Chapter 60 Short and weak

Glancing at the few brilliant spider elites who are kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Li Dashan at this moment, the corners of the eyes of all the people present twitched.

Although several people have known Jiang Xiaobai’s natural skills and abilities in these hours.

But when they saw this inexplicable and weird picture, several people were still shocked.

Not to mention Zhao Hong and others, even the colorful Spider King on the opposite side glanced at the men who were kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai, with blood-red complex eyes with a bit of incomprehension.

Then he roared, as if he was ordering and urging the kneeling elites.

Hearing the order of the Spider King, the few colorful spider elites in front of them were struggling immediately and prepared to stand up.

Realizing something was wrong, Li Dashan, who was in front of Jiang Xiaobai, reacted first.

As the shield in his hand swung like a diamond, the diamond on the shield quickly extended, causing the shield in Li Dashan’s hand to flap to the side like a door panel at this moment.

Then Zhao Hong and Wang Nannan, who came back to their senses, glanced at the movement here and reacted fiercely, using their minds and skills to use their talents to kill these few elite spiders who hadn’t recovered.

At the same time, listening to the voices of these colorful spider elites before they died, the colorful spider king in the distance moved quickly a few times at this moment, and once again made a hoarse voice.

Suddenly, the remaining six variegated spider elites around the Spider King once again spewed cobwebs towards the nearest Yuan Xiaoning and Zhao Keer.

Facing the poisonous spider silk that was constantly shooting at them in the air, the two women quickly raised their weapons to resist or shoot down those poisonous spider silks.

During the process, the two women dodged the resistance and moved between them, completely unable to get close to the Spider King.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai continued to throw away several skills.

The few colorful spider elites around the Spider King immediately bent their forelimbs and crawled down.

Noting the changes of the several colorful spider elites around him, the Spider King seemed to cry out a little impatiently, but the colorful spider elites around him just stood up, and immediately there were a few streams of hope that made them kneel down again.

It’s just that for these, this colorful spider king doesn’t know the reason.

Seeing several orders without the master, the colorful spider king may be upset in his heart.

In front of the sight of a few people, he took the initiative to raise his forelimbs and penetrate the heads of the two recent elite spiders, appearing cruel and fierce.

Here, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was using his talent skills to buy time for the two of them, Yuan Xiaoning and Zhao Kerr both jumped and quickly approached the opposite Spider King.

During the process, the big sword in Zhao Keer’s hand had already condensed a wave of flame swords and shot at the spider king in the distance.

Seeing this, the colorful spider king’s limbs and feet were slightly bent, and then suddenly bounced back three or four meters like a spring.

At the same time, as soon as his figure stabilized, the colorful spider king raised his head, and a black and red poisonous thread had already emerged like a bullet, directly at Yuan Ningxiao, who was moving fast in the air like a civet.

The same is spinning, but the speed of these poisonous silks is several times faster than the spinning speed of the elite colorful spiders before.

Even if Yuan Xiaoning faced the shadow that disappeared in the air, he had been entangled without reacting at all.

In an instant, the toxins flowed into the body along the skin, causing Yuan Xiaoning’s paralyzed body to fall to the ground, and his face instantly paled.

“Xiao Ning”

Next to him, Zhao Ke’er, who was killed by the talented skills of several elite spiders who could only crawl and couldn’t move because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, turned her head and looked at this scene, and she couldn’t help but feel shocked.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai quickly changed the target after Zhao Kerr solved the few colorful spider elites, and transferred the skills to the colorful spider king.

It was also the moment when two streamers slid through the air and hit the forelimbs of the Spider King fiercely, and the two forelimbs were bent down and the body was crawling on the ground.

Suddenly, the colorful spider spider king realized.

At this moment, after the colorful spider king experienced the involuntary kneeling sensation, he understood why he hadn’t responded to his subordinates no matter how he ordered it.

It’s not that they are disobedient, but that they are completely involuntary.

With this delay, Zhao Kerr had already flashed to Yuan Xiaoning’s side quickly, and after burning off the poisonous threads on Yuan Xiaoning’s body with flames, he pulled Yuan Xiaoning back quickly.

At the same time, Zhao Hong and Wang Nannan stepped forward to fill their seats.

Although it is impossible to fight in close quarters with two people, there is no problem in attacking and blocking with talent skills for a short time.

But as the Jiang Xiaobai experiment learned yesterday.

With the stronger the target skill used by the skill, the weaker the effect that your skill can cause.

Just like now, even after being hit by his own skills, it took less than a second for the colorful spider king in the field to react from kneeling.

It can’t achieve the same as before dealing with other dimensional creatures, kneel down and die.

Coupled with the poisonous threads that the Spider King spit out, people couldn’t react quickly, and as long as they were touched, they would be paralyzed and unable to move in an instant.

Therefore, even facing the siege of Yuan Xiaoning and other people at the same time, it was impossible to take it down for a while, but the antidote for everyone had already been spent a lot.


However, at this moment, as the Colorful Spider King once again pushed Yuan Xiaoning away in front of him and pulled away, the Spider King’s hideous mouthparts opened, and an obscure, dry and dumb voice appeared, and Reverberating in the sky above this forest.

At the same time that the voice of the Spider King sounded, there were other vague roars that also appeared in some places in the distance, as if responding.

“No, the Spider King has already begun to summon the colorful spiders nearby.”

Noting this, Li Dashan in front of Jiang Xiaobai was quick.

In the previous battle, with Jiang Xiaobai’s help, it can be said that everything went smoothly unexpectedly.

There was even a situation where there was only one dimensional creature left in the field.

But Yuan Xiaoning and the others didn’t expect that this colorful spider king would be so difficult.

If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai’s ability to affect the Spider King from time to time, I’m afraid they are the ones who are now dangerous.

The continuous battles have already caused everyone’s star power and physical strength to drop drastically.

This can be seen only by looking at the sweat that a few people are constantly sliding down their cheeks during the battle at this moment.

If other colorful spiders came to support it, Yuan Xiaoning and others would not be able to massacre like before.

Thinking of this, the hearts of several people in the field at this moment are a little anxious.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai, who once again filled a part of the star power in his body through the star beads, raised his head again, and focused on the colorful spider king, Jiang Xiaobai, who was constantly shifting on the ground or on the surrounding tree trunks and spraying poisonous silk. Suddenly raised his brows slightly.

After that, half of the star power that had just recovered in his body suddenly disappeared.

On the other side, watching Yuan Ningxiao rushing into the middle of the air with afterimages approaching him, the forelimbs of the Spider King stood up slightly, and the spinning device in his abdomen was already aimed at Yuan Ningxiao in the air.

Seeing this movement of the Spider King, Yuan Xiaoning’s heart burst, and he didn’t want to stop the fast-moving body.

But when Yuan Ningxiao just made an evasive action, the poisonous thread on the spider king’s abdominal spinning device that was fast like a bullet out of the chamber is uncharacteristic at this moment, but it has black and red poison that is as long as a normal human’s finger. The silk flies out.

Moreover, after this section of poisonous silk was shot from the spinner in the spider king’s abdomen, it flew for less than one meter, and then fell directly to the ground with no stamina.

Compared with the previous poisonous silk attacks, this time the spider king’s poisonous silk attack appeared short and weak.

Yuan Xiaoning:……..

Several others:………

Variegated Spider Spider King:? ? ? ? *

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