Chapter 547 Meet someone (4/4)

There is no need for Xu Jingsong to say more, Jiang Xiaobai can also understand what he means.

It’s like the strange aura that Jiang Xiaobai felt from the giant beast! “At that time, everyone else died in battle, and we actually didn’t see other dimensional creatures.

The most important thing is that in the past twenty years, Zhao Zhishan has not noticed the kind of breath I said.”

Xu Jingsong half explained.

“The reason why Zhao Zhishan has been there is… I want to find out this secret in the palm of my hand.”

Jiang Xiaobai listened, and suddenly his mind moved.

“Mr. Xu, do you usually have strange sensations in your palms, such as tingling or numbness”

This is what Jiang Xiaobai is most concerned about right now.

After all, just as Zhou Jia suspected, in case the fire pattern on his arm would spread all over his body in the future, then… the so-called old man, Xu Jingsong came over immediately, frowned and asked Jiang Xiaobai: “Yours. arm”

“From time to time I have a burning sensation, especially when I use star power.”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t figure it out.

Seeing this, Xu Jingsong’s palm did not feel as strange as his own.

But the anomalies in everyone are obviously the same aura! Could it be… Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said: “I understand, my current strength is not enough… so I can’t suppress this fire pattern. !”

Xu Jingsong listened, her expression a little solemn.

“Yes, since I left the hell space, everyone knows that my cultivation base has been growing rapidly, but I understand myself that this is because of the thunder light in my palm!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai thoughtfully said: “Hell creatures are naturally gifted to suppress other dimensional creatures.

Could it be that the giant beast I encountered is also a species that has a talent for suppressing other creatures, just like the Hell creatures?”

This idea came into being when Jiang Xiaobai left the dimensional space of Java.

Previously, Jiang Xiaobai’s skills could not affect the dimensional creatures or humans on the ninth level of the Star Sea Realm, unless he was “holding a sister in his arms and killing.”

Under the blessing of.

Just like when killing Drake.

Xu Jingsong listened, and couldn’t help falling into thought.

After a while, he said again: “When you said that, I remembered it.

After I came out of the hell space back then, someone challenged me and was a person of the same realm as me.

But at the time I only felt that the other party didn’t match the name…Now it seems that it is probably because the thunder light in my palm has a suppressive effect on him.”

Having said that, Xu Jingsong suddenly stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said: “No, you can’t stay in school anymore. If the things we just deduced are true, then the fire pattern on your arm is likely to harm you-you You must improve your strength as soon as possible, at least to be able to suppress the mysterious aura on your arm.”

In fact, even if Xu Jingsong didn’t mention it, Jiang Xiaobai had this in mind.

Leaving aside this fire pattern, since Jiang Xiaobai is going to find Huangquan evil spirit Ba Li, he must improve his strength.

Otherwise, Zhao Zhishan would never let Jiang Xiaobai approach that spatial crack.

Moreover, Baal’s strength is unfathomable, and it is likely that he has healed after a long time, and the strength is not comparable to when Xu Jingsong entered the space crack.

However, at the moment Jiang Xiaobai has no way to improve his strength.

Star Orb and Awakening Potion had already been tried, but they didn’t work at all.

It’s…The achievement points of the system may be okay.

It’s just that, now that you upgrade a level of bounds, you need a little bit more achievement.

How can it be so easy to get millions of achievement points? Originally Jiang Xiaobai thought that using his own level awakening potions, no matter what, there are the five level awakening potions won in the global competition, and the hands from Wei Xuehai. “Pit”

Starting with the coming Level Awakening Potion: Together with the many star orbs accumulated, at least you can break through to the Star Sea Realm.

However, the fire pattern on the arm is like a legendary gluttonous food, which can swallow the star orb and the awakening potion Tianbu.

At that time in that cave, Jiang Xiaobai swallowed a lot of Thunder-tailed Marmots.

But it didn’t even splash.

Telling this to Xu Jingsong, Xu Jingsong couldn’t help being surprised.

Over the years, with Xu Jingsong’s status, let alone a mere star bead, it is a…level awakening potion, and he has used a few.

But he has never been able to improve his strength as Jiang Xiaobai said.

After pondering for a long time, Xu Jingsong suddenly slammed the cane in his hand on the ground as if making up his mind.

“Follow me, I will take you to see Mo Congkui.”

After speaking, without giving Jiang Xiaobai a chance to ask questions, Xu Jingsong walked directly to the door.

As soon as he exited, he found Zhang Xunkun lying on the door doing an eavesdropping gesture.

0 and Xu Yan stood aside with a funny face.

As soon as Mr. Xu came out, Zhang Xunkun immediately smiled awkwardly: “Old Mr. Xu, Mo Congkui is…”

Don’t look at Zhang Xunkun assembling a big tail wolf in front of the teachers and students of Jiangnan University.Sometimes he is very black in front of Jiang Xiaobai, but in front of Xu Jingsong, Zhang Xunkun is like a bad student seeing the teacher.

Don’t mention how doglegs are.

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask.”

Xu Jingsong only left such a sentence and walked outside.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed to Zhang Xunkun and walked out.

Zhang Xunkun glared, but suddenly remembered something, and stuffed a page of paper into Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

Before Jiang Xiaobai opened it, Xu Yan took a few steps to catch up with Xu Jingsong, and said coquettishly again: “Grandpa, you have to tell me where you are taking my students.”

…This is actually what Zhang Xunkun is worried about.

You know, Xu Jingsong has inexplicable relationships with many secret institutions in China.

In case, if you really bring Jiang Xiaobai to a research institute or something… “The same is true for you, don’t worry about it!”

It’s a big matter, and Xu Jingsong doesn’t give face to his granddaughter at all.

Don’t look at Zhang Xunkun’s eavesdropping for a long time, but in fact only listened to the last sentence.

That… Mo Congkui seems to have a lot of background.

But Zhang Xunkun and Xu Yan have never heard of it.

Jiang Xiaobai is… he looks calm.

“Sister Yan, don’t worry, she just went to see someone.”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t believe that Xu Jingsong would “slice” him into a mysterious institution.


Not to mention other things, Xu Jingsong himself has been troubled by the thunder light in his palm for so many years, and he must also want to solve this doubt.

At the moment, only Jiang Xiaobai has seen that…with a mysterious aura, but with different species of hell creatures.

However, Xu Yan is not worried about Jiang Xiaobai.

There are some things Xu Yan knows better than Zhang Xunkun.

Twenty years ago, Jiang Xiaobai’s parents used to be friends with Xu Jingsong and Zhao Zhishan in a circle.

However, Xu Jingsong is more willing to focus on his cultivation.

Without this relationship, with Xu Yan’s face alone, how could Xu Jingsong help Jiang Xiaobai arrange someone to enter the hell space!

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