Chapter 615 Cheap son, run away

Han Feng really wants to communicate with the rabbits.In this embarrassing situation, even if Han Feng does not kneel, there is no way to deal with these… rabbits.

The sturdiness of the king rabbit alone was enough to rub Han Feng on the ground for a hundred years.

After begging for mercy, Han Feng looked at the King Rabbit with eyesight, trying to understand the King Rabbit’s thoughts.

However, King Rabbit’s eyes did not change at all, and he still looked at Han Feng suspiciously.

Such a weird scene made Jiang Xiaobai a little confused.I have never seen such a weird confrontation scene.

Zhou Jia tilted her head and said, “Could that… The white rabbit has taken a fancy to Han Feng and wants to take Han Feng as a harem”

“No, that’s okay too”

Tornado was a little surprised, think about that…the scene of the big white rabbit pressing on Han Feng’s body, it seems that the eyes are extremely spicy.

“Jiang Xiaobai, can you save people”

Liu Ye asked.

In other words, Han Feng is a comrade-in-arms.Although he doesn’t like his personality, Liu Ye can’t bear to watch him die here.

“Ms. Liu, you are preparing to avenge your personal revenge.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Ye in surprise.

There are so many rabbits around Han Feng, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t think he can deal with it.

Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Dragon Roll looked at Liu Ye together, their eyes full of questioning.


Liu Ye coughed dryly: “Don’t get me wrong, I just want to save one more person, so I can have more strength. If we fight with all our strength, there may be a chance.”

Jiang Xiaobai ignored Liu Ye’s words, but stared at King Rabbit and Han Feng.

Han Feng was already numb by the king rabbit’s sight, and when he was worrying about it, Han Feng suddenly felt that the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s skill had disappeared.

I finally don’t have to kneel, which is great, but now it seems that I still have to kneel. If I stand up, who knows what the rabbit opposite will think.

Han Feng’s heart is full of worries.

Jiang Xiaobai also felt the disappearance of the skill effect, and said with a smile: “Maybe you can try it now, Xiaoxin will go with me, Teacher Liu, you are here waiting to meet us.”

“Be careful.”

Liu Ye exhorted.

Jiang Xiaobai took Jiang Xiaoxin off the tree trunk and quietly approached the group of rabbits.

“What are you going to do”

Jiang Xiaoxin asked.

“Wait for you to shoot that big rabbit from a long distance with an arrow, and then run back when you finish shooting. You don’t need to worry about other things.”

Walking to a distance of two hundred meters from the group of rabbits, Jiang Xiaoxin pulled away the ice bow and arrow in her hand and shot an icy blue sharp arrow into the sky.

“The distance is a little far away, the arrow may not hit the rabbit, and the falling time should be three seconds later.”

“You go back quickly and you will get along with Teacher Liu and the others.”

Jiang Xiaobai finished leaping up a big tree and observed the situation on the trunk.

The icy blue arrow fell with a sound of breaking through the air, and the rabbits looked up at the arrow in the sky.

When Han Feng looked at the falling arrow, he became numb. This f*ck fell on his head! “Battle armor!”

Han Feng didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, immediately.

Released his own skills.

As soon as the armor appeared, Han Feng’s bag was shocked, and his entire brain buzzed.

The arrow stuck straight on top of Han Feng’s head.Fortunately, when the armor appeared, otherwise he would be shot to death by this arrow.

The grieving Han Feng leaped in depth and rushed to the direction behind him, preparing to smash a bloody path from the group of rabbits.

The pricked ears of the King Rabbit separated to the two sides, blocking the rabbits who were going to Han Feng, and immediately let a way out.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he didn’t care about anything, and sullenly ran forward: “Cao Cao Cao! Hurry up, run faster!”

The King Rabbit’s eyes flickered, and the three-lobed mouth grinned, revealing Bai Sensen’s teeth.

The sturdy back muscles swelled, and the King Rabbit jumped out, leaping over a distance of 100 meters, and chasing Han Feng.

Han Feng turned his head and glanced, he was almost bloodied in shock: “Help!”

“Cheap son here.”

Jiang Xiaobai stood on the tree and shouted.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s voice, Han Feng’s excitement burst into tears: “Jiang Xiaobai, you are my pro-dad, you kiss even more than my pro-dad!”

Han Feng rushed in the direction of Jiang Xiaobai, and the King Rabbit chased Han Feng unhurriedly, like a hunter waiting for the best hunting opportunity.

When the King Rabbit rushed not far from Jiang Xiaobai’s position, Jiang Xiaobai gathered half of his star power and threw the pain of growth to the King Rabbit.

King Rabbit saw a blue lightning shoot at him, immediately.

He leaped to the side, but the blue lightning was not only fast, but also had an automatic tracking function, and finally successfully shot under the tail of the king rabbit.

0 In an instant, the white hairs of the king rabbit’s whole body exploded, and a pair of ears trembled violently, and the eyeballs protruded outward, as if they were about to shoot them out.

At the moment when the skill effect broke out, King Rabbit felt a feeling that Rabbit had never experienced before.The painful and happy feeling made King Rabbit not know what kind of expression to show.

Puff! A loud noise erupted from behind the King Rabbit, blood-red splashes were scattered in the air, followed by round black balls, sprayed out from behind the rabbit’s tail, press: It looks like a machine gun is firing Same.

0 “hiss”

The King Rabbit made a violent neigh…, the sound was earth-shattering.

The group of rabbits looked at their king dumbfounded, all showing a petrified posture.

Han Feng turned to look at the king rabbit, and suddenly took a breath.

“Let me go, the king rabbit can become like this, it seems that my father is showing mercy to me.”

Liu Ye, who was farther away, was completely speechless.The power-enhanced effect displayed by the King Rabbit had refreshed Liu Ye’s three views.

“Jiang Xiaobai is so strong”

Liu Ye asked with trembling lips.

Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Tornado were silent, and the three of them didn’t know how to evaluate Jiang Xiaobai’s combat effectiveness.

Jiang Xiaobai jumped off the tree trunk and released various skills to the King Rabbit.The King Rabbit suddenly felt pain and happiness, and he had changed from trembling to rolling on the ground.

The angry King Rabbit’s eyes were about to spew fire, and a burst of yellow light emerged from his body, which was a precursor to the release of the skill.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed with some regret, and turned around and ran without hesitation.

“Cheap son, run away, waiting for death in a daze!”

When Han Feng was called by Jiang Xiaobai, he recovered and hurriedly followed Jiang Xiaobai.

“All hurry, I’m afraid that rabbit will blew himself up!”

Jiang Xiaobai shouted at Liu Ye and the others to put down.

At this moment, the King Rabbit’s skills have been released, and the ground began to crack from the King Rabbit, cracking in the direction of Jiang Xiaobai at an extremely fast speed.

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