Chapter 528 This world is so unfair! (3/4)

Letting a childlike Loli like Xue Qingluo be the captain will definitely reduce the vigilance of the spies who are mixed in the exchange group.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai’s identity is too noticeable.

If there are foreign students in the exchange group who have participated in global competitions, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely become the person who attracts the most attention.

Even if students who haven’t communicated with each other, presumably those…the spies who are in the middle of it will focus on guarding Jiang Xiaobai.

In this way, it must be difficult for Jiang Xiaobai to act casually during the exchange activities, let alone to contact instructor Hong quietly.

Jiang Xiaobai thought of this and proposed that Xue Qingluo be the captain.

The other students quickly reacted.

It’s just that everyone looked at that little Loli-like Xue Qingluo with some suspicion.

“One Seven Seven”

Can this girl be up to this responsibility, Wei Xuehai and Instructor Hong obviously also have this concern.

At this time, Xue Qingluo, who was being watched by everyone, was pulling her little face reluctantly, and when she saw everyone’s eyes, she couldn’t help but wrinkle her little jade nose.

“What to look at, you said it was an order.

This girl is not happy yet!”

Hearing that, instructor Hong and Wei Xuehai are not upset.

“In this way, I will find you a smart person.”

As he said, Wei Xuehai’s eyes glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but his face turned black: “Old Wei, what do you mean?”

Wei Xuehai suppressed a smile and hummed, “Or, you and Xue Qingluo pretend to be a couple…”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned: “…Old Wei, I’ve always been a trader and not a good one!”

Wei Xuehai said coldly: “Don’t refuse, this is also an order!”

A crowd of students: “…”

What kind of world is this? As soon as Xue Qingluo appeared, she had firmly taken the title of the first beauty in the actual combat department. Several students were ready to start pursuing them. They were actually pretended to be like this. And seeing that Xue Qingluo had no objection, several students felt that they were themselves. In the chest cavity, something seemed to click, shattering like glass.

…In the next few days, Wei Xuehai personally taught Jiang Xiaobai and others fighting skills and imparted combat experience.

And that… Instructor Hong taught Jiang Xiaobai and others how to observe words, expressions, and colors, how to see through various imperceptible gestures, lips, codes, marks and other unconventional contact methods.

These…In fact, they already involve the field of special operations.

Two weeks later, the exchange arrived as scheduled.

Seeing the Hundred Exchange students from A Three Kingdoms in front of him, Qing Luo, the captain, couldn’t help but frown.

“It’s a big curry…”

Xue Qingluo stood together next to her.

Standing Jiang Xiaobai on one side.

Qi Yuanxiao was a little nervous, afraid that Xue Qingluo’s words would fall in Asan’s ears, so he wanted to remind him secretly.

But Jiang Xiaobai quietly shook his head at Qi Yuanxiao, indicating that he didn’t need to be too deliberate.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s view, Xue Qingluo should be more natural.

The more authentic he is, the more he can confuse the spies hiding in the rest of the people here.

Perhaps, those spies are secretly paying attention to the Chinese students receiving their own at this time.

People on both sides waited for the teachers on both sides to finish those…”Diplomatic rhetoric”

Later, they all lined up in a column and began to shake hands one by one.

The leading teacher from China stayed with Xue Qingluo, and kept introducing to the teachers and students of Sanguo: “This is Xue Qingluo, the exchange team leader we sent.”

And Xue Qingluo stretched out her small hand impatiently, sweeping through the hands of the students of Asanguo, right to shake hands.

Jiang Xiaobai followed Xue Qingluo, staring and wanting to laugh.

80% of this little girl is a little clean, so she doesn’t want to get the smell of coffee from the other side on her hands… and those… students from A Three Kingdoms don’t care about Xue Qingluo’s attitude, on the contrary Most people are staring at Xue Qingluo’s small face with obsessive eyes.

If it weren’t for China, just from the gazes in the eyes of these boys from the three countries, it would make people feel nauseous.

This is not unexpected.

Because not only the caste system has not been eliminated in the three countries, but even women have always been in a disadvantaged position. The capital of the three countries is the place with the highest crime rate in the world… and the thinking of the three is more. It is very strange.If a single woman is violated, even the judge of Asan will think that it is the reason why the female dress is exposed.

A criminal from the Three Kingdoms even put forward a speechless viewpoint.

“Girls from decent people won’t show up on the street alone at 8: 0 in the evening.”

Therefore, the three countries are different from China.When choosing exchange members, even if some girls are better than boys, it is difficult to be selected.

In past international activities, it is also rare to see women from the three countries.

Even if there is, the ratio is far lower than that of other countries.

After a tedious introduction to each other, the teacher from China brought a hundred extra students to the entrance of a dimensional space.

“This is the dimensional space of the Galewind Eagle.

You previously proposed that you want to arrange this exchange event here, so this Gale Eagle Dimensional Space is not open to other awakened people today, and only exchange students can enter.”

Obviously, the Chinese teacher did not know that the students he led actually had other tasks secretly.

After a few brief confession, Xue Qingluo led the team and led the Chinese students and the Asan student Yi 1.

Enter the dimensional space once.

The teacher from the three countries was invited by the teacher from China to visit a nearby school.

As soon as Xue Qingluo entered the space, she smiled and walked to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, “Xiaobai, help me catch a little Gale Eagle as a pet, okay?”

“I am very busy……”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly, just about to say something more, suddenly Xue Qingluo pulled up Jiang Xiaobai and ran to the hill not far away.

“You can do whatever you want if you are handsome”

Qi Yuanxiao was stunned, it’s so easy for Jiang Xiaobai to make a girl! And if he didn’t read it wrong, the world of Jiang Xiaobai that Xue Qingluo took the initiative to lead is too unfair!

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