My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 27 The Clever Five Elders


Seeing this, Lin Taixu winked at Murong Wushuang to express his appreciation for her.

"Yes, yes, the great elder committed suicide, committed suicide."

As if suddenly enlightened, the fifth elder nodded repeatedly and said, "Well, Master Master, I won't disturb you, I'll take my leave now."

With that said, he grabbed Sun Dachang's body and left.

He didn't have the slightest courage to argue with Lin Taixu now. If the great elder was beaten to death by Lin Taixu, and he argued with him, wouldn't he be looking for death?

If Lin Taixu hadn't beaten him to death, it would have been even more evil.

It shows that this place is not clean, which is more terrifying than Lin Taixu beating the great elder to death. 00

Well, you can't stay in this place of right and wrong for long.

Labor and management are so clever.

The fifth elder thought proudly.

At this time, I heard a burst of footsteps. Liu Sandao came in with a group of famous teachers and guards. Looking at the broken bricks and tiles at the door, it was a mess. He couldn't help but frown. If he hadn't remembered it very clearly and had just said came.

He had to wonder if he had gone to the wrong place.

"Famous teacher guard?"

When the fifth elder saw this, he couldn't help but tremble in fear. He quickly shrank his head and hid under the fence of the pavilion, for fear of being discovered by Liu Sandao.

When Lin Taixu saw this, a sneer appeared on his lips. With such an elder, the Sun family could actually become one of the four major families.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

"Mr. Famous Master, fortunately you have not disgraced your mission. Two million silver coins are all in this box."

Walking to the pavilion, Liu Sandao cupped his hands to Lin Taixu. After saying that, he waved his hand. The four famous teachers and guards immediately placed the iron box in their hands on the ground, opened the lid of the box and revealed the silver coins inside, and then stepped away. Step aside.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Taixu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. He originally thought it would be good to get two hundred thousand, but he didn't expect Liu Sandao to actually get back a lot of money. He is indeed a talent.

Then he walked to the iron box and took a look at the silver coins inside. He looked a little excited. Although he didn't know whether the specific number was correct, it wasn't important anymore.

Even the estimated heap amounted to around 200,000, far exceeding my expectations.

It seems that in the future, this famous teacher can also be regarded as a rich man.

Thumbs up.

"Famous Master, your words are serious. It is an honor for us to serve you."

Liu Sandao cupped his hands and said. Although he is in a hurry to leave now, he still cannot avoid being polite.

"That's a good feeling."

Lin Taixu chuckled, looked at Liu Sandao and continued, "Then this famous master will give you another chance to be honored."


Liu Sandao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly. If Lin Taixu hadn't been a famous teacher, he would have crushed the opponent to death with one blow.

I said you were fat, but you were really out of breath.

"Please give me your instructions, Master Master."

Seeing this, Liu Sandao had no choice but to hold his hands over again and said.

With such a top player like Lin Taixu on the stand, he felt that there was no way he could retreat.

"Master Deacon, please go to Sun's house again."

Lin Taixu said with a smile,

"Go to Sun's house again?"

Liu Sandao couldn't help being stunned, wondering in his heart, could it be that Lin Taixu saw that it was easy to blackmail the Sun family, so he wanted to blackmail him again?

This, why the hell do you still want to show off?

Suddenly, Liu Sandao couldn't help but curse in his heart, but when he thought about Lin Taixu's shameless behavior of even using money to compensate, he felt relieved after thinking about it.

"Come with me."

Lin Taixu didn't know what Liu Sandao was thinking. He reached out and patted Liu Sandao's shoulder and said, walking up to the pavilion.


When he walked to the pavilion, Liu Sandao saw Sun Dachang and the fifth elder at a glance. He frowned immediately, looked at the fifth elder and asked, "A member of the Sun family?"

"The fifth elder of the Sun family has met Deacon Liu."

Seeing that they could not hide away, the Fifth Elder had no choice but to stand up and bow his hands to Liu Sandao as a courtesy.

Liu Sandao didn't know the fifth elder, but the fifth elder knew Liu Sandao.

You must know that Qingfeng City's famous teacher guard only has three deacons and one hundred households. The portraits of these four people have long been hung in the ancestral halls of major families in Qingfeng City, and they are regarded as people who cannot be offended.

If you don't do this, if someone in the family offends one of them, then the family will be confiscated and exterminated.

Who will they turn to to reason with then?

"Fifth elder of the Sun family? What are you doing here?"

When Liu Sandao heard this, he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth and asked in confusion. He seemed to know why Lin Taixu told him to go to Sun's house again.

Isn’t this obvious?

The younger ones were beaten, and the older ones came.



The fifth elder was stunned when asked, looking at Liu Sandao not knowing how to answer.

Could it be that he was told that he accompanied the great elder to commit suicide? Or tell him that he accompanied the great elder to let Lin Taixu commit suicide?

No matter which one he answers, this is a question.

Because if he answered the former, he would be beaten to death by Liu Sandao as a lunatic.

If he answered the latter, he would be beaten to death by Liu Sandao as if he was mentally ill.

If you told a famous teacher to commit suicide in front of the famous teacher and guard, aren't you mentally ill? If you don't beat me to death, who will you beat?

Even though he is a famous teacher and guard, he still wants to kill himself.

Moreover, looking at Liu Sandao's attitude towards Lin Taixu just now, he almost knelt down and licked him, which would have even killed himself.

Damn it, it’s so hard for me.

"Who is he?"

Liu Sandao glanced at the dead Sun Dachang again and asked. He didn't know that he just asked a question, and the fifth elder's brain was almost in knots.

"The eldest elder of our Sun family is dead."

The fifth elder replied.

"The eldest elder of the Sun family? How did he die?"

Liu Sandao asked, with a shocked look on his face. Although he was not very familiar with the Sun family, he also knew that to be able to become the elder of a family, only a person with considerable strength and means could be qualified.

Otherwise, he would not be able to become a great elder.

Especially since the Sun family is one of the four major families in Qingfeng City, the elder of such a family is extraordinary.

However, he is actually dead now.

Even though Liu Sandao was well-informed, he was a little out of his mind at this moment.


"He died like this."

The fifth elder told the truth.


When Liu Sandao heard this, he frowned and looked at the fifth elder coldly, "Speak in human terms."

"I don't know either."

The fifth elder was frightened and said weakly. He pointed at a stone pillar and said, "I was outside the pavilion and heard the first elder bumping into the stone pillar. When I walked in, the first elder was dead. ”


Liu Sandao couldn't help but his face froze, he was stunned for a while, and said, "You mean to commit suicide?"

Then he turned to look at the stone pillar pointed by the fifth elder, and sure enough he saw a shallow indentation on the stone pillar. Its size and shape were very consistent with the contours of the human head.


What the hell, are you kidding me?

The great elder of a family actually went to someone else's house to commit suicide?

Do you believe such a bizarre thing?

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