My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 45 Can you give me a quick death?

"It's a joke. A famous teacher cannot be insulted. If no harm is caused, then everything will be fine?"


Liu Sandao sneered, waved his hand and ordered, "Take it away."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu raised his hand and said.

"Master Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Hearing this, Liu Sandao raised his hands and asked, "Does the famous master want to execute him on the spot as a warning to others?"

"Famous teachers should not be insulted. This is an iron law set by the Emperor. No one dares to offend."

"Otherwise, it will be an insult to the majesty of the Emperor, an insult to the Hall of Famed Masters, and an insult to all the famous teachers in the world."

"I am not talented. As one of the thousands of famous teachers in the world, it is my duty to defend the glory of famous teachers, even if my body is shattered."

Lin Taixu said righteously.

Famous teachers should not be insulted. Whether it is in the Crescent Kingdom or in the entire Fengyun Continent, people are already familiar with it and have formed a deep-rooted view in their hearts.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the approval of everyone around him, and Li Busi's face was ashen, with a look of despair in his eyes.

Liu Sandao also looked at Lin Taixu with respect. This is the demeanor and conduct that a famous teacher should have.

Think about yesterday, what the hell were you doing in human affairs?

"Master is so handsome, senior sister, don't you think so?"

Wang Luoyi looked at Lin Taixu with starry eyes, grabbed Murong Wushuang's arm, shook it and said.

Being attracted by Lin Taixu's awe-inspiring righteousness, his heart skipped a beat.

What girl doesn't like honest people?

Moreover, this man is not only upright, but also handsome. Who can resist him?

She can't do it anyway.

"Uh, a little bit."

Murong Wushuang rolled his eyes at Wang Luoyi. He didn't know whether it was perfunctory or sincere. However, there was a hint of softness in the cold eyes looking at Lin Taixu.

Lustful, vulgar, greedy for life and afraid of death


She felt that her mind was a little confused and she couldn't tell which one was Lin Taixu's true nature. Well, she had to figure it out.


"As the saying goes, who has no fault?"

"A famous teacher should educate the world, repay evil with virtue, and convince others with virtue."

Just listen to Lin Taixu continue to speak, his words are righteous, and the light of compassion and holiness appears on his face. Coupled with his handsome face, he is simply loved by everyone, and flowers bloom.

Completely a peerless magic stick style.

Upon hearing Lin Taixu's words, Liu Sandao almost fell to the ground. The other famous master guards also looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, feeling countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in their hearts.

Wow, that's sloppy.

This guy is a dog who can't change his mind and eats shit.

It's a shame that I thought he had turned a new leaf.

"Is this still the legendary waste?"

"This is the true style of a famous teacher."

"How wonderful it would be to educate the world and convince others with virtue."

"Compared to those people who talk about benevolence and righteousness, but secretly think about male thieves and female prostitutes, they are much better than those who deceive the world and steal reputation."

"Powdered, powdered."

"From now on, if anyone dares to say that Lin Taixu is a useless master teacher, my employer will be the first to chop him to death with a knife."

"Yes, yes, count me in."

"Count me in."

Immediately, everyone around him was impressed by Lin Taixu's heroic words and admired him. As expected, a famous teacher is a famous teacher. Even if he is provoked or insulted by others, he still wants to convince others with his virtue.

This kind of mind is beyond my reach.


Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi looked at each other and blinked cutely. This scene seemed a bit familiar.

"Famous Master, I know I was wrong and I will never dare to do it again. Please spare my life."

When Li Busi heard this, he quickly shouted, "Listening to Lin Taixu's wishes, there is hope that he can be let go. If he doesn't admit his mistake quickly at this time, wouldn't he be a fool?"

"Yeah, very good."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu nodded with satisfaction, stretched out a finger to hook Li Busi, and motioned for him to come over.

"Let me go quickly, the famous master wants me to come over."

Seeing this, Li Busi was ecstatic and struggled quickly to speak to the two famous teacher guards who caught him.

Seeing this, the two famous teacher guards had no choice but to let go of Li Busi's arms and let him crawl towards Lin Taixu.

"Famous Master, I will definitely change my ways and return to the right path in the future."

Arriving in front of Lin Taixu, Li Busi promised again and again, almost confirming his ambition.

"Well, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

Lin Taixu patted Li Busi's head and said seriously.

"Thank you, Master Master. Then, I, villain, can I leave?"

If Lin Taixu had done this before he knew that Lin Taixu was a famous teacher, Li Busi would have definitely found someone to kill him without saying a word. Is this Young Master like you, a loser, able to touch my head?

However, now, he is not in this mood. He just wants to leave as soon as possible, stay away from the famous teacher, and cherish his life.

"Go? Where?"

Lin Taixu's face suddenly turned cold and he asked.

"Of course I'm going home."

Li Busi replied weakly, Where else can we go? Is it possible that I will find someone to kill you?

Dad, I don’t dare.

"A famous teacher should not be insulted. You have insulted a famous teacher and you still want to go home? What are you thinking?"

Lin Taixu asked with a sneer.


"No, Master Master, didn't you just say you would forgive my disrespect?"

Li Bu Si couldn't help but collapse. A famous teacher should educate the world, repay grievances with virtue, and win people over with virtue. This is what you said.

Are you just a mouth cannon?

"Forgive you for your crime of disrespecting the famous teacher. If people all over the world follow suit, how can the majesty of the famous teacher be demonstrated?"

"How to ensure the safety of the famous teacher?"

Lin Taixu said with a righteous look, looking at Li Bu Si coldly, damn it, I said it so obviously, you don't know what to do, are you a fool?


"Then, what does the famous teacher want from me? Will you let me go?"

Li Bu Si was about to cry. You said to forgive me, and then said that the famous teacher should not be insulted. What do you want me to do?

Are you kidding me?

Can you give me a quick death?

"God is merciful. This master thinks that you have repented, so I will make an exception and let you off lightly. I will only confiscate five million silver coins."

"This way, you can not only deter those who disrespect the master, but also save you from the danger of death."

"Do you agree?"

Lin Taixu said seriously. Since you are not smart, this master has to hit the nail on the head.

Alas, it's too hard for me.

Do people in this world lack the spirit of flexibility?

It seems that the road to becoming a master is a long way to go.

Of course, this is just because Li Bu Si did not break his bottom line, otherwise, even if he gave more money, he could not save his life.

"Sure enough."

Murong Wushuang sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the master is still the same master.

The same recipe, the same taste.


Wang Luoyi chuckled in his heart. The master is really amazing. Even blackmail is so clear and unconventional.

Am I asking for your money?

No, I am taking your money to save your life.

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