My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 4 Please respect the system

"I have a sentence in my heart, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Listening to a series of voices from the system, Lin Taixu looked up at the sky in silence, tears streaming before he could speak.

Fuck the system, I have the world in my hands.

Fuck the peak of life.

I just want to unbind you now.


"Detecting the master plane."

"Starting to merge the master plane information."

"Detecting that there is a master class in the master plane, starting to add the master-apprentice system function."


"Master-apprentice system starting up"

"Master-apprentice system startup completed!"

While Lin Taixu was complaining, the system of creating something out of nothing was running on its own. Then, a control panel similar to a game character appeared in front of Lin Taixu.

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Physical strength: 10

Master level: First-class master (Master level in Fengyun Continent, first-class master, second-class master, third-class master, fourth-class master, fifth-class master, sixth-class master, seventh-class master, eighth-class master, ninth-class master)

Disciples: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0 (Martial arts level in Fengyun Continent, first-class martial arts apprentice, second-class martial arts warrior, third-class martial arts master, fourth-class martial arts master, fifth-class martial arts master, sixth-class martial arts king, seventh-class martial arts emperor, eighth-class martial arts saint, ninth-class martial arts emperor, each realm is divided into nine levels)

Physical training level: 0 (Physical training levels in Fengyun Continent: Level 1 Martial Apprentice, Level 2 Martial Warrior, Level 3 Martial Master, Level 4 Martial Master, Level 5 Martial Honor, Level 6 Martial King, Level 7 Martial Emperor, Level 8 Martial Saint, Level 9 Martial Emperor, each realm is divided into nine levels)

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent.)

Martial arts body: useless body (trash)

Kungfu: None

Equipment: None

System experience value: 0

Creating something out of nothing value: 100

The remaining functions are currently not accessible to the controller. As the controller's strength increases, more functions of the creating something out of nothing system will be unlocked.

"Oh, gosh."

Lin Taixu blinked his eyes and looked at the character attribute panel in front of him. He felt like he was in a game.

However, how to play this game?

Kill monsters to upgrade?

Kill people to upgrade?

Lin Taixu touched his chin and said thoughtfully. The depression of being bound by the system dissipated a lot. I hope this broken system can be more reliable and not collapse easily.

However, what does martial arts body mean?

Waste body?

Waste body is waste body, what does it mean to add a lousy chicken?

Who are you looking down on?

Lin Taixu suddenly felt bad. Is this broken system deliberately trying to hit me?

"You mmp."

While mumbling and cursing, Lin Taixu looked at the huge virtual screen in front of him and found that there were only three interface options on the virtual screen about two meters long and one meter wide. One is his own attribute option, one is the store option, and the other is the package option.

Then, he immediately reached out and clicked on the package option out of curiosity.

As he pointed, the screen in front of him trembled, and a nine-by-ten square screen immediately appeared. Obviously, each space represents an item that can be stored, but unfortunately, a total of ninety spaces are empty.


"How stingy! They don't even give me equipment for new players."

Lin Taixu saw this and complained in his heart. Then he clicked on the store option. Suddenly, a golden light dazzled his eyes. One by one, items emitting light appeared in front of him.

Level 1 healing pill, can heal all injuries of the first-level martial artist realm, and restore 10% of the injuries every minute.

Level 1 vitality pill, can quickly restore all vitality of the first-level martial artist realm, and restore 10% of vitality every minute.

Level 1 detoxification pill, can remove all toxins made from first-level medicinal materials, and remove 10% of the toxicity every minute.

Level 1 fine iron sword, this sword is made of 100-year-old cold iron, which can increase the damage of the first-level martial artist by 50%.

Level 1 fine iron knife

Oh, my god, they are all first-level.

Lin Taixu smacked his lips, looking dissatisfied. Can't you come up with some advanced things?

It's still a system.

I'm afraid it's not a fake system.

"However, this elixir is not expensive, only one hundred silver coins each."

Immediately, Lin Taixu discovered the mystery. It seems that these elixirs and equipment are much cheaper than those sold in the shops of Xinyue Country, and the effects are far more powerful than those sold in the shops.

If I sell them, wouldn't I make a fortune?

"Wait, silver coins? Where are my silver coins? Why is it 0?"

Lin Taixu saw the wallet record below the store, which turned out to be 0 silver coins. Suddenly, he felt bad.

After all this time, he is still a pauper.

"System, how can I get silver coins?"

Lin Taixu said in a low voice. Although he didn't know whether the system knew that he did this, it seemed that this was the only way now.

As he said this, he looked at Zhao Feixue and others who were fooled by him and sat on the ground to practice Taixu Dragon Claw Hand.

Some of the students were afraid that they would disturb them.

"Please rest assured, as long as you turn on the system, the time around you will stop, so you don't have to worry about others discovering the abnormality."

"Moreover, in the future, as long as you say in your mind that you want to enter the system, you will be able to use all the functions of the system."

Seemingly seeing Lin Taixu's worry, the system's electronic voice sounded in Lin Taixu's ears again.

"Oh? This, it seems very powerful."

When Lin Taixu heard it, he looked at Zhao Feixue and others beside him. Seeing that they really didn't notice his abnormality, he immediately knew that what the system said was true.

Moreover, he also found that a hair beside Zhao Feixue's ear was fluttering, and it was so abruptly fixed in the air, which seemed extremely magical.

Time stopped?

Lin Taixu's eyes suddenly lit up. If time stopped when he was doing that, and he could move, the scene would be too exciting.

"Please respect yourself, the controller."

Sensing the dirty thoughts in Lin Taixu's heart, the system issued a serious warning.


Lin Taixu was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect that his thoughts would be known by the system. This is fucking, can he still have some privacy?

"Please respect yourself, system. What I want is that if the other party cannot move when killing someone, but I can move, then wouldn't it be like killing gods when meeting gods and killing demons when meeting demons?"

Although his thoughts were seen through, Lin Taixu would never admit it. Instead of admitting it, he turned the tables.

"I have a sentence, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

When the system heard Lin Taixu's words, it almost spit out a mouthful of blood, provided that he had blood.

"Seriously, you haven't answered my question yet."

Lin Taixu said seriously that he could explore other functions slowly, and silver coins were the top priority that needed to be solved at the moment.

After all, as long as he had money, he could buy elixirs and equipment.

Although he couldn't use them himself, he could sell them.

"The controller can get corresponding silver coin rewards by upgrading and completing system tasks."

Facing Lin Taixu's question, the system answered again.

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