"Master, why don't we choose this place?"

On a street, Wang Luoyi pointed to a restaurant and said.


Lin Taixu looked up at the plaque on the restaurant and said, "Well, this name is good."


All the drunk people are immortals.

It's very artistic and in line with the temperament of this master.

"Then this is the place."

Lin Taixu continued, and immediately took Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi in.

Zuixianju, the largest restaurant in Qingfeng City.

I don't know if it's delicious, but it's expensive, which is known to everyone in Qingfeng City.

How expensive is it?

In fact, it's not that expensive.

A plate of green vegetables costs two silver coins in other restaurants, but only two hundred silver coins in Zuixianju.

A pot of ordinary sake costs five silver coins in other places, but only five hundred silver coins in Zuixianju.

So, Zuixianju has another very appropriate name, Baibeilou.

It means that the consumption here is a hundred times that of other places.

Easy to understand, fair to all.

Logically, such a restaurant should be unpopular. After all, no one wants to be cheated, right?

However, the world is lying, dreams are different from thoughts.

Zuixianju not only did not close down, but its business was extremely hot.

Everyone felt that they were worth a hundred times more because they could have a meal at Zuixianju, as if their life would be different after eating the food at Zuixianju, and thus their worth would be a hundred times more and they would reach the peak of their life.

Lin Taixu didn't know, so he walked in calmly.

As soon as the three of them walked into the hall, the originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Lin Taixu, and Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi beside him.

Lin Taixu was tall and handsome like jade, although he couldn't practice, but his demeanor and expression were absolutely impeccable.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were also stunning and beautiful.

The man on the street is like jade, and the young man is unparalleled in the world.

They are talking about Lin Taixu and others.

Therefore, the appearance of such a fairy-like person made the diners in the hall silent, and even the dishes held by the chopsticks in their hands fell without knowing it.

In the hall, the woman looked at Lin Taixu with shining eyes, and suddenly, she felt that the male companion beside her was not attractive.

The man in the hall looked at Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, and suddenly, he felt that the women around him who he used to never get tired of looking at were all scum.

Jealousy, envy, hatred

Various emotions intertwined, the taste was even more authentic than the taste of Zuixianju dishes.

"Welcome to Zuixianju, young lady."

After being shocked, a maid quickly walked up to Lin Taixu and Murong Wushuang and said, "I wonder which floor do you want to eat on? In the hall or in the box?"

The maid was tall, with delicate features, and her charming smile had an irresistible beauty.

Eight points.

Lin Taixu glanced at the maid silently, and gave her a serious score in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In this other world, he hadn't felt anything else yet, but there were a lot of beauties.

Even the maids in a restaurant were so beautiful that they were bubbling. The men here were too happy.

However, it was very good.

This master also traveled through time. From now on, I will set a small goal for myself.


Hearing the maid's question, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi looked at Lin Taixu at the same time. It didn't matter where they ate, as long as the master was happy.

"Let's go to this hall. There are many people and it's lively."

Lin Taixu glanced at the hall and said lightly.

It doesn't matter where you eat, the key is who you eat with.

For example, there are several girls in this hall that are worth looking at.

Can you see them in the box?


Of course, he wouldn't say this idea.

Even if he was guessed, he wouldn't admit it.


The maid was stunned when she heard this. She originally thought that Lin Taixu would definitely choose a gorgeous, elegant and quiet private room when he brought such a beautiful friend to Zuixianju for dinner.

You should know that the private rooms in Zuixianju require additional fees. The better the private room, the more expensive it is.

Naturally, the more consumption, the more commission she will get.

However, she didn't expect Lin Taixu to sit in the hall.

This is fucking.

However, since she chose the hall, she had no choice. She immediately glanced at Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi's expressions and found that the two did not show any dissatisfaction. She had to lead Lin Taixu to a window seat with contempt in her heart.

"Tsk, who did you think he was?"

"It turns out to be just a poor guy."

"That's right, with two such beautiful women like celestial beings, you actually sit in the hall for dinner. It's really embarrassing for us men."

"If it were me, I would sell everything I had to go to the private room, at least the third-level private room."

Seeing that Lin Taixu was actually sitting in the hall, some envious and jealous diners couldn't help but mock him.

What do men do with their money?

Of course, they spend it on women.

Especially for beautiful women, you should give them the best, instead of letting them suffer with you and lowering their quality of life.

Lin Taixu glanced at those who were talking. Although he didn't know what they wanted to express, he seemed to feel that these poor people were talking about being poor.

He was curious. We were eating in the same hall. Could it be that I am poor and you are not?

Is there something special about this hall? Or does sitting by the window make people look poorer?

I don’t know what it means, but it’s impressive.

If Lin Taixu really understood the meaning of Zuixianju, he would definitely know that Zuixianju has another more popular nickname besides Baibeilou, and he would know what’s going on.

Zuixianju = Baibeilou = Zhuangbilou.


If you don’t pretend to be a big shot in life, what’s the difference between you and a salted fish?

What’s the difference between you and a fool?

So, this is the ultimate secret of Zuixianju.

Just like Lin Taixu’s previous life, those people who only had a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan spent 30,000 or 50,000 yuan to buy a brand-name bag, and then ate instant noodles and swaggered around with a brand-name bag that cost only a few dollars, claiming to be successful people and high-class socialites.

The principle is the same.

However, it was fortunate that Lin Taixu didn't know. If he knew, he would definitely sneer and tell all the idiots in the other world that the highest level of pretending should be buying underwear.

Ahem, don't think wrongly.

Wearing underwear backwards, I am the most powerful superman in the world.

Oli Ge!

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi frowned when they heard the ridicule of the crowd, but Lin Taixu didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, the master is above, and etiquette cannot be abolished.

"Sir, what do you need to order?"

The maid asked Lin Taixu and handed the menu in her hand to Lin Taixu.

As for the voices around, I felt very comfortable. It was a waste of the two beauties to be so blind as to make friends with such a stingy person like Lin Taixu.

Really, two flowers stuck in cow dung.

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