Chapter 73 Did you take the wrong medicine? Stabbed me? (1/10, first order!)

Behind a bush of grass about ten meters away from Jiang Xiaobai and others, the awakened people that Jiang Xiaobai met before were squatting quietly, and the few people stared motionlessly at the man fighting the bloodthirsty wolf in the distance. Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

After watching Xiaoxin and the others fight through Jiang, several people also commented on the strength of Jiang Xiaoxin and the others.

It is roughly equivalent to the strength of a fifth-level star mechanics apprentice or a sixth-level star mechanics apprentice.

After confirming this, the expressions on a few people’s faces became more relaxed.

However, when the few people looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was leaning against the tree and panicking, they couldn’t help frowning.

“Dammit, why is that kid standing aside and not doing anything”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s the weaker strength. After all, it can tame bloodthirsty wolves, and the talent skills are definitely not combat-type.”

“That’s right, anyway… wait for them to wait: the star power is almost exhausted before doing it, let’s say okay first, Wei brother valued the… that bow and arrow, and I will come first.”

…At the same time, as a few minutes passed, the bloodthirsty wolves that had originally gathered in front of Jiang Xiaoxin and the other three had now only four left.

During this process, Jiang Xiaobai, who had been paying attention to the movement in the distance, was already able to see those…Several sounds that began to move slowly and silently.

But for all of this, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t seem to notice at all, still leaning loosely on the tree trunk and touching the dog’s head.

After waiting until the last bloodthirsty wolf was directly split in half by Zhou Jia who jumped and fell from the air, several figures that had moved closer unknowingly suddenly walked out of the nearby bushes.

While walking, these people still had triumphant smiles on their faces.

Almost at the same time these people walked out of the bushes, Jiang Xiaoxin and others in the field felt it for the first time.

As his eyes turned, the weapons in his hands were already raised one after another.

When looking at the few people approaching slowly, Zhou Jia’s eyes condensed, “What do you want to do?”

Hearing that, Wei Houshan has not spoken yet, a man with a big waist standing behind Wei Houshan “Hey”

With a smile: “Meeting two of you so beautiful little beauties in this ghost place, what do you say we want to do”

Only then did the words fall, and the awakened people all around laughed meaningfully.

Looking at the eyes of these people who put their lives on them, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were both cold in their eyes and a little flustered.

The chaos in the dimensional space and the loss of morality are well-known things.

But I knew it, but after I really met it, it was another state of mind.

And when Jiang Xiaoxin saw these people before, she also observed the bloodthirsty wolves that were beheaded.

The wounds on his body are clean and neat, and it can be said that there are not many wounds on every bloodthirsty wolf.

It can completely prove that these people are killing Bloodthirsty, and they didn’t spend much…strength at all.

It can be seen that the strength is not weak.

But Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t bear it, Zhou Jia next to him was about to explode a lot. “Heh, do you think we will eat us at a young age and still eat in this bronze dimensional space? Are you really such a great role? ”

As the saying goes, hitting people without slapping faces, cursing people without exposing them, ask which awakened person does not want to dominate the party when he awakens. Wei Houshan’s youngest people are all in their 30s, but now they are still wandering in various bronze levels. The space was originally considered to be an awakened person who was eliminated and forced to eat.

Now Zhou Jia used a knife to pierce them deep inside as soon as she opened her mouth.

After all, I have been mingling with Jiang Xiaobai a lot recently, and Zhou Jia has also grown by leaps and bounds in terms of his ability to pierce the heart.

Just looking at the completely black faces of the people on the opposite side at the moment, it is obvious that their self-esteem has been deeply hurt.

Headed Wei Houshan said with a calm face: “Okay, very good, I want to see if you can be as hard as you are now after we have your clothes off.”

Wei Houshan had just finished speaking. One of the people standing behind Wei Houshan was holding a big knife and had a scar on his face. The awakened man who looked particularly fierce also said: “Yes, if you be honest, let the brothers feel comfortable. Fortunately, otherwise…”

As he said, the awakened man with a scar on his face sneered again and again.

On the one hand, Jiang Xiaobai, who is still leaning on the tree trunk, seems to be a little impatient after hearing Wei Houshan’s words and words. Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved.

At the next moment, a part of the star power in Jiang Xiaobai’s body disappeared out of thin air.


At the same time, under the influence of the skill, a very slight voice suddenly rang.

Standing in the front, thinking about whether or not to immediately.

Wei Houshan, who was doing it, suddenly shot a bloody arrow locally.

If it was in the past, even if it was partially damaged, blood would be blocked because of the pants.

But at this moment everyone is in the dimensional space.In the previous battles, Wei Houshan has some wounds on his body.

And the clothes and pants on his body have a lot of damage.

…It looks like the original part, because before Wei Houshan was chased by some sharp plants in the forest when he was hunting down a bloodthirsty wolf.

Therefore, when the part is damaged and blood is splashed, the blood is directly scattered back.

It’s hard to die.The scarred man behind Wei Houshan raised the long knife in his hand at the moment, and the tip of the knife was aimed at the part of Wei Houshan.

Naturally, when the blood spattered out of the part of Weihoushan, it was directly sprayed straight.

The entire tip of the knife was covered with blood.


It was also because of the local strangeness that was caught off guard, Wei Houshan directly stiffened, and at the same time he cried out in pain, his face was…white in a short period of less than two seconds.

Quickly put his hand behind him and touched it, it was completely blood spread.


Feeling the pain that was so strong that one couldn’t help but tremble, Wei Houshan’s eyes shrank suddenly when he looked at the blood on his hands.

Then he turned his head slowly, his gaze shifted slightly down, and when he looked at the blood dripping from the tip of the knife that was still raised in the air and aimed at his part, Wei Houshan’s face was full of astonishment and confusion.

But after a while, Wei Houshan, who recovered his senses, raised the axe in his hand directly, and then quickly compared it to the scar man’s neck.

I didn’t know if it was because of the pain or the anger, but he shouted with a terrifying expression: “You took the wrong medicine and stabbed me.”


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