Chapter 85 I’m going, can’t help it (third more)

Perhaps it was too surprised at this moment. The awakened man who seemed to be in his 30s was shocked and inexplicably muttered: “I have heard people say before that in this meta-space, except for… In addition to the bloodthirsty wolf king, there is also a dimensional creature above the bloodthirsty wolf king, the blood wolf king.

Its level is equivalent to a ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, and it has mastered the blood blade, and its strength is very strong. The number of blood wolf kings like you is very small, even if it is a few decades, it may not be possible to have one.”

Hearing this awakened person’s explanation, the other awakened people were just a moment of stunned.

There are some extremely rare dimensional creatures in some dimensional spaces.

It’s just that the chance of this dimensional creature’s birth is too small, and it may not even appear in a few decades or hundreds of years.

Therefore, even those in the school…the textbooks don’t have these…an introduction to dimensional creatures.

Knowing this, Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia and others were just in their hearts.

In this case, the previous… strange places can naturally be explained.

At this moment, the awakened who had just spoken out of the blood wolf king identity in the canyon, after returning to his senses, 07 had already panicked and left with a few teammates quickly.

Seeing the awakened team that was quickly retreating, the remaining people also reacted violently.

Didn’t you hear what the awakened one said before? This blood wolf king is equivalent to a ninth-level star mechanic.

In the field, even the strongest person who entered this dimensional space was only a seven-level star mechanic, even if it was swarming, it is not yet known whether it can deal with the blood wolf king.

Not to mention that the Blood Wolf King also has a large number of younger brothers.

With their strength, they are completely dead and not alive.

Don’t take advantage of the fact that the blood wolf king is attracted by those in the canyon…

Therefore, after the remaining teams of Awakened were fully enlightened, they turned around without saying anything and chose to run away.

“How can we withdraw?”

Seeing that only his team were left at the mouth of the gorge, Zhou Jia couldn’t help asking.

A few of them are only Level 5 Star Mechanic apprentices.Although they are good at strength, they are four 44 small levels apart, and many of them cannot be compensated by combat skills.

Jiang Xiaoxin frowned at this moment, but she did not speak immediately, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Paying attention to Jiang Xiaoxin’s sight, Jiang Xiaobai “hehe”

He smiled twice: “Don’t worry, don’t you say you forgot what my skills are? It’s just an Astral Mechanic Apprentice level, not a dimensional creature in the Stardust Realm.”

Although the blood wolf king is good, it is still a lot worse than those in the colorful spider dimensional space…

After all, one side is a silver-level dimensional creature, and the other is just a bronze-level dimensional creature.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s skills are more effective than enemies within his own level.

The colorful spider Jiang Xiaobai can handle it, let alone the blood wolf king.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s determined look, although Zhou Jia still had some doubts in her heart, she did not continue to speak, but the hand holding the handle of the knife was slightly hardened, showing Zhou Jia’s inner tension.

At this moment, during the delay of these few minutes, the awakening of the dozens of people in the valley is already half of the dead and injured.

I saw the Blood Wolf King from the Canyon Club leaping up in the air, and after a few jumps and landings among the wolves, a dozen bloodthirsty wolves around him surrounded the Blood Wolf King as if protecting him.

Not caring about the bloodthirsty wolf next to him, the blood wolf king had already stepped on the awakened person in front of him directly, and the wolf’s mouth directly bit off the entire head.

Chewing: In between, with the blood that quickly spilled from the mouth, it seemed cruel and violent.

And what made Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes raised his eyebrows at this moment was the movement of the Blood Wolf King.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai quickly estimated the distance in his mind, and determined that the distance between the blood wolf king with his back facing him and himself should be a little closer to the limit of the skill use.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but once again put his eyes on the shaggy wolf buttocks behind the swaying wolf tail of the blood wolf king, Jiang Xiaobai picked up his eyelids.

Look, this heroic posture, this shaggy wolf butt, it’s a pity not to have a skill.

“I can’t help it anymore”

Finally, after more than ten seconds, Jiang Xiaobai did not hold back, and a shot of the skill aimed at the heroic Blood Wolf King in his sight and threw it over.

At the next moment, the Blood Wolf King, who was still staring at the few remaining bloody awakened people in the field, suddenly felt a slight tremor in his part.

When the wolf head turned around, his blood-colored eyes quickly stared at the bloodthirsty wolf behind him, and the blood wolf king roared.

Facing the reaction of the blood wolf king, the bloodthirsty wolf lowered his head slightly, looking a little afraid.

Seeing this, the Blood Wolf King just turned his head.

But when the Blood Wolf King just turned his head, this time, the strange feeling…partially felt even more obvious.

At this point, the blood wolf king quickly turned his head, just in time to see the bloodthirsty wolf who had just lowered his head raised his head, and even stretched out the snake harmony character to please.


Looking at the bloodthirsty wolf behind him, he once again roared as a warning, and his voice was a bit higher than before.

Even the other bloodthirsty wolves around turned around 493 to take a look.


Facing the threat of the blood wolf king, this bloodthirsty wolf had already crawled down.

Seeing this, the Blood Wolf King turned his head again impatiently.

However, the Blood Wolf King, who turned his head again this time, just put his gaze on the awakened in the field.

After staring for a few seconds, the wolf’s mouth opened, just when the blood-colored energy was already gathering in the wolf’s mouth.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

A feeling of twitching and vibration like drumming suddenly came from the part of the blood wolf king.

Then the completely angry Blood Wolf King turned around without saying a word, and bit the bloodthirsty wolf directly behind him with one bite.

The sudden movement shocked the surrounding… bloodthirsty wolves, and it was not clear how the good blood wolf king could suddenly be like this.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai at the mouth of the canyon glanced at the scene in front, gently touched the head of the dog next to him, and pointed to the blood wolf king. I might be killed one day.”

Looking along the place Jiang Xiaobai signaled, looking at the same kind who was bitten on the ground by Xuelang Bay, Daha turned out to be “oooooo”.

He choked a few times, obviously a little frightened.


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