Chapter 555 Demonization (4/4)

Hellhound’s skill is called “Hell’s Edge”

Just as Mag claimed to be the servant creature of the Hellfire King, the Hellhound also came from the Hellfire King family.

The fire element of hell is different from the fire element cultivated by the awakened.

The red flames from the depths of the netherworld can burn the souls of demons, and it can also allow hell creatures to resist the endless cold of the netherlands.

Therefore, the Hellhound couldn’t help but feel a little astonished when he saw Jiang Xiaobai still walking on fire.

“You are not an ordinary human!”

Hellhound stops casting “Hell’s Edge”

, Said in a fierce voice.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly: “It seems that you have fought against the human awakened before, tell me where is the lair of Huangquan evil spirit Baal”

Hearing this, the Hellhound was taken aback first, then “Jiejie”

Hesed twice.

“The great Baal Lord is everywhere!”

As he said, the Hellhound stood up, waved his claws and pounced on Jiang Xiaobai.

At this time, unlike before, the hellhound’s pair of sharp claws carried a faint flame, which looked very strange.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brow lightly and condensed his star power, and greeted him with Yuelang Nine Waves.

Seeing this, the Hellhound that flew in midair suddenly grinned.

“Nether Flame is not… what you humans can resist!”

However, the Hellhound soon stopped laughing.

Jiang Xiaobai’s right hand seemed to have thousands of enthusiasm, continuously hitting the claws of the hell dog.

But that ghost flame seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and it suddenly disappeared.

Just listen to “boom”

With a loud noise, the Hellhound slammed into the steel cage pillar behind him.


After a blast, several stainless steel cage columns have been deformed, and the heavy steel plates on them have also tilted down.

Seeing this, Zhao Zhishan, who was outside the cage, suddenly sighed in a low voice: “Sure enough, it is the same as Xu Jingsong!”

Xu Yan was confused.

When I wanted to ask, I found that Zhao Zhishan had a solemn expression.

The secret in Xu Jingsong’s palm has not been told to Xu Yan.

Today, only Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Zhishan and Mo Congkui know.

The hell dog in the cage spit out a big puff of black blood, struggling to stand up again.

“It turned out to be like this, Jie Jie-Master Baal will be very happy when he knows about it!”

After speaking, the Hellhound turned directly and drilled out between the deformed steel cage pillars.

Then rushed directly to Xu Yan, who was the weakest in the field.

However, how could Jiang Xiaobai sit back and ignore a move, and an alloy longbow appeared in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

Between the electric light and flint, the nine star powers condensed into the hell dog’s body.

The hellhound fell with a bang, a flame burst out of his body, and a plume of smoke instantly appeared.

Jiang Xiaobai regretted it, but the Hellhound was obviously reborn.

Moreover, the Hellhound seemed to have some secret just now.

The reason for escaping from the prison was to find oneself “”

, Report that secret to Huangquan evil spirit Baal.

Otherwise, how could the Hellhound want to attack Xu Yan in front of Zhao Zhishan. Zhao Zhishan has also realized this and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said: “We currently have no way to really kill those… hell Creature, let it escape and run away, Mithril won’t be able to trap it for long-you come with me.”

After speaking, Zhao Zhishan should leave first.

Xu Yan hurried to Jiang Xiaobai’s side and looked up and down: “You are not injured, right? What did Grandpa Zhao mean when he said that you are the same as my grandpa?”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said as he walked, “I will let your grandfather tell you in the future.”

Xu Yan listened and wanted to pinch Jiang Xiaobai again with a little dissatisfaction.

But Jiang Xiaobai pulled it with his hand and pulled it directly into his arms.

Xu Yan was startled, and hurriedly pushed Jiang Xiaobai away with her hands, blushing and running to the front.

…The three of people 3 came to a room similar to an office, filled with bookshelves.

But the above are all hand-bound materials.

Zhao Zhishan turned a few times from a table, took out a piece of paper, frowned and said, “Actually, after receiving a call from Xu Jingsong, I had an idea, but I was not sure at that time.”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and walked forward and asked curiously: “What do you think?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai had already seen that various Hell creatures were drawn on the piece of paper, and a line of words-“spiritual creatures” was written next to it.

Several question marks were also slapped behind, showing the writer’s inner uncertainty.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but moved in his heart, and took out the page of paper that Zhang Xunkun had given him before.

This is a piece of information that introduces the legendary creature Qilin.

There are also various conjectures of unicorn pictures.

Jiang Xiaobai looked carefully for a while, and suddenly realized these… Some places in the picture really resemble the giant beast he saw in the cave! At this time, Zhao Zhishan also Leaning over, looking at the piece of paper in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, he muttered: “It may not be these mythical beasts, but there must be a kind of alien creature that resembles a hell creature, and it can restrain the hell creature.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully after listening.

The giant beast that I have seen is indeed different from the breath of ordinary dimensional creatures.

And it’s not a hell creature.

But it can kill those…many grimace bats with his own power, and it is still a grimace bat with a hell aura. That giant beast is really extraordinary! “The new discovery of Java The seat-dimensional space, will it be like this, can lead to the spiritual world you said?”

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked, and then said, “Also, how did those grimace bats exude the breath of hell creatures in the first place”

Zhao Zhishan deserves to be a person who has studied Hell creatures for most of his life.Although he cannot be sure of Jiang Xiaobai’s first question, he still gives a definite answer when he cares about the grimace bat.

“One of the heads of the three-headed hellhound has a demonization ability. Whether it is a human or a dimensional creature, it can be demonized by the three-headed hellhound.”

With that, Zhao Zhishan pointed to Yinuo Li Zhao, a hell creature on his piece of paper.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, but saw that it was a canine-shaped creature that was even more terrifying than a Hellhound.

Except for the sharper minions, the most special thing about the three-headed hellhound is that it has three three heads, and the three three heads are different.

The heads in the center and the right were blazing flames, and the one on the left seemed to be laughing.

It’s just that… the smile is very weird.

Even Xu Yan couldn’t help but shudder.

“The appearance of the three-headed hellhound was painted by Xu Jingsong himself. After that, no one in our place has ever seen the three-headed hellhound again.

The Hellhound that you just asked you to try is the most powerful hell creature we can hunt.”

Zhao Zhishan slowly introduced.

“Moreover, the three-headed hellhound is different from the hellhound.

According to Xu Jingsong, its physical attributes are the most powerful. With your current strength, it should not be the opponent of the three-headed hellhound.”


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