My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 22 Isn't it good to be alive?

"Famous Master Guard and Deacon Liu Sandao came to visit the head of the Sun family."

Outside the Sun family gate, Liu Sandao looked at the two Sun family guards in front of the gate and said indifferently.

Behind him were dozens of famous master guards in bright armor.

As for Sun Yiquan, his neck and hands were locked by an iron chain emitting a faint black light, and he stood at the end with a depressed expression. The other end of the chain was held by a famous teacher guard.

Lock element chain.

It is a kind of iron chain specially used by famous teacher guards to catch traitors. This chain is forged from thirteen precious materials such as ten thousand year iron essence and sealing yuan stone.

Any warrior who is bound by the Suo Yuan Chain will have his vitality automatically blocked by the Suo Yuan Chain and cannot use any energy.

Like a useless person.

Moreover, the Yuan Locking Chain will continuously extract the vitality from the warrior's body. Over time, it will cause great damage to the warrior's body and Yuan Hai.

That's why Sun Yiquan was in such a mess. How could he look like a young master from a large family? He was no more than a dog.

"A famous teacher and guard?"

The two guards standing guard at the gate almost had their eyes popped out. Especially when they saw their eldest young master being locked up, they almost peed with fear.

Feiyu Suit and Soul-Severing Knife.

Never stop being rebellious.

Mommy, it’s over, our Sun family is over.

Seeing this, the two guards ran inside with pale faces.

It feels like flying.

The famous teacher guards will never visit any family. Don't ask, they are just here to exterminate the clan.

Especially seeing the young man in the family trapped in it, even a pig would know what was going on.


Liu Sandao snorted coldly, stood at the door and waited without any intention, and immediately walked towards the door.

Besides the famous master, who else in this world can make the famous master guard wait?

Besides, is he worthy of the Sun family?

"Master, it's over."

"Master, it's over."

Two guards ran into the hall and shouted to Sun Chaohong.


When Sun Chaohong saw this, he couldn't help but roar in his heart, his eyes showed a murderous light, and he looked coldly at the two guards who ran in.

What the hell.


The workers and management have been cursed twice by you before they even sat down to warm their stools in the hall.

I'm afraid you are not an undercover agent from another family. You know that our Sun family is about to skyrocket, so you deliberately want to make the head of this family angry to death so that you can get Ruhua from the inner court of labor and management.

"What's the matter?"

Sun Chaohong asked, resisting the urge to slap the two guards to death.

He made up his mind that if these two idiots couldn't come up with a reason that convinced him, he would kill them.

God can't stop it.

"The famous master guards are coming in."

A guard pointed outside the hall in horror and shouted.


When Sun Chaohong heard this, she couldn't help but stood up in fright and hurriedly walked out of the hall. Seeing this, several other elders also hurriedly followed Sun Chaohong.

They had just taken a few steps, and before they left the entrance of the hall, they saw a group of famous master guards wearing Feiyu uniforms and holding soul-breaking knives filing in menacingly.

In an instant, a cold and solemn killing intent filled the entire hall, making people shudder.

"Sun Chaohong, please see Deacon Liu."

"See Deacon Liu."

Seeing this, Sun Chaohong and all the Sun family elders quickly bowed their hands and paid homage.


Liu Sandao snorted and returned the favor. Not to mention that he didn't dare to let out a fart in front of Lin Taixu, but outside, he was a well-known figure.

No one dares to despise it.

He glanced around the hall, then walked straight to a chair and sat down. Several famous teachers and guards immediately followed him and stood behind him, waiting on both sides.

"Dad, please help me."

Seeing Sun Chaohong, Sun Yi's dull eyes immediately burst into bright light, like a drowning man grabbing a lifebuoy and shouting hurriedly.


When the famous teacher guard in charge saw this, he immediately cursed in a low voice. He shook the Element Locking Chain in his hand, and saw a flash of light, which turned into a bolt of lightning and exploded directly in Sun Yiquan's mind.


Sun Yiquan couldn't help but scream, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground weakly, his body trembling like chaff.


Seeing this, Sun Chaohong couldn't help but his eyes turned red. When he was about to go to check, he heard a series of golden and iron whine sounds. Four or five famous teachers and guards took out their swords from their sheaths and stared with cold eyes. With Sun Chaohong.

If the opponent dares to take a step forward, he will be killed with a sword.

Although these famous teacher guards are only the eighth or ninth level warriors of the first level, Sun Chaohong is definitely no match for the fifth level warrior of the second level warriors fighting alone. Of course, they are no match for him when they join forces.

However, Sun Chaohong still did not dare to make mistakes.

Although he is the head of the Sun family, and the Sun family is also one of the four major families in Qingfeng City, these combined are not enough to be respected in front of the famous teacher and guard.

Because even if you are powerful and can kill all the famous teacher guards in Qingfeng City, can you kill all the famous teacher guards in New Moon Country?

Can you kill all the famous teachers and guards in Fengyun Continent?

This is not a matter of poking a honeycomb, no one dares to put it aside.

"I dare to ask Deacon Liu. I don't know why Xiao Quan offended Mr. Deacon. I am willing to apologize to Mr. Deacon for Xiao Quan."

"I hope that the deacon will show your noble hand. I am very grateful."

Then, Sun Chaohong bowed his hands to Liu Sandao with an extremely humble and sincere attitude.

"Please, Lord Deacon, be noble and spare my eldest young master."

Several elders of the Sun family also pleaded for mercy, but they said so. They all looked at Sun Yiquan who was still shaking on the ground, and really wanted to step forward and crush this cheater to death.

You said, don’t you have a really bad life?

If you have to offend the criminal master guard, it doesn't matter if you die, don't implicate us.

Be kind and kind.

"Your Majesty did not offend Liu, but he offended someone who cannot be offended."

Liu Sandao sneered.

"Please make it clear, Mr. Deacon."

Sun Chaohong said, with a look of confusion on his face. He knew his son, even though he was a bit stupid and a bit extravagant. Although he is neither learned nor skilled, he is very good at coveting life and fearing death.

Those who cannot be offended will not be offended even to death.

In this regard, no one knows more than his father.

But now, he was actually arrested by the famous teacher guard, and he felt that his IQ was not enough.

Well, it touched upon his blind spot of knowledge.

"If you offend someone who cannot be offended, you will naturally offend a famous teacher."

Liu Sandao continued, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. The famous teacher guard was only responsible for the famous teacher and had not offended him. Then the one who offended him would naturally be the famous teacher. He didn't even know such a simple truth. He doubted how the Sun family could sit on the fourth floor. One of the big families.

"Have you offended the famous teacher?"

"Lin Taixu?"

Sun Chaohong couldn't help but exclaimed in shock, looking at Liu Sandao blankly, and then remembered that the family disciple seemed to have complained to him just now, but, but...

"Well? You know?"

Liu Sandao said, looking at Sun Chaohong quietly, a stern look flashed in his eyes. If Sun Chaohong knew about this, he wouldn't mind taking it too.

You damn well know that Lin Taixu is a famous teacher, but you still let your son provoke him. Aren't you deliberately trying to cause trouble for the labor and management?

If not you, who will?


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