Chapter 526 Ancestral psoriasis, specializing in old Chinese medicine (1/4)

The first person to stand up and respond to Qi Yuanxiao was actually a slender girl! She had a…cute short hair, only a slender waist as thick as Qi Yuanxiao’s upper arm, and a face with picturesque brows. .. a very kawaii little Loli.

“It’s been a long time since I heard anyone blow the cowhide so fresh and refined.”

Little Loli has a cute smile on her pretty face.

“This girl’s name is Xue Qingluo, an ancestral and old Chinese doctor who specializes in bragging.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Qingluo, who was still smiling, flashed and rushed to Qi Yuanxiao’s body.

Everyone present, including Jiang Xiaobai, originally thought that this little Loli relied on some of his own skills to dare to provoke Qi Yuanxiao, who was like a bear.

I never thought that it was clear that they wanted to defeat Qi Yuanxiao in close combat! While they were talking, the two had already fought together.

At first, Qi Yuanxiao seemed unwilling to lose the reputation of bullying girls, and only used a pair of sturdy iron arms to block Xue Qingluo’s attack.

However, after only a few seconds, I heard Qi Yuanxiao “Ah”

With an exclamation of exclamation, and then one and Xue Qingluo left.

“What’s hiding in your hands!”

Qi Yuanxiao shouted angrily while raising his elbows, 65 carefully looking at his forearms.

I saw that it was already dripping with blood.

Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look and could vaguely see that Qi Yuanxiao’s arm had been pierced with more than ten tiny holes.

And those…bloods flowed out from the insignificant wounds…

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but looked at Xue Qingluo, who was still full of spring breeze.

But seeing this little Loli raise his hand at Qi Yuanxiao, he smiled and said: “I told you a long time ago, I am an old Chinese doctor.

Of course, Chinese medicine needs to use needles to treat people’s diseases, especially for such bragging diseases.”

As Xue Qingluo shook lightly, a cold light passed in front of Xue Qingluo.

Qi Yuanxiao found out that the silver needle in Xue Qingluo’s hand was as thin as a cow, and said angrily: “Dare you yin me”

After speaking, I was ready to rush Xue Qingluo again.

However, instructor Hong who was watching the battle suddenly stopped Qi Yuanxiao.

“If she was the enemy just now, you would be dead!”

When instructor Hong said this, he pointed at Qi Yuanxiao’s back again, “You can touch it yourself and see what is on your lower back!”

Hearing this, Qi Yuanxiao was taken aback for a moment, then reached back and touched his waist, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw that Qi Yuanxiao took out silver needles one after another from his back waist, and there were more than a dozen silver needles! The other students were shocked at the thought that the two had only played for just a dozen seconds. , They looked at Xue Qingluo, who was smiling innocently, with horrified eyes.

“Big guy, return the needle to me, and you can see what is missing from your body”

As he said, Xue Qingluo’s other hand suddenly raised, and there was already something in his hand.

Everyone looked at it, and it was Qi Yuanxiao’s credentials.

Qi Yuanxiao suddenly became pale, and touched his trouser pocket.

But Xue Qingshen put the certificate in the pocket of his underwear, and Xue Qingshen took it away without knowing it. He walked slowly to Qi Yuanxiao, handed over the certificate with a grin, and smiled in his mouth: “Yes, I took a pulse for you just now, except for… there is something wrong with bragging. In addition, the kidney is not very good, remember to make up more.”

As soon as he said this, Qi Yuanxiao’s face immediately turned into a dead gray.

This battle is considered defeated.

Not only did he see the blood, but he also found out the bottom… “Is there anyone who wants me to get my pulse?”

Xue Qingluo turned around and tilted her head slightly to look at Jiang Xiaobai and others.

A group of students shook their heads hurriedly.

If Qi Yuanxiao was just now, everyone still has the mind to play a few hands.

Just like Instructor Hong just said, none of these students is not a thorn in their school.

How can you easily convince others? Besides, Xue Qingluo and Qi Yuanxiao didn’t use skills just now, and they only fought close for less than half a minute…But the problem is, regardless of the strength and skills of the cultivation base, these students are really real. No one is sure to beat Xue Qingluo, a little Loli with only fighting skills! Can take away the credentials in Qi Yuanxiao’s pocket without Qi Yuanxiao not aware of it, and still: Qi Yuanxiao has a silver needle in his back waist – this The skill is too ghostly.

“It seems that everyone has no objection to me being the captain.”

Xue Qingluo’s pretty face showed a mischievous smile, “But I don’t want to be such a captain so easily, why don’t you fight with me again”

With that, Xue Qingluo raised her hand and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai.

When everyone saw it, they couldn’t help but feel a little uproar.

Just now everyone can see that Jiang Xiaobai is just a student on the first level of the Galaxy Realm.

And they all thought that this was the reason why instructor Hong wanted to let people like himself and Jiang Xiaobai first, in order to test Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

But like Qi Yuanxiao said, everyone actually disdains “bullying”

A “little white”

Even if they win, they are not glorious.

Xue Qingluo also saw the doubts of other students, and said with a smile: “You have long eyes, he is not a good stubborn.

You don’t know his other identity, but I know it clearly.”

At this point, Xue Qingluo’s eyes turned to Jiang Xiaobai.

“You are Jiang Xiaobai, the individual champion of the global competition, right”

As soon as these words came out, except for…Wei Xuehai, all the people including Instructor Hong exclaimed.

“How could he obviously only have the first level of the Galaxy Realm!”

“If this is the case, I can also participate in the global competition…”

“Just him–I think he can’t even beat Qi Yuanxiao, right”

For a while, the students all stared at Jiang Xiaobai with surprised eyes.

But when he saw Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, he walked out slowly and looked at Xue Qingluo and said, “I heard that you are an old Chinese doctor who specializes in bragging.”

Xue Qingluo smiled sweetly, “If you admit that you are really famous, it’s okay.”

Jiang Xiaobai pondered slightly, “Actually, there is ancestral psoriasis in the next, who specializes in treating old Chinese medicine.”

Xue Qingluo: .. Everyone: .. You are so sick, why don’t you let go of this topic! But when Xue Qingluo snorted and said, “Then try.”

As he said, he raised the silver needle in his hand at Jiang Xiaobai, trying to make a vicious look on his small face.

However, due to Xue Qingluo’s natural baby face, so hard work only made Xue Qingluo look more cute.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said, “Captain or something, I’m not interested, you will be yours.

As for putting me into life and not being able to take care of myself-don’t you want to serve me for the rest of your life”

Rao is Xue Qingluo pretending to be fierce, and her small face can’t help flying two blushes.

“You want to be beautiful! Look at the needle!”

When speaking, the small hand holding the silver needle already waved to Jiang Xiaobai.

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