Chapter 603 Who do i train with

Five minutes later, when Jiang Xiaobai saw the people standing on the podium, he finally understood why he felt that way.

On the podium, the cold-looking woman had not had time to change her military uniform, her gaze indifferently scanned the students who were discussing under her eyes, and when she fell on Jiang Xiaobai, her gaze was strangely soft.

Jiang Xiaobai: “”

How could Captain Liu appear here! Jiang Xiaobai was so scared that he hurriedly stood beside Liu Ye, Zhang Xunkun with a wry smile frowned, meaning…asked why Captain Liu was hired as a teacher .

Zhang Xunkun can only smile wryly now, Jiang Xiaobai asked him, he still wanted to ask Jiang Xiaobai! As soon as Zhang Xunkun entered the office in the morning, he saw Lieutenant Liu sitting in his office, gracefully tilting Erlang’s legs, slowly drinking With coffee, there is a military order on the table.

It’s nothing else, it’s just… the commander gave an order to transfer Captain Liu to Jiangnan University as a sophomore combat instructor! In the past, there was an Awakened teacher of the Star Sea Realm in the school, and Zhang Xunkun was happy. It’s too late, but if this person is Liu Ye…Zhang Xunkun thought of offending this woman when he was at the military base before…it was a little bit! God knows if this woman suddenly ran to Jiangnan University for teaching or For other things, in case you want revenge because of previous things…Just thinking about it, Zhang Xunkun’s cold sweat will come down.

Not only Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Tornado 3 after seeing Liu Ye, they all looked at each other. While surprised, their eyes were also somewhat clear.

“Hey, is this the new teacher, beauty!”

“That’s right, the teacher is so long and blind, he looks like he is still young…”

“How do I feel as if I have seen her somewhere, she seems to be the captain of the Jiangnan Military Base”

“What a joke, how could a captain come to teach us students, maybe they look alike.”

…The students in the classroom are all talking about it because of the arrival of a beautiful teacher.

Boys are naturally excited.After all, there are not many good-looking female teachers, and most of the girls are a little jealous, but Jiang Xiaobai has a complicated mood.

“Okay, all get quiet.”

Zhang Xunkun frowned and clapped his hands, and the student calmed down.

“Introduction, this is Liu from the Jiangnan Military Base.

Ye, temporarily serve as your combat skill teacher, and you will spend a year under her in the future.”

After speaking, Zhang Xunkun gave a light cough and looked at Liu Ye and said, “Lieutenant Liu, come and say hello to the students.”


Liu Ye retracted his gaze from Jiang Xiaobai and said quietly from the crowd: “Hello everyone, my name is Liu Ye. Some of you should have seen me at the Jiangnan Military Base.

Now, let me introduce my strength and skills, assault skill Awakener, the second floor of Xinghai Realm, and the fighting skills I excel at are: Seven Levels of Never Night, Mirror Flower, Water Moon, Nine Profound Bows and Arrows, and Boat on the Sea.”

A lot! After listening to the fighting skills Liu Ye is good at, the sophomore students all showed envy.

Generally, the awakened person can master one or two fighting skills, even if they are good, it takes a lot of time to practice to actually practice them.

It seems that Liu Ye should not be thirty years old. Not only did he break through to the second floor of the Star Sea Realm, he even mastered four fighting skills.It is no wonder that he can become a captain in a military base at such a young age.This is absolute strength! Jiang Xiaobai also raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Last time I saw Liu Ye, even though she knew she was very strong, she didn’t expect to be so strong.It’s no wonder that the system will reward him with tens of thousands of achievement points at one time after winning her own auxiliary skills.

Seeing these…the little Mao children all showed shocked expressions on their faces. Liu Ye nodded in satisfaction, “Very well, in the sophomore year, you should also understand that you can no longer look like… It is so free and loose, starting from today, I will let you strengthen training in school.

I go to the training room at 8:8 every morning. I will give you the fighting skills. You two-on-two-2 practice and learn from each other. You must enter the golden space dimensional combat training at least once a week. I want to assess your comprehensive strength, understand. Yet”

What! After listening to Liu Ye’s words, everyone suddenly turned petrified, and their faces were extremely ugly.

I originally thought that a beautiful teacher came, and I could at least feast my eyes in the future, but I did not expect that waiting for them was actually a high-intensity training classroom. Ye really regarded them as his own soldiers.

“The woman who was just complaining about Jiang Xiaobai’s heart suddenly fell on him and called him.

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, looked up at each other, and then smiled slightly: “Call me, Teacher Liu”

Wouldn’t this woman want to avenge her personal revenge? Liu Ye also smiled at him, and a gleam of light flashed in her calm eyes, “Yes, that’s…you, your strength has reached the Galaxy Realm, when you practice fighting skills, No need to fight against other students.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, “Then who do I train with”


Everyone: “”

All the students below looked at each other, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with sympathy and gloating.

Who doesn’t know that Jiang Xiaobai has been in the limelight at Jiangnan University in the past two years, but no matter how powerful he is, he is only an aid to the Galaxy Realm. No one in the same realm can cure him. Could it be that he can still win the Awakening of the Star Sea Realm. 80% of this Liu Ye has an old hatred with Jiang Xiaobai, just to rub Jiang Xiaobai’s power, let him try it out as someone else’s sandbag for a while! What they didn’t expect was that Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes lit up, unexpectedly He agreed without hesitation! And looking at his excited expression, it seemed as if Liu Ye came to trouble him.

What I know is that he is training against a strong person in the Star Sea Realm.

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