My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 714: Life and Death Certificate

"He is simply shameless. My master is infinitely better than him."

Seeing this, Wang Luoyi and others cursed in their hearts.

The eldest son of the Hua family probably can't even block Master's punch, yet he's still bragging about it.

"You mean to let me go back on my word and break my promise to everyone in the world?"

Nangong Yidao frowned and asked coldly.

"Compared to the lifelong happiness of the princess, I feel that the prince's momentary inattention is a true act of kindness and love, which should be appreciated by the world."

Hua Yixiong said defensively.

"see a visitor out."

Nangong Yidao waved his hand and said, too lazy to continue what Hua Yixiong said, because he was worried that if he continued, he would slap him to death.

What the hell?

It seems that my daughter has accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue in marrying him.

Not to mention that he had a marriage contract with his benefactor first, even if he hadn't, he would not agree to his daughter marrying such an arrogant person.

"My lord, are you just watching the princess marry a loser?"

When Hua Yixiong saw this, he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect Nangong Yidao to drive him away.

"Don't open your mouth and you are a waste. Shut your mouth and you are a waste. You are the waste."

Nangong Changao cursed angrily.

"What did you say? I'm useless?"

"I, Hua Yixiong, am twenty-five years old, with a third level of martial arts training and a sixth level martial artist. Do you think I am a waste?"

"If I can only be considered a waste, then tell me, who is the genius in this world?"

Hua Yixiong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly. Then, he saw his breath released, and his level 3 and 6 martial arts skills were immediately revealed.


When Nangong Changao saw this, his face turned red.

Indeed, in terms of martial arts cultivation, Hua Yixiong is indeed a well-deserved genius in the Crescent Moon Kingdom.

Suddenly, in the face of absolute strength, he really couldn't find any words to refute.

Murong Zhentian glanced at Hua Yixiong indifferently. In the past, Hua Yixiong would have really given him a high look, but now, I'm sorry, the third level and the sixth level martial artist are still a bit behind.

Because he had just tested his precious daughter's martial arts cultivation, and it turned out that she had reached the third level and the seventh level of martial arts master.

Moreover, how old is your daughter?

He is several years younger than Hua Yixiong.

Therefore, if he were not concerned about his identity, he would like to ask Hua Yixiong, what are you doing with your modest cultivation?

Zhao Wuji and others also looked at Hua Yixiong indifferently. They had the same idea as Murong Zhentian. Because they worshiped Lin Taixu as their master, their daughters have now reached the third-level martial arts level.

Therefore, Hua Yixiong's talent is simply not enough.

At the same time, a trace of joy emerged in their hearts. Fortunately, they sent their daughters to Lin Taixu at that time.

This is all thanks to Murong Wushuang's leadership.

"Chang Ao, come here, don't talk to trash, it will infect you."

Lin Taixu originally didn't want to talk to Hua Yixiong, and planned to wait until today to settle the score with him.

But seeing Nangong Changao being bullied, he couldn't help but speak.

There is nothing else about him, he just likes to protect his shortcomings.

Besides, it was his brother-in-law who was being bullied, how could he bear this?

"Lin Taixu, you don't have any other skills, but you have a tough mouth. Since you say I'm a waste, if you have the ability, let's make a life-or-death decision. How about we have a life-or-death showdown today?"

Hua Yixiong sneered.

"Okay, if you want to die, I can certainly help you."

Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment and immediately agreed.

"No, you can't duel him."

Seeing this, Nangong Changhuan hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't worry when I do my job, I won't make you a widow."

Lin Taixu laughed when he saw this, stood up and walked towards Hua Yixiong.


Seeing this, Nangong Changhuan couldn't help but feel shy and anxious. Before she could speak, Nangong Changao stretched out his hand and pulled the corner of her clothes and said, "Sister, don't worry, have you ever seen your brother-in-law do this before?" Something to suffer from?”


When Nangong Changhuan heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case. From the moment she met her to the present, she had only seen others suffer from Lin Taixu's losses, and she had never seen Lin Taixu. Whose fault has it suffered?

Nangong Yidao was a little worried at first, but when he heard what Nangong Changao said, he felt relieved.

This bastard eats everything, but he never suffers.

"Captain, please make arrangements. Let's make a life and death situation. Let's write that Hua Yixiong and I have a life and death duel. Regardless of the means, only one of the two parties can survive. The dead party cannot retaliate against the victorious party."

Lin Taixu walked to Nangong Yidao with a smile and said.

"Hundred Rivers."

Nangong Yidao glanced at Lin Taixu, and then gave instructions to Niu Baichuan.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After hearing this, Niu Baichuan immediately took orders to prepare.

"Second Senior Sister, should we persuade Master?"

Zhao Feixue whispered to Wang Luoyi.

"Have you forgotten Master's teachings? As a disciple, you must unconditionally believe in Master at all times."

Wang Luoyi glared at Zhao Feixue and said.


Zhao Feixue pouted and said nothing more, but still looked at Lin Taixu with worried eyes.

I don’t know if Master can do it.

That time he killed a group of Wu Zong.


Zhao Feixue felt excited, looked at Hua Yixiong again, and smiled immediately.

Sure enough, what the second senior sister said was right. As a disciple, you must unconditionally believe in the master at any time.

Alas, the disciple is guilty.

I will practice for two more hours later as a punishment.

Zhao Wuji and others were also surprised to see Lin Taixu, a first-level martial artist, going to a life-and-death duel with a third-level martial artist, a sixth-level martial artist?

Is he tired of living, so he wants to die?

However, seeing that his precious daughters not only did not look worried, but all looked excited, what the hell is this?

However, since the master is thinking about dying, and the disciples are not worried.

Then, what should we worry about?

After a while, Niu Baichuan came back with two life and death certificates. After the two confirmed that they were correct, both parties immediately signed their names.

At this point, the life and death certificate was officially established.

"Hahaha, Lin Taixu, what can I say about you? Calling you a fool is flattering you. A useless first-level martial artist dares to fight a life-and-death duel with me, a sixth-level third-level martial artist, and you have no limit to the means."

"You are simply the biggest fool in the world."

Hua Yixiong got the death warrant and laughed.

"Have you finished talking nonsense? Are you ready?"

Lin Taixu sat on the chair and asked lightly.

"Come up and die."

Hua Yixiong saw that Lin Taixu was about to die, but he still looked like he didn't know whether to live or die. He shouted angrily, and then hooked his finger at Lin Taixu in an extremely arrogant manner.


Lin Taixu smiled and stood up and walked to Hua Yixiong and stopped less than ten meters away.

"Hua Yixiong, my moves are very powerful, you have to be careful, don't wait to die in a puff, that would be a bit boring."

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