Chapter 582 You will fall in love with this feeling

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia stared at Jiang Xiaobai, who was contented, with blood on their cheeks, arms, and calves.

“Jiang Xiaobai! The old lady believes in your ghost, didn’t you say you should be gentle!!”

Zhou Jia is very “weak”

Leaning on the stone, the pain almost rushed to strangle Jiang Xiaobai.

It was said that only a small amount of star power would be added, and it turned out to be a big move. She and Jiang Xiaoxin were almost paralyzed! Jiang Xiaoxin also glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily, swallowing a nasty breath: “Zhou Jia, let’s Go out and talk about it.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai also scratched his head embarrassedly, “What, I’m sorry, for a while… I didn’t control it, I didn’t control it!”

This can’t be blamed on him! Who allowed this skill to be used on Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin’s body, and the achievement points obtained were as high as 600 points! This is more than Tornado! Now this hidden and brutal skill has been exposed, In the future, it is estimated that there will be no chance to use them on both of them.

Now, of course, he can come one shot or one shot, maybe after waiting out of this dimension, his skill tree can grow another skill! Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze swept over Wang Anan and Zhang Tianlei. After going over, he smiled and said, “Let me see who is the next lucky one to be selected.”

I don’t know why, seeing the smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, Wang An’an, Zhang Tianlei and others shuddered.

Since they entered this meta-space, they have deeply understood that the most terrifying thing here is not a human face, nor is it parasitic, but Jiang Xiaobai’s self-confessed simple and kind smile.

Whenever Jiang Xiaobai showed this kind of smile, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky! This time they didn’t even care about the nausea, they turned their heads to look at the pitiful Zhang Lang who was still counting the stars, and eagerly stretched out their hands: ” Zhang Lang, hurry up! Give us a little bit of your blood…!”

Jiang Xiaobai: “Crazy-hearted”

Finally, because the blood on Zhang Lang’s pants was dried out, the remaining four 44 boys decided to use the method of catching a tortoise, and sent an unlucky ghost out, endured the pain of being exploded, and suffered four consecutive “growth pains” by Jiang Xiaobai. ”


And this unlucky ghost is…Zhang Tianlei.

“Why! Why Laozi!!”

Why does he, a big master, have to endure such torture! The other three people are full of joy of rebirth after the catastrophe, and only Zhang Tianlei collapsed in place.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai, who was smiling like an old father, and begged unlovably: “Xiaobai, Brother Xiaobai, let’s do it lightly. Actually, we don’t need that much blood.”

Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhang Tianlei on the shoulder and said seriously: “Don’t worry, young man, most people are like this for the first time. I have seen more, maybe you will fall in love with this feeling in the future.”

Zhang Tianlei: If I kill him, I won’t fall in love with this feeling! Five minutes later, Zhang Tianlei’s face was pale, he was holding the bleeding part, and the whole pants were soaked with scarlet blood.


“From Zhang Tianlei you will be my eldest brother!”

“A true warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood!”

Wang Anan, Li Benquan and others all showed admiration on their faces, and they kept exaggerating Zhang Tianlei beside them.

Hearing these words, Zhang Tianlei’s face looked a little better.

With four devastated vicissitudes in exchange for everyone’s safety, if you think about it this way, Zhang Tianlei can still get a little comfort in his heart…It was only when Wang An’an and others reached out to twist the blood that shed Zhang Tianlei’s pants. , When they were about to wipe it on their bodies, they still couldn’t help showing a little disgust.

Li Benquan: “Does it smell? I don’t know it, people are a little bit clean…”

Zhang Tianlei collapsed directly, and became angry and said: “Fuck, let Laozi go!!!”

After tossing for a while, everyone finally smeared blood on their bodies and faces.

Jiang Xiaobai clapped his hands and said, “I think everyone’s star power is almost consumed. Now, in the fastest time, use star beads to replenish your star power.”

With the protection of these blood, at least in the process of replenishing the star power, it will not be attacked by those monsters.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianlei nodded quickly, and immediately sat down and began to absorb the star beads.

Xingzhu has a part of the healing effect. He has to make good compensation for the damage he has just received…Except for… Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, Dragon Scroll Four 4, The others started to meditate on the spot, replenishing their star power.

Zhou Jia glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was clean and without any blood stains, and squinted his eyes and said, “Why don’t you wipe a little blood? Do you want me to divide you a bit?”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhou Jia somewhere, “Are you sure there are still”

Zhou Jia sneered, and said angrily: “How many times have you used the skill, if it wasn’t for the old lady and Jiang Xiaoxin to carry the towel, otherwise you have to kill you…”

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, it’s no wonder that the two of them wouldn’t leak! Afraid of being retaliated by Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaobai held back the idea of ​​asking them what brand they used, and waved his hand: “Ahem, no, I have passive skills. Self-defense, those human faces and ghosts can’t hurt me, you can keep it for yourself…”

Tornado glanced at Jiang Xiaobai strangely, it was rare that there was no sarcasm, and sitting quietly by the side, it made Jiang Xiaobai a little uncomfortable.

This realistic version of Ai Lijiang is not usually a “Miss Ben”.

Why did he suddenly quiet down because of his two skills, and he directly gave the Raiders a success.Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, everyone who was originally replenishing the star power had opened their eyes and awakened from the rest.

“It’s all finished, zero”

Looking at the refreshed people, Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at the deeper and deeper…the human face and ghost sky that are getting closer and closer to them.

Unknowingly, the human face monster closest to them had completely opened their eyes, and the black holes were staring at them, their faces twisted and horrified, or smirked, or hideously.

It seemed that they couldn’t wait one by one, vying for the first time, and the earth wanted to fall from the sky and parasitic on them.

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