My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 48 I'm a bit more lustful

"very good."

"You're in trouble, you're in big trouble."

Lin Taixu put the Ning Yuan Pill in his hand into the pill bottle, looked at Diao Buchan and sneered.

"What do you mean by this, Master Master?"

"I act according to the rules. Besides, this is the Hall of Famed Masters, so Master Masters had better not be too presumptuous."

Diao Buchan was startled by Lin Taixu's expression and said threateningly.

Lin Taixu's guess was good. He thought that Lin Taixu was just a waste. How could he deserve to have so many resources in the Master Master Hall? You should know that the price of a Yuan Ning Dan outside was worth ten thousand silver coins.

Ten thousand silver coins, that's a lot of money, enough for him to drink wine several times.

Therefore, he used the excuse of resource constraints to withhold the resources that originally belonged to Lin Taixu.

If he dares to do this, he will definitely not be afraid of Lin Taixu knowing about it.

He's just a loser. If you know it, you'll know. Apart from knocking out his front teeth and swallowing his blood, what else can be done to him?


"I'm sorry, but besides being a bit lustful, I also like to be unruly."

Lin Taixu sneered, looking at Diao Bu Greed with an unkind expression.

What he said was righteous and convincing.

What happened to lust?

Men are not lewd, so what’s the point?

Okay, is there any?


When Wang Luoyi heard this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. The master was so cute.

In addition to being a little lustful, are you a little bit more?

She's obviously lustful.

Murong Wushuang was also amused by Lin Taixu's tone in which he mistook shamelessness for pride. The full of grievances in his heart disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The look in Lin Taixu's eyes showed a rare trace of warmth.

Even she herself didn't know about this change.


Diao Buchan smiled coldly and looked at Lin Taixu with great disdain. Anyone can tell lies.

The key is, can you do it?

Although he is only a first-level warrior at the ninth level, to Lin Taixu, a waste who is not even a warrior, that is heaven and earth.

As long as Lin Taixu dares to be presumptuous, he can kill him with one slap.

As for the identity of a famous teacher, haha, that is just to scare others.

It's not enough to scare him into being greedy.

"Master, don't be angry. We don't care about these resources."

Wang Luoyi was worried that Lin Taixu would cause trouble, so he quickly stepped forward to persuade him.

"That's right, I'll just go to the Monster Forest a few more times later."

Murong Wushuang said lightly, looking at Lin Taixu with some worry, fearing that he would get angry and slap Diao Bugre to death.

That's a big deal.

"That's another thing. If this fat pig doesn't give me a satisfactory explanation today, hey, I guarantee he won't see the sun tomorrow."

Lin Taixu sneered.

"Junior Huang Baihai pays homage to the steward."

At this time, a strong voice was heard from outside the door, and a twenty-one or twelve-year-old boy was seen standing outside the door with a smile on his face.

This young man has a majestic appearance and a vague sense of style. Coupled with his delicate face, he gives people an extremely easy-going and elegant feeling.

This person is none other than Huang Baihai, the son of Huang Taiji of the Huang family, the head of the four major families in Qingfeng City.

Seeing someone arriving, Lin Taixu immediately gave up on dealing with Diao Buqi, turned around, walked aside and sat down, intending to see what this yellow or sea guy was doing first.

There's no rush anyway.

"Master, let's go."

Seeing Lin Taixu actually sitting down, Wang Luoyi whispered beside Lin Taixu.

"Not urgent."

Lin Taixu smiled and said.

"Oh, Master."

Wang Luoyi had no choice but to stand behind Lin Taixu with her mouth pouted. Although she wanted Lin Taixu to leave right away, he was unwilling and she, as a disciple, had no choice.


Murong Wushuang could only sigh helplessly and stood aside.

"As we cultivate Taoism and fight for our destiny against nature, we naturally have to pursue our original intention in everything. Only when our thoughts are clear can we make great progress and get twice the result with half the effort."

Lin Taixu glanced at the two of them and said calmly.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi responded in a low voice, with a hint of fighting spirit emerging in their hearts. When facing injustice, they should try their best to equalize it.

If you are timid, why should you practice martial arts?

What path are you pursuing?


"It is detected that the controller inspires the disciples to fight. The system rewards 1000 system experience points, 1000 famous teacher experience points, and 1 point out of nothing."

"Currently, the controller has 16,000 system experience points, 23,000 famous teacher experience points, 5 points of creation value out of nothing, and 2,300 silver coins."

At this time, Lin Taixu's ears heard the system's boosting sound.


Lin Taixu suddenly said in his heart, you can get rewards for just talking, this system is really making something out of nothing.

"Huh, coward."

Diao Buchan had originally planned to give Lin Taixu a lesson if he dared to act recklessly. However, he unexpectedly walked to the side and sat down. He immediately sneered and cursed in his heart.

In his mind, he thought that Lin Taixu must have been pretending too much and just took advantage of Huang Baihai's arrival to take the opportunity to step down.

"It turns out to be Mr. Huang, please come in quickly."

Diao Bu was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Taixu, turned to Huang Baihai and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Steward."

Huang Baihai walked into the room and was slightly startled when he saw Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang, and Wang Luoyi.

Although he is a decent man and not like playboys like Sun Yiquan and Li Busi, when a man suddenly sees beauties like Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, he still can't help but feel his heart flutter.

However, he was only absent-minded for a moment, and then returned to his normal state. He nodded and smiled at Lin Taixu and others as a courtesy, and then once again handed Diao Buqi his hands and said, "Master Steward, I have come here to receive the order from my father and master. Please ask the steward to distribute the resources for this month.”

"It's easy to talk about."

Diao Bugua laughed and said, "I don't know why, but Huang Baihai is so pleasing to my eyes today. I don't know how many times better he is than someone else."

Alas, this person cannot be compared with others.

"Your father must be promoted to a two-star master teacher soon. Don't forget to inform me when the time comes. I will definitely come to congratulate you."

Diao Buqi said to Huang Baihai with a smile.

"Absolutely, it will be an honor for our Huang family if we can invite the steward to visit our humble residence."

Huang Baihai said respectfully, showing a flattered look. Although Diao Buqi was only in charge of resources, the pills, medicinal materials and other resources needed by warriors that passed through his hands every year were extremely abundant.

If you can curry favor with the other party because of this, when the Huang family needs to purchase resources in the future, as long as the other party lowers the price a little bit, it will definitely be a huge gain and no harm to the Huang family.

Therefore, why didn't he feel extremely happy when he heard that Diao Buchan was showing his kindness.

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