Chapter 530 Why make excuses? (1/4)

After listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, a look of anger appeared on the faces of several Assan students.

Only that…the naïve fat man looked at a loss.

“It’s all in the past, now what to do with this.”

With that said, the fat man has walked between Jiang Xiaobai and the man in glasses, looking like a peacemaker.

“Shamir, the global league event is over. If it weren’t for the students of the Bourne School, we wouldn’t have lost so badly.”

The fat man pacified the man in glasses again, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

“You guessed it right, our people were overshadowed by the students of Berne College during the points match, and suffered heavy casualties, so we had to withdraw directly.

In fact, we didn’t even finish the points match…”

Speaking of this, a bit of disappointment appeared on the fat man’s face.

At this moment, Xue Qingluo, who had always been full of disgust, suddenly said impatiently: “If you have anything to say about this, hurry up and accompany me to catch the little gale eagle. You promised me before that you want to send me a little eagle as a pet. of!”

With that said, Xue Qingluo glared at Shamir with disgust.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, Shamir shook his head, and was about to leave here.

It means that you can’t! At this moment, Shamir suddenly stopped in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

“Luhak, you see, they are clearly insulting me!”

Ruhak is…that…little fat man, he hurriedly pulled Shamir aside and persuaded, “Don’t be troublesome, Shamir, we are here to communicate with China, not to compete!”

“I am today… to play against this misleading champion!”

Shamir looked hysterical.

The other Asan students next to him were also furious.

Seeing this, Ruhak had to stop this and that…

Xue Qingluo was already a little angry at this time, and as soon as she shook away the hand of Jiang Xiaobai around her waist, she was about to give Shamir’s few Assan students a needle.

But Jiang Xiaobai moved in his heart, and secretly pulled Xue Qingluo.

“If you want to be beaten, I would be happy to fulfill you, but I have to wait until the end of this exchange event…”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shamir and the others with a faint smile, “When the time comes, find a place where there is no one, and I will teach you how to behave.”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai has understood that these guys are not really hostile to him, but more like they want to take the opportunity to make a difference.

As for the purpose, although Jiang Xiaobai has some guesses, it is still unclear at the moment.

After all, there are dozens of Asan students on Qi Yuanxiao’s side.

Xue Qingluo looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and understood Jiang Xiaobai’s intentions, and immediately cooperated: “If our teacher hadn’t specifically confessed to you, we should treat you well, I will be half-struck as soon as you guys are in trouble-huh!”

As he said, he rushed to Shamir and the others to light up the silver in his hand.

Shamir and others suddenly became even more angry when Ruhak saw this, and they had to say: “Or, let’s change to a more peaceful way of playing, you see, now everyone wants Little Gale Eagle, it’s better to see who can find Gale first. The eagle’s lair.”

After speaking, he whispered to Shamir again: “His friend has always wanted Little Gale Eagle as a pet. If we can take away all the young eagles in the eagle nest nearby…” Intentionally or not, anyway…this word faintly reached Jiang Xiaobai’s ears.

Shamir quickly exclaimed: “Just do it, I will ask him to come and beg me in a while!-you go and call everyone else.”

After hearing Shamir’s words, a third student immediately ran to Qi Yuanxiao.

In a moment, everyone gathered around.

Little Fatty Luhak began to explain to the other Asan students with a smile, saying that Jiang Xiaobai and Shamir were going to have a fun game to see who could catch the young eagle first.

As for the Chinese students, Xue Qingluo also took the posture of the captain and commanded Qi Yuanxiao and others to hurry up to catch the little gale eagle.

“How can this be done. The Gale Eagle is very cruel, and it flies very high. If there is a third student injured, how can we explain to the teacher”

Taking the opportunity of opposition, Qi Yuanxiao walked in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Qingluo, shook his head imperceptibly, and signaled that there was no abnormal situation on his side.

Jiang Xiaobai understood, and then quietly winked at Xue Qingluo.

Xue Qingluo immediately crossed Xiaoman’s waist and said angrily: “I am the captain, I have the final say!”

…In a short while, the Chinese students and the Asan students dispersed and began to search for the lair of the Gale Eagle.

Student Ah San is so cunning that he actually plays tricks in secret due to his large number of people.

Near every Chinese student, there are several Asan students following.

As long as it looked like a place with an eagle’s nest, the Asan students swarmed up to surround the place to prevent the Chinese students from passing by.

In more than ten minutes, Jiang Xiaobai and others could not find a gale eagle’s nest.

Xue Qingluo still got together with Jiang Xiaobai.

The people who followed the two were little fat Luhak and a few other Asan students.

“What the hell are you thinking?”

Xue Qingluo asked in a very low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, and motioned Xue Qingluo with his chin to see Shamir who hadn’t been with anyone and seemed to have a clear destination.

After observing for a while, Xue Qingluo couldn’t help but be surprised: “You mean that… Shamir is… a spy”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, but raised his eyes slightly, looking at the gale eagles hovering above.

“Would you like me to inform instructor Hong to come in and collect the net, but you have to find a way to help me cover it, so as not to let the Asan student find out.”

At this time, the 30 Chinese students were followed by the Asan students. If you contact the outside at this time, it is likely to attract people’s attention, and then beat Wang Zhao’s grass to the snake.

This Gale Eagle has such a large space, it is full of dense forests and grassy beaches, and there are countless caves.

In case Ah San’s spy finds a cat in a secret place, it is really not easy to find.

Otherwise, the Demon Capital Military District had directly retrieved the stolen secrets before, but Jiang Xiaobai shook his head again.

“Finding out spies is only the small goal of this mission, and the most important goal is still the stolen secrets.

Now there are Asan spies to help us find, how can we not appreciate it”

“But how do we know what those spies will do next”

Xue Qingluo said with some worry, “Moreover, since they dare to sneak in this way, they must be fully prepared. We are not afraid that we will find excuses to search them…”

Jiang Xiaobai heard it and said strangely: “Why do you find an excuse to search them and kill them directly?”

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