Half an hour later, Lin Taixu, who was full of wine and food, was lying on the lounge chair on the pavilion, closing his eyes and taking a nap, intending to digest his bizarre and glamorous encounter.

I think that in his previous life, he was just a homebody. In addition to going to work and getting off work every day, with that meager salary, he could neither enjoy nor improve his life, let alone have a girl like him.

He was suddenly transported back in time. This huge gap and the diligent care of four beautiful apprentices made him feel a little dizzy as he had never been with a woman before.

So he felt that he needed time to figure it out.

After more than ten minutes of reviewing the remaining memories in his mind, he finally figured out what kind of place he had arrived.

It turns out that this is a continent for cultivating immortals, with countless dynasties and sects, and the Crescent Moon Kingdom where I am located is one of these countless dynasties.

Here the strong can overturn rivers and seas and destroy stars with one hand.

You can also go to heaven and earth, and break the world with one hand

But these glorious years came to an end with the invasion of aliens two thousand years ago.

The two sides attacked and defended, fighting fiercely for thousands of years. Although the aliens were eventually killed, it also resulted in countless casualties in Fengyun Continent, and the strong ones were divided into seventy-eight out of ten.

Five hundred years ago, in order to encourage the dynasties and sects under his command to work hard, the new emperor of Fengyun Continent ordered all dynasties and sects in the mainland to add famous teacher halls and set up famous teacher guards.

And the levels of the Famous Master Hall are divided into one-star famous teachers, two-star famous teachers, and nine-star famous teachers.

They respectively correspond to the realms of martial arts: first-level martial disciple, second-level warrior, third-level martial master, fourth-level martial master, fifth-level martial master, sixth-level martial king, seventh-level martial emperor, eighth-level martial emperor, and ninth-level martial god.

Subsequently, he spent a lot of resources to activate the super teleportation array, transmit countless famous master tokens to every corner of the continent, and randomly select the first famous master candidate.

He also issued an imperial edict: Anyone who holds a famous teacher order has the same status as the emperor's disciples and can receive resources from the famous teacher hall established by the local dynasty every month. It also stipulates that each dynasty must protect the safety of famous teachers. If a famous teacher is killed, he will be strictly investigated. , in serious cases, the leader of the dynasty will be punished and beheaded.

Of course, there are benefits that come with responsibility. If a person holding a Master Teacher Order fails to teach qualified disciples within the specified time, his or her Master Teacher Order will be taken back by the Master Master Hall, and the person and his family will no longer be protected by the empire. .

Lin Taixu's ancestors were among the first batch of lucky people. They sat at home behind closed doors and received tokens from the sky.

However, because the Lin family is just a low-class family, and the ancestors of the Lin family have limited abilities, they have not developed over several generations. Apart from reluctantly teaching some disciples who have just met the requirements of the Famous Master Hall, for several generations they have just Ordinary one-star master teachers, although they have been working hard, have never been surpassed.

As for Lin Taixu, let alone that. Ever since his parents went out for training five years ago and disappeared unexpectedly, he, alone, had naturally inherited the Lin family's famous teacher order.

However, because he is a loser who cannot practice elixirs, no one is willing to worship him as a teacher even if he has a famous teacher order.

As for the current disciples, I don't know what's wrong with them. They ignored other people's persuasion and became his disciples one after another a year ago.

Otherwise, he, Lin Taixu, would be the only famous master in Fengyun Continent who could not accept any disciples.

As for why his parents disappeared, he had inquired around, and even begged the Master Master Hall to send people to search for them. However, the stewards of the Master Master Hall only sent two Master Master Guards to make a symbolic note, and then there was no news. .

He asked several times in the past, but was still being investigated.

"This isn't right."

Lin Taixu frowned and thought in his heart.

You know, if this matter were left a hundred years ago, a one-star famous teacher disappeared for no reason, but the local famous teacher hall did not investigate, or could not trace the truth. As long as someone reported it to the headquarters of the famous teacher hall, everyone in the local famous teacher hall would be killed. If it falls to the ground, the most important thing is that even the leader of the New Moon Kingdom will be held accountable.

Life depends on seeing people, death depends on causes.

This is the death order of Fengyun Emperor of Fengyun Continent. Anyone who dares to disobey will be executed by the nine tribes.

However, now, his parents have been missing for several years, and no one cares about them.

If this was right, that would be a damn thing.

Suddenly, a burst of soft footsteps came, interrupting Lin Taixu's thoughts. When he opened his eyes, he found four beautiful apprentices lined up in front of him, looking at him eagerly, and he was immediately curious. asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

You've already put on these clothes and eaten, so why are you here?

Do you still want to play games with Master?

When he thought of playing games, Lin Taixu couldn't help but think of the dream he had last night, and then his eyes couldn't help but shine with a bright light.

play games?

This is possible.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu felt that hormones in his body were secreting rapidly, and some kind of blood stimulated certain parts to start galloping into the battlefield.

"Master, have you, have you forgotten what you told us?"

Under the gazes of several other people, Zhao Feixue said to Lin Taixu bravely. A pair of white and tender hands kept pinching the corners of his clothes, showing the tension and uneasiness in his heart.

"What did you say?"

Lin Taixu asked in confusion, "Please, it has not been two hours since my master traveled through time. When did I tell you anything?"

"Ah Master, have you really forgotten?"

Zhao Feixue screamed in surprise and showed a disappointed expression. She looked at Lin Taixu with a very sad look in her eyes, like a little daughter-in-law who had been deceived and was about to burst into tears.

At the same time, Zhao Feishuang, Wang Luoyi, and Ouyang Yanran who were standing aside also looked at Lin Taixu with resentful expressions.


Seeing the aggrieved expressions of Zhao Feixue and others, Lin Taixu felt as if he had done something unscrupulous, and he felt deep guilt in his heart, and immediately said, "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, let me think about it. "


Zhao Feixue pouted her lips and said softly. She looked at Lin Taixu with a look that clearly showed too much disbelief. She thought in her heart that this unreliable master in front of her had definitely forgotten what she had said.

"Oh, I'll go."

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu really remembered that the original owner of this body really said a month ago that as long as they took good care of him, he would teach them a skill as a reward. .

"I remember, I remember."

Lin Taixu immediately smiled and said, since it is a promise, it must be fulfilled. Although he only enjoyed the attentive service of several beautiful apprentices once, but since he enjoyed it once, can it be far away from countless times?

of course not.

"Thank you, Master."

Hearing what Lin Taixu said, Zhao Feixue and the other four little girls suddenly smiled and bowed to Lin Taixu. As they bent down, trembling white lights appeared from their collars.

It almost blinded Lin Taixu's dog eyes.


Lin Taixu felt his mouth go dry for a while, but unfortunately, that touch of spring was just a flash in the pan, and disappeared without a trace as the four women stood up straight.

Ahem, don’t look at anything inappropriate, business is more important.

Lin Taixu immediately gathered his thoughts and searched in his mind. Since the original owner of this body agreed to teach them the skills, he must be ready. He just needed to find the skills and give them to them.

Maybe, thanks to the gratitude of the four beautiful apprentices, they can allow themselves to see the wonder and beauty of a flash in the pan.

One minute

two minutes

five minutes

ten minutes.

Oops, I’ll go.

Lin Taixu's thoughts were searched around in his mind, but he couldn't find the technique left by the original owner for Zhao Feixue and others. Suddenly, he felt bad all over.

What's weird, it turns out that although this guy promised verbally that he would teach them a set of exercises in a month, he was actually planning to make an excuse to fool them by saying that they didn't serve him well.

In the final analysis, he had no intention of giving exercises to Zhao Feixue and others, he was just doing it for free.

What the hell.

Is it something humans do?

Lin Taixu cursed in his heart, it was a good thing that this guy was replaced by him, otherwise, he would have wanted to kill him.

You have the heart to deceive such a charming girl. Are you still a human being?

But what do I do now?

Where can I find exercises for them?

Lin Taixu kept scolding him, but he still rolled his eyes while thinking of countermeasures.

Although he is not a gentleman, he still knows that a thousand pieces of gold means a promise, and once he has said it, he must do it.

However, he doesn’t know the key, so how can he teach it?


Lin Taixu looked at Zhao Feixue and others in front of him quietly, feeling worried.

"I sincerely ask Master to teach me the Dharma."

When Zhao Feixue and others saw Lin Taixu looking straight at them with a look of embarrassment on their faces, the four of them immediately bowed and bowed again.

A sudden reappearance and a bright light.

Lin Taixu's eyes almost popped out when the four of them stood up again and looked at him respectfully and eagerly.

A necessary combat skill for otakus appeared in his mind involuntarily.

The grasping hand is the dragon's claw.

"This seems possible."

"For now, I can only make do with this."

Lin Taixu touched his chin and thought in his mind. In his previous life, the earth was in the age of science and technology, and there was no way to escape from the sky. At least he didn't know about it, so he naturally assumed that there was no such thing.

So, in order to prevent himself from breaking his promise and getting fat, he could only use this trick to fool him.

After all, although, at least he is good at it, right?

It's better than breaking your promise.

"But what should I say?"

Lin Taixu stood up from the recliner and took small steps in the pavilion. If he said it clearly, he would probably be beaten to death by Zhao Feixue and the others. If he didn't say it clearly, what should he say?

At this moment, Lin Taixu felt that it was too difficult for him.

"I sincerely ask Master to teach me the Dharma."

Seeing Lin Taixu's thoughtful look, Zhao Feixue and others knew that there was some hope, so they immediately leaned forward and said again while the iron was hot.

As the saying goes, opportunities cannot be missed and they will never come back.

Although they are young, they still understand the principles very well.

"Okay, since all of you disciples are eager to learn skills, my master will teach you a supreme offensive technique today, the Taixu Dragon Claw Hand."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu knew that he could not escape, so he stood on the pavilion with his hands behind his back and said slowly, in order to avoid being beaten up by Zhao Feixue and others, he still replaced the first two words with himself name.

Taixulong grasping hand.

Is it true that it’s full of style?

"Taixu Dragon Claw Hand?"

Zhao Feixue and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they heard this. They felt that this name was tall and majestic.

"Well, Taixu Dragon Claw Hand."

"This is a broad and profound combat skill."

"After practicing to a great extent, you can go up to the sky to get the sun and moon, and go down to the sea to catch the dragon."

Lin Taixu spoke nonsense and made things up. Although he was talking nonsense, his expression was correct and serious.

After he finished speaking, as if he wanted to increase the credibility of what he said, he put one hand behind his back, raised the other hand forward, bent his palm into a claw, and assumed a full-on posture. At this time, it happened to be A ray of sunlight refracted along the corner of the pavilion and fell on him.

Let his body float with a layer of faint golden light, like a god king banishing the dust, noble and unparalleled.

With one claw in hand, I have the unparalleled magic stick style in the world.

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