My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 29: Rewards Everywhere

"A famous teacher must not be insulted. Anyone who insults him will die."

"Why are you forcing them as a teacher? You are saving them."

Lin Taixu smiled and looked extremely happy.

Can you be unhappy?

One fool after another, he was overwhelmed.

"Master, what senior sister said makes sense. You must know that the Sun family is one of the four major families and is very powerful. What should you do if they take risks?"

Zhao Feixue said worriedly.

Ouyang Yanran, Wang Luoyi, and Zhao Feishuang also looked at Lin Taixu worriedly, hesitating to speak.

"Just their Sun family?"

Lin Taixu smiled coldly. Not to mention his current strength, he was not afraid of the Sun family, not to mention that he still had more than 20,000 experience points in stock. As long as he wanted to, he could upgrade a few more levels at any time.

The Sun family is afraid of his eggs.

"Master, how did you kill the elder of the Sun family just now?"

Murong Wushuang asked curiously, since Lin Taixu is so confident, he must be hiding some unknown means, because to kill a second-level and third-level warrior with one slap, he must be at least a sixth- and seventh-level warrior.

If he killed the eldest elder of the Sun family based on his strength, then the Sun family really did not need to be afraid.

But is it possible?

A sixteen-year-old seventh-level warrior?

There isn’t even one in the Crescent Moon Country.

"Yes, yes, Master, what method did you use?"

"You can't practice, right? How can you kill a second-level warrior and a third-level warrior?"

"Master, is it a secret method?"

Zhao Feixue and others asked curiously, their eyes filled with a strong desire for knowledge.

If the master passes this technique on to himself, then he can become as powerful as the master.

so excited.

"Haha, it's just a small trick, it's hard to reach the level of elegance."

Lin Taixu smiled faintly and stood with his hands behind his back. He had an otherworldly temperament floating around, making him look very stylish.

This made Zhao Feixue and others' worship and admiration for Lin Taixu even more.

I feel like Master is so handsome at this moment.

Powerful and mysterious.

Domineering yet low-key.

It was literally killing them.

Even Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu with an inexplicable expression.

"Master, just tell me."

Zhao Feixue shook Lin Taixu's arm and said coquettishly.

"Of course I was killed with a backhand slap from Master Wei."

Being coquettishly acted upon by Zhao Feixue, Lin Taixu was quickly shattered into pieces and said with a smile.


Zhao Feixue and others rolled their cute eyes, obviously not believing what Lin Taixu said, so they slapped Sun Dachang, the third level warrior, to death?

Master, you are really good at blowing.

If it doesn't work, it won't work. If you tell the truth, we won't laugh at you.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but be speechless. If he told me, you wouldn't believe him. If he didn't tell him, you would still ask.

Why are you so difficult to serve?


I don’t believe it anymore, I can’t bend you.


Immediately, Lin Taixu stepped forward, his energy and blood surged throughout his body, and a powerful force erupted from his body, directly knocking Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and others dozens of meters away.

Then, there was another violent roar, and the entire pavilion made an overwhelming burst under the eruption of Lin Taixu's huge energy and blood. In less than a moment, the entire pavilion turned into a pile of rubble. .

In the midst of the flying dust, Lin Taixu took one step forward, carrying the billowing smoke, like a god king coming to the world, with unparalleled domineering power.

Man, how can you say no?

Today, I will show it to you as a teacher.

Is it okay to be a teacher?



"Master Master"

Zhao Feixue and others who were blown away couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this, as if they didn't recognize Lin Taixu. They all opened their cute little mouths. The size was enough to stuff a cough or a steamed bun. .

So. So strong.


Is this still their master?

This momentum is probably not as powerful as that of a fifth-level warrior.

No wonder the master was able to slap Sun Dachang to death. Not even Sun Dachang, not even Sun Dachang, could withstand this momentum.

"Physical training?"

Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu and said in surprise. He didn't expect that the cheap master who had been taking advantage of him all day long was actually a physical practitioner, and an extremely powerful physical practitioner.

This simply subverted her cognition.

As we all know, physical training is very powerful and can be said to be invincible at the same level, but the problem is that the advancement speed is also slow.

Otherwise, who would still want to do spiritual practice? Everyone should do some physical training.

However, according to Lin Taixu's strength, he must at least reach the ninth level of martial arts or the first level of warrior.

The problem is, he started training when he was still in his mother's womb, so he wouldn't be able to reach such heights at the age of sixteen.

This is simple.


"It is detected that the controller's first installation is successful. The system will reward the controller 10,000 system experience points and 1,000 silver coins. Please pay attention to check the controller."


"It is detected that the disciples of the controller are sincerely convinced by the controller. The system rewards the controller with 10,000 system experience points, 10,000 famous teacher experience points, and 1,000 silver coins. The controller please pay attention to check."


Hearing the system's beep, Lin Taixu almost fell to the ground. Can such a fucking reward be given? Doesn’t this force me to show off in the future?

Can people still have fun?

However, it smells really good.

Lin Taixu calculated that he now has at least 40,000 system experience points and 12,000 master experience points, which makes him feel full of security.

He has a sense of expansion that he is not afraid of the whole city coming to take turns to play with him.

In front of the Sun family's gate.

When a group of master guards escorted several elders of the Sun family, they immediately caused the surrounding passers-by to be stunned. Compared with the sparsely populated Lin Taixu's residence, the Sun family is located in the most crowded place in Qingfeng City, so when passers-by saw this situation, they immediately caused an uproar.

"Oh my god, Master Guard?"

"What did the Sun family do? They were caught by Master Guard?"

"Do I need to ask this? They must have offended Master, otherwise Master Guard would have bothered to take care of them."

"That's it. The Sun family is doomed to fail after offending Master."

"12345, damn, except for the eldest elder of the Sun family, all the elders of the Sun family are here."

"Is this the rhythm of a total annihilation?"

"What's that look? It's obviously a total annihilation. Didn't you see the eldest elder's body being Is the person still there?"

"Hiss, it's really the great elder Sun."

"No, no, there are seven elders in the Sun family, and one elder hasn't come out yet."

Someone who knows the situation of the Sun family spoke up, and then said, "However, there is only one elder and one family head left, and the Sun family can't make any waves."

Soon, a crowd of people gathered in front of the Sun family's gate, all of them stopped to watch and talk, and they all looked gloating.

You have offended the famous teacher, Sun family, you are so proud.

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