
There was only the sound of a sharp blade cutting flesh. Under Wang Luoyi's cover, Ouyang Yanran swiped his sword across Li Yichu's thigh and drew blood.

The location, distance, and distance were just a few steps away from making Li Yichu's poisonous oath come true ahead of schedule.

"Ah, bitch, labor and management are going to kill you."

Li Chu felt the pain, groaned, and roared at Ouyang Yanran, his face extremely ferocious.

Thinking that he was a dignified second-level warrior at the fifth level, to be injured by a first-level warrior at the ninth level was a waste. It was a great shame and humiliation for him.

Moreover, that position almost made me lose the joy of life.

It is a crime worthy of death.

Immediately, Li Yichu's eyes turned red and he attacked Ouyang Yanran.

After hurting the enemy with one sword, Ouyang Yanran did not continue to attack, but stepped aside. The swords in the hands of Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang were cold and stabbed at Li Yichu's ribs respectively.


Li Yichu swept his long sword across, knocking away the two swords. His body went straight forward with the long sword and continued to slash at Ouyang Yanran.

At this moment, he just wanted to cut Ouyang Yanran in half with one knife, otherwise it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart.


Ouyang Yanran shouted softly, her eyes showing perseverance, and she swung the long sword in her hand and stabbed Li Yichu in the chest with a dazzling sword light.

Even if Li Yichu could kill himself with one sword, she could also stab him in the chest with one sword.

Fight for your life!

Come on, let's hurt each other.

"If you are looking for death, I will help you."

Li Yichu roared with a ferocious expression, and continued to slash down on Ouyang Yanran's head with the long knife in his hand.

If this knife really cuts down, Ouyang Yanran will definitely be killed with one knife and completely destroyed.

"Yanran, step back."

When Murong Wushuang saw this, she couldn't help being shocked, and shouted softly, she had just rescued Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang before, and now it was too late to rescue them in time.

However, it is too late, and when it is time to take action, you still have to take action.

I saw her sword shaking, "Zheng."

A sword chant sounded, and a layer of dazzling light appeared on the sword body. The light flickered out unsteadily, never leaving the sword body three inches away.

Although it is illusory and illusory, it gives people an indestructible sense of sight.

Sword light.

After a warrior reaches the ultimate level of swordsmanship, when using the sword, a layer of light will appear on the sword. This light is the legendary sword light.

It can increase the attack power several times or even dozens of times.

Above the sword light is sword energy, which can injure the enemy from a distance. Moreover, after injuring the enemy, the sword energy will be left in the opponent's body and cannot be broken by anyone without sword energy.

It is even more sharp.

However, not all sword practitioners can learn sword radiance.

This depends on both talent and understanding.

Therefore, there are countless sword wielders in the New Moon Kingdom, but not many can cultivate the sword radiance.

Those who can be cultivated are all unparalleled geniuses with extraordinary talents. As long as such people do not die prematurely, they will inevitably become a peerless strongman who can suppress one party.

Murong Wushuang cultivated his sword light three months ago and has never shown it in front of others, intending to use it as his trump card.

However, now she can't care so much for Ouyang Yanran.

Suddenly, a bright sword light fell to the ground like a galaxy and attacked Li Yichu.

The sword light was cold and murderous.

With the blessing of the sword light, this sword is extremely powerful, as if it has reached the strongest state she can currently achieve.

As long as Ouyang Yan takes a step back and delays for a little while, the sword light can come from behind and cut Li Yichu in half.


Li Yichu roared in his heart, not caring about Murong Wushuang's imminent attack. He just wanted to kill Ouyang Yanran. As for Ouyang Yanran's beautiful face and slim figure, he would have salivated in the past.

But, now, it's impossible, he's not that kind of person.

He just wants to break the situation now. Years of fighting experience tell him that if this continues for a long time, it is unknown whether he can leave here alive, let alone his covetous body.

Therefore, in his eyes, Hongfen is nothing more than a stinker at this moment.


Ouyang Yanran had no intention of retreating. The energy in her body surged, and all the energy poured out to kill him.

kill him.

Now there is only one thought in her mind, retreat, it doesn't exist.


The energy and blood in Ouyang Yanran's body were flowing rapidly, and the oppressive feeling of death made her mind reach an unprecedented concentration. The long sword in her hand seemed to feel the owner's mind, and it trembled slightly, and suddenly appeared on the sword body. A layer of light shines out.

It's like a dream, exuding a breathtaking edge.

It seems that nothing in the world can withstand its sharpness.

Sword light?

When Murong Wushuang saw this, she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise and looked at Ouyang Yanran in shock. She knew that she was someone who had cultivated sword radiance, so she naturally knew how difficult it was to cultivate sword radiance.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Yanran could realize the sword radiance at this time.

This luck is simply incredible.


Li Yichu's face couldn't help but change. Although he had not cultivated the sword radiance, he also knew that there was only one person in a million who could cultivate the sword radiance. He did not expect that a vase in his eyes was actually a rare genius of swordsmanship. He suddenly felt more confident. He was determined to kill Ouyang Yanran, and the long knife in his hand suddenly sped up a bit.

Killing a genius is the happiest thing.

And it is even more exciting to kill a genius who is as beautiful as a flower and who has conquered the country.

If she can't be killed today, Ouyang Yanran won't know which pig will be better off in the future.

Thinking about it makes him feel unwilling, envious and jealous.

You are the pig, and your whole family is a pig: Ouyang Yanran’s future husband.

The sword wind roared and the sword light pierced the air, and the distance between the two people was getting closer and closer.


Just hearing the sound of strong wind breaking through the sky, Wang Luoyi came across the sky with a purple gold hammer in his hand, and hit the long knife in Li Yichu's hand with one hammer.


Huge power erupted, and Wang Luoyi struck down with a hammer, and Li Yichu's long knife hit him on his left shoulder with a bang.


There was a sound of broken bones, and Li Yichu's left shoulder was shattered by a hammer. He screamed and flew out of the air, and his body hit the ground more than ten meters away.


Li Yichu stood up from the ground as soon as he stood up, but as soon as he stood up, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale.

It seemed that Wang Luoyi's blow not only shattered his shoulder, but also injured his internal organs.

Think about it, the Purple Gold Hammer weighs a thousand kilograms, and Wang Luoyi hit it with all his strength, calculated mentally or not. It's a damn thing that Li Yichu's old bones can withstand it.

"Have you asked me about my little junior sister who wants to kill me?"

Wang Luoyi held the Purple Gold Hammer, looked at Li Yichu with high spirits and sneered, "What a fool."

When fighting with this girl, I actually want to attack others with all my strength.

What are you thinking?

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