My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 32 This matter cannot be spread outside

"Bang bang bang."

In the room, the sound of five heavy objects falling to the ground was heard, and five boxes filled with silver coins were lined up in front of Lin Taixu. One box was two million, and the five boxes totaled ten million silver coins.

Seeing the silver light in front of them, Zhao Feixue, Wang Luoyi and others couldn't help but be stunned, their little mouths opened wide.

I have seen money, but I have never seen so much money.

They felt like their little sweethearts were about to pop out of their mouths.

This money comes too easily.


Seeing this, Murong Wushuang's eyes twitched. She worked tirelessly to hunt monsters every month, but the final income was only a few thousand silver coins. If she was lucky, she could get several thousand silver coins.

But Lin Taixu was lucky. With just a few words, tens of millions of silver coins came to his door.

This is really comparing people to each other, and it’s so irritating.

"Sure enough, it's only robbery. Well, it's not robbery, it's compensation."

"Sure enough, only compensation is an important means to quickly accumulate wealth."

Lin Taixu sighed in his heart, looking at the boxes of silver coins in front of him, he didn't want to work hard anymore.

From then on, the beautiful apprentice warms the kang every day, isn’t it delicious?

"However, the Sun family is really rich, and this person really wants it."

Immediately, Lin Taixu glanced at Liu Sandao, who was standing in front of him without a smile, and was filled with emotion in his heart.

He felt that even if he went there, he could ask for five million at most, get a discount, and bargain a bit, and if he could get half a million, he would be satisfied.

And this guy actually got ten million silver coins back for him.

What the hell.

The structure of labor and management is still small.


"Master Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Liu Sandao asked, looking at Lin Taixu with his eyes showing a hint of surprise.

No matter who you are, you will look happy when you see so many silver coins, and you will show an abnormal mentality.

But Lin Taixu didn't, he just glanced at it lightly and passed by, as if the ten million silver coins in front of him were just a pile of dung.

This behavior would be excusable if it were committed by an old or middle-aged person who has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

However, something was wrong when it appeared on Lin Taixu.

After all, he is still a child.

Could it be that the famous useless master in Qingfeng City is actually a ruthless person who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger?


Liu Sandao couldn't help being frightened by his own thoughts, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

Otherwise, where would he have the courage to blackmail the Sun family?

Otherwise, how did Sun Dachang die?

Otherwise, why didn't you even raise your eyelids when you saw ten million silver coins?

Mommy, it’s really scary to think about it.

Suddenly, a stream of cold sweat flowed involuntarily from his back to his tailbone, making his body feel cold.


Lin Taixu raised the corner of his mouth, stood up from a soft couch in the room, and looked at Liu Sandao with cold eyes.

"Please give me your instructions, Master Master."

Liu Sandao held his hand again and subconsciously took two steps back. He felt that the aura emanating from Lin Taixu made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

Enough of this shit.

"Everyone, please step aside. This famous teacher wants to discuss something important with Master Liu."

Lin Taixu looked around and said calmly.

"Yes, Master Master."

After receiving Liu Sandao's signal, several famous master guards bowed their hands to Lin Taixu and bowed out of the room.

Murong Wushuang and others also walked out one after another knowingly.

"Master Master, what are you doing?"

Liu Sandao asked in confusion after everyone left.

"How many years have you been in Qingfeng City?"

Lin Taixu didn't answer and asked instead, now that he has the silver coins, he can start questioning him.

"Five years and eight months."

Liu Sandao was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Lin Taixu meant by saying this, but he still answered honestly.

"That is to say, you were transferred to Qingfeng City one month before my father disappeared?"

Lin Taixu looked at Liu Sandao and said.


When Liu Sandao heard this, he felt his scalp tighten. He knew that Lin Taixu turned away the others just because he wanted to ask him about his father's whereabouts. Sure enough, he guessed it.

"Where did my father disappear?"

Lin Taixu continued to ask.

"This subordinate really doesn't know."

Liu Sandao smiled bitterly.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu glanced at Liu Sandao silently, and without asking any more questions, he walked to the soft couch again and sat down, quietly poured himself a cup of tea, and then drank it slowly.

What kind of cool operation is this?

Seeing this, Liu Sandao couldn't help but feel a little confused. He remembered that Lin Taixu had always been pestering him when he asked about his father's whereabouts, and he almost ended up crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

Now, I actually asked and stopped asking.

Something is wrong.

Something is very wrong with you.

However, although something was wrong with Lin Taixu, Liu Sandao was not stupid enough to remind Lin Taixu. He immediately felt happy and watched Lin Taixu drink tea quietly.

Until Lin Taixu finished his third drink, he still didn't pay attention to him, which suddenly made him unable to stand.

"Master Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Helpless, Liu Sandao had no choice but to ask, "If you have something to say, if nothing else, I have to go back to practice."

It doesn’t matter if I’m stuck here.


Lin Taixu put down the tea cup, looked up at Liu Sandao, and said.

"Then my subordinate resigned."

Liu Sandao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Remember, if someone wants to kill you in the future, come to me and I will protect you from death."

Lin Taixu said loudly.


When Liu Sandao heard this, he couldn't help but stumbled and almost fell to the ground. "Thank you, Master Master, for your kindness. Who dares to kill me, Liu Sandao, in Qingfeng City?"

With that said, Liu Sandao strode out.

Kill him?

Sorry, the people in Qingfeng City are not worthy.

"What a spirit."

Lin Taixu laughed, then stood up and said loudly, "Whoever dares to embarrass you in the future is going against me. I, Lin Taixu, will not let him go first."


Liu Sandao walked outside the door and couldn't help but be stunned. This Lin Taixu was probably not a fool. He was the only one. If he hadn't protected him, he would have been eaten by the Sun family and all his bones would have been eaten. Why are you still protecting him?


But when he saw a group of famous teachers and guards standing outside the door, he saw their confused expressions, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat, feeling like they had been set up.

I feel that if the two sentences Lin Taixu said to him were heard by someone who cared about them, they would be flawed.

Because no matter how you listen to these words, it will make people think that they have some agreement, or that he has done something for Lin Taixu, which makes Lin Taixu feel that his life is in danger. Otherwise, why would people talk about me? Will I keep you alive?

As for what was agreed upon, is there any need to say it?


You're such a scumbag, the labor and management have actually been fooled by you.

"This matter must not be spread outside."

Liu Sandao turned to look at Lin Taixu in the room, then gave fierce instructions to the famous teacher guard, and then walked out angrily.

"Yes, Lord Deacon."

A group of famous teachers and guards responded and left behind Liu Sandao.

"God's last hit."

Lin Taixu in the room almost died of joy when he heard this. He originally thought that he would be a bit worried about alienating Liu Sandao. After all, rumors stop at the wise.

But Liu Sandao's last sentence that this matter should not be spread to outsiders is a certainty.

Really hammered.

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