for bed.

I woke up too early and had to take a nap.

Men should take good care of themselves.

"Continue to practice. Raise your level as soon as possible."

After Lin Taixu left, Murong Wushuang took up the responsibility of teaching and told Wang Luoyi and others that now she no longer had to go to the Monster Forest for money to practice, so she planned to upgrade her martial arts level.

Naturally, I also hope that all junior sisters can also improve their martial arts levels.

Only when you are strong can you live up to your master's teachings.

"Yes, senior sister."

Wang Luoyi and others responded, and then went back to their rooms to practice.

"System, can I buy a puppet?"

Back in the room, Lin Taixu asked while lying on the bed. If not, he planned to go to bed. If not, then let's chat for a while.


The system replied that there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing the system doesn't have. The premise is that you must have money.

There is a lot of money.

"Give me a puppet at the level of a sixth-level Martial King."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he immediately became interested. If there was a powerful puppet as a bodyguard, everyone in the world could go there.

If someone with evil intentions like Li Yichu breaks in next time, the puppet can backhand him and click him, so that his sweet dream will not be disturbed.


"I found a sixth-level Martial King puppet, priced at 600 million silver coins. Would you like to buy it, the controller?"

Soon, the system answered.

Six hundred million silver coins?

What the hell, why don’t you grab it?

Lin Taixu immediately became angry. Six hundred million silver coins. In reality, it would take 600 silver coins to exchange. And he had been blackmailing for a long time and didn't earn 100 million silver coins. What should he buy?

"Is it okay to pay on credit?"

Lin Taixu asked, installment payment, the system must keep up with the trend.


"Dear, over here, I suggest you go to bed early, because you can dream about everything."

The system said unceremoniously, "Credit?" Just dream.

This system operates on a small basis and does not require credit.


I have a saying that mom sells batches, but I don’t know if I should say it or not.

Lin Taixu almost choked on the system and couldn't catch his breath. This broken system was as bad as ever.

"What about puppetry?"

Lin Taixu asked unwillingly.

"Level 1 Puppet Technique, priced at 1,000 silver coins."

"If you practice successfully, you can refine a first-level puppet."

"The first-level puppet is equivalent to the strength of a first-level warrior. It is produced by the system and must be high-quality. It can be 100% invincible at the same level."

The system said.

"Where's the sixth-level puppetry?"

Lin Taixu asked again, there is no way, he is good at martial arts king level puppets. As far as he knows, there is only one martial king in the Crescent Kingdom. If he can refine a sixth level puppet, then the Crescent Kingdom is not his own. back yard?

You can fuck whoever you want?

As for the dog nesting in this Qingfeng City where a bird does not lay eggs?

The prince fights for hegemony?

Sorry, when this famous master appears in the palace with the sixth-level Martial King puppet, you will all have to kneel down and call daddy.

"Sixty billion silver coins for level six puppetry."

The system replied that since being awakened by Lin Taixu, he has opened a special mall, which has everything. As long as you have money, you can buy the whole world.

Just ask you if you are afraid.

Uh, no, just asking if you have money.

"Sixty billion?"

Lin Taixu suddenly screamed, "Sixty billion, multiplied by a hundred times the exchange rate, what is that?"

Anyway, he didn't graduate from elementary school, so he can't be counted.

Someone help him figure it out.

I didn't graduate from elementary school either. :author.

"Yes, sixty billion."

"And the system has 60 billion silver coins."

The system continued to answer, with a hint of arrogance in his tone. No one could understand why he was so arrogant.

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

Lin Taixu shouted, he had just said this, but he had no choice but to express the anger in his heart at this moment.

The sixth-level Martial King Puppet sells for 600 million silver coins, and the sixth-level puppet technique costs 60 billion silver coins.

What the hell.

"This price is not expensive. The sixth-level puppetry can refine the sixth-level puppets of the King of Martial Arts without limit. This is a very cost-effective transaction. Here, it is recommended that the controller make more money."

The system said with a friendly reminder.


Lin Taixu was stunned when he heard this. After thinking about it, it was indeed reasonable, but he didn't have that much money.

Forget it, I can't talk about it today.

Go to sleep, there are all kinds of dreams.

Lin Taixu pulled up the quilt to cover himself from head to toe. If you don't see it, you won't be annoyed. If you don't think about it, you won't feel pain.

You see, a man's happiness is so simple.

This time, Lin Taixu slept very soundly and had a very long dream. In the dream, he was doing a simple thing, picking up money, picking up money and picking up money.

Pick up money until the end of time.

Just when he found that he had picked up 6 trillion and was ready to find the system to exchange system coins and then buy the sixth-level puppetry, he was woken up by Zhao Feixue to eat.


Lin Taixu looked at Zhao Feixue's beautiful face at this moment, as if he reached out to twist it hard.

What's wrong with you coming late?

What's wrong with making the master happy?

You just disturbed my beautiful dream, unworthy disciple.

Unworthy disciple.


Seeing the master looking at her with resentment, Zhao Feixue was confused. Her beautiful eyes shyly looked at Lin Taixu, not knowing what she had done wrong, and looked pitiful.

"Forget it, if I get it, I'm lucky, if I lose it, I'm dead, why should I have to confront a little girl?"

Looking at Zhao Feixue's pitiful appearance, Lin Taixu generously chose to forgive her.

Walking out of the room, it was almost noon, Murong Wushuang and others had been standing in the pavilion waiting for a long time.

I don't know since when, a view has been subtly instilled in their hearts, that is, cultivation is very important.


Now, accompanying the master for dinner is the most important thing.

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