Chapter 81 Ask someone to ask? (9/10)

Jiang Xiaobai has never been a wasteful person, just like now, even after killing Wei Houshan and others, Bing Wei Houshan and others have the original intention of not letting Wei Houshan and others work hard in this meta-space, Jiang Xiaobai still kindly treats these people. The star beads on her body were found.

Although not many, there are only forty bronze star beads in total, but it is not too few.

And after all of them re-adjusted their star power, physical strength and spirit, they also set off again.

It’s just that this time the goal of the few people is no longer here.After discussing it, they are preparing to enter the canyon 11 kilometers away.

After all, those of Maolin…The bloodthirsty wolf has already brought such a strong pressure to Jiang Xiaoxin and the others as it just started.

However, compared to the previous Maolin, when heading to the canyon, what surprised Jiang Xiaobai was that he encountered several groups of other teams of Awakeners in succession.

Fortunately, not all the awakened are the same as Wei Houshan and others before, but they simply peeped because of the two daughters of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia.

But even so, meeting several groups of Awakened people one after another still makes people feel that something is wrong.

“Weird, why has it been so long, the bloodthirsty wolf has not met one, but the other awakened squads have met a few waves.”

Finally, after walking for a few minutes again, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but speak out.

Not to mention Zhou Jia, everyone else is the same.

As the main dimensional creature in this dimensional space, the bloodthirsty wolf is absolutely impossible to encounter a situation in which it will not be encountered for a few minutes.

In addition to these things that I met around… other awakened people, if there is no problem in this, there will be ghosts.

Finally, after meeting a wave of awakened people who were also swiftly heading towards the canyon, Jiang Xiaobai said, “Or, I’ll go find someone to ask what happened.”

Zhou Jia rolled her eyes and said, “Do you think someone here will tell you everything like the school teacher?”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged, “Who is right, give it a try, it’s better than not knowing anything now…”

It just so happened that at this time, there was another five-person and 5-awakener squad, and the Awakeners moved quickly from the tree.

Moreover, it seems that he is not very old, and it is very likely that he is also a student in a middle school in Yucheng.

Noting this team of awakened people, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai has added a little more agility and has reached ten agility, Jiang Xiaobai sprang out like a cheetah.

After waiting for a distance of almost twenty meters from the awakened squad, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the target, and his skill was…swipe at a member of the awakened squad.

In the sight, under Jiang Xiaobai’s skill, the original five-person and five-team squad, a handsome looking boy at the back suddenly felt that his legs were numb and he had fallen directly from the tree. kneel on the ground.

Boy: Almost when the boy fell from the tree and knelt directly on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai, who had been ambushing for a long time, rushed directly to the boy in a few seconds.

“Shut up quietly, otherwise, kill you”

The dagger was directly placed on the boy’s neck, and Jiang Xiaobai quickly said.

Suddenly, the person who hadn’t returned to life was already stiff, and he quickly raised his hands to signal.

Standing in the distance, watching a series of flowing clouds and flowing water directly intercepting the awakened Jiang Xiaobai, including Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Thu Hai Hai’s eyelids jumped wildly.

Zhou Jia couldn’t help covering her face with one hand.

“Sure enough, I’m still too innocent, I actually believe that this bastard’s question is… the kind of… ordinary question.”

…Here, under the threat of Jiang Xiaobai, the boy who is still kneeling at this moment does not dare to move.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai immediately asked: “Say, what’s the matter with you rushing over there in such a hurry?”

The boy who was still a little nervous at first was taken aback and said, “You don’t know.”

Jiang Xiaobai did not speak, but the hand holding the alloy dagger shook slightly.Although the movement was not large, the amplitude was not small.

“Fuck, don’t shake, I said, I said.”

Perceiving the abnormal movement on the neck and Jiang Xiaobai’s hand shaking like Parkinson, the boy almost freaked out.

Just kidding, the weapon in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand is clamped around his neck.What if he shakes his hand and gives himself a knife. Obviously, this boy is not too scheming.

Being threatened like this by Jiang Xiaobai, all the news came out.

The reason why Jiang Xiaobai and others have not met the bloodthirsty wolf for several minutes at this moment and have encountered several waves of the Awakened team around it is entirely because they don’t know who leaked the news.

In the canyon a few kilometers away, there is a wolf king who has only been promoted these days.

Therefore, a large part of the goal of entering this dimensional space today is… this wolf king.

It is said that some of the more famous Awakened squads threatened to attack this wolf king.

So other awakened people also want to see if they can get a piece of the pie.

“There are some dimensional creatures in the bronze dimensional space that are extremely famous, and one of them is this bloodthirsty wolf wolf king.

The reason for this is that the heart of the wolf king in the body of this bloodthirsty wolf wolf king has some peculiar effects.

Its value is completely comparable to some top-grade silver-level star beads.

It’s just that wolves are social animals, bloodthirsty wolf kings are rarely seen, and there are bloodthirsty wolf wolves in which the wolf king is located, and the number is at least hundreds.

If you waited for the Stardust Realm, naturally you wouldn’t waste time in this bronze-level dimensional space.

As for ordinary astral mechanics, if they want to kill the wolf king, they need to face hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves at the same time.The difficulty and danger can be imagined.

It is only said that when some new bloodthirsty wolf kings appear, and the number of mannos in the wolf pack has not expanded, it is the easiest to kill.

After understanding these…, Jiang Xiaobai only understood why such a situation occurred around him.

Afterwards slowly retracting the dagger, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “Okay, let’s go!”

After Jiang Xiaobai said it, the boy in front of him was a little dazed, “Well, it’s over.”

Jiang Xiaobai said in a bad mood: “Otherwise, do you want me to tear up the ticket or how?”

I know that there are some problems with what I said, but I also know that Jiang Xiaobai is indeed planning to let go of himself, the black line on the boy’s end.

I wanted to grab Jiang Xiaobai by the collar and shouted, “Are you sick? You grabbed me just to ask some questions.”

The boy was very depressed now, but he looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s dagger twice, and after a bit of a daze, he turned around and ran away without opening his mouth.

: Nothing, the remaining one will be made up tomorrow, which is a bit unbearable!!

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