Chapter 514 Do you like my dog? (2/4)

Daha is currently only the first level of the Galaxy Realm, and can only possess two skills.

This is the iron law, and no pet can violate this rule.

That’s why Jiang Xiaobai made that kind of judgment.

The pet skill trainer listened and nodded in agreement: “This gentleman is right, it is true.”

Speaking of this, he praised with relief on his face: “I have been in this business for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen a pet that can comprehend advanced skills.

Especially such a powerful flashing skill!”

You know, flash and teleport are both high-level displacement skills.

There are so many students in the freshman year of Jiangnan University, but only Zhou Jia can use the teleport technique.

Although the distance is only a few meters, it is enough to make people enviable.

“Zhou Jia, it seems that you and Daha are really predestined, you will teleport, it will flash, and if you calculate carefully, the distance is actually not “six, fifty, zero.”


Jiang Xiaobai smirked and teased Zhou Jia.

As soon as Zhou Jia heard this, she began to flaunt her teeth and claws again, and wanted to clean up Jiang Xiaobai.

At this time, Daha, who was constantly flashing in the training ground, had already alarmed the attention of other pet owners.

A group of people gradually gathered around and pointed at Daha, their eyes full of envy.

“Teacher, what kind of pet does it have such dazzling skills”

“Teacher, do you have any pets like it here? I want one too!”

“My dear, you have to find me a pet that is exactly the same, otherwise you don’t want to go to my bed again…”

Listening to the discussion around, Daha’s trainer couldn’t help but said to Jiang Xiaobai and others: “Sir, your pet seems to have mutated. Pets from the Galaxy Realm have never had such strong skills before.”

With that said, the trainer pointed at Daha’s… clones.

“Don’t talk about the flashing skills, just talk about it… the multi-shadow clone skill, in fact, even many awakeners who have the clone skill, may not be able to practice the high-level clone skill of the multi-shadow clone in a lifetime!”

As soon as the voice fell, another pet skill trainer next to him also nodded and said: “It is true. One of my teachers at the beginning will have a clone skill, but for decades, it has not been able to make a breakthrough.”

Listening to the words of the two trainers, those… pet owners couldn’t help casting envious glances at Jiang Xiaobai.

At this moment, several Xinghai-level sunglasses men wearing black suits suddenly separated the crowd of onlookers arrogantly.

When everyone was dissatisfied, they turned their heads and watched, only to find that…

Panicking, everyone hurriedly hugged their pets in their arms, and then withdrew a few meters, for fear that the cruel piebald liger might injure their pets.

Seeing this, Su Dashao was even more proud. He stepped on the steps that his six relatives did not recognize, came to Jiang Xiaobai, and said arrogantly: “Hey, sell me your puppy!”

As he said, he pointed to the piebald liger.

“I will give you this nine-layer piebald liger in the Galaxy Realm, and I will give you another five million!”

Hearing that, Daha’s skill trainer hurriedly said in a whisper, “Mr. Jiang, he is our famous young man Su Mingqiang, you hurry up, I will block for you…”

This pet skill trainer is also considered responsible. As soon as he finished speaking, he walked up to Su Mingqiang and said with a smile on his face: “Young Master Su, he is only a pet on the first level of the Galaxy Realm, how can it compare to your Galaxy Realm? Nine floors of pets.

In this way, you hand over the piebald liger to us, and I promise to let it break into the star sea realm within three months…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Mingqiang pushed the teacher away.

“What kind of green onion do you think you dare to fool Laozi. You train Laozi’s piebald liger to have the skills of that dog, otherwise you will get Laozi away!”

The reason why Su Mingqiang liked Daha was also because Daha’s performance far exceeded the strength of ordinary dimensional space creatures.

Moreover, for Su Mingqiang, a pet with a high realm and a cruel nature can be obtained as long as he spends money.

But this kind of pet can only be used to pretend to be scary, and it is not good to use it to pick up girls.

When the beauties saw the variegated liger beast snarling their teeth, Hua Rong turned pale with fright and fled. Su Mingqiang had no chance to tease her sister, but it was different.

He looks likable, his skills are so cool, and there is a lot of room for growth.

If it is cultivated carefully in the future, the ferocious piebald liger will definitely not be able to beat Daha.

However, for people like Su Mingqiang, Jiang Xiaobai has always been too lazy to take care of him, turning around and leaving without even looking at it.

Daha who was playing hard saw this and immediately jumped into Zhou Jia’s arms.

Seeing this, Su Mingqiang couldn’t help but his face was pale, pointing at Jiang Xiaobai and yelling: “People can go, dogs stay!”

At the same time, Su Mingqiang’s bodyguards also surrounded them and stopped Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia in the middle…In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai only said one word indifferently: “Go!”

As soon as the voice fell, Su Mingqiang’s bodyguards felt a breathtaking pressure emanating from Jiang Xiaobai.

Although these bodyguards are all in the first and second levels of the Xinghai Realm, they are all in their hearts at this time.

How could it be possible that this kid has only the strength of the first level of the Galaxy Realm, and why the pressure on his body is so terrifying! Feeling the pressure from Jiang Xiaobai, these bodyguards involuntarily stepped back, obviously already shocked Living.

Only one guy who looked like the head of the bodyguard bit his scalp and said, “Your dog is taken by my young master, don’t cause trouble…”

Before he finished speaking, the bodyguard leader realized that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t pay attention to himself at all, but turned his head and glanced at his own Su Dashao lightly.

“You fell in love with my dog”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly and said casually.

This Su Shao nodded, and was about to speak. Suddenly, it felt a little wrong to say that the dog who fell in love with you was at this moment, Su Mingqiang suddenly felt a local pain.

It’s like being stabbed in by a thick iron rod! “Ah–”

Suddenly, Su Mingqiang let out a scream.

At the same time, a rhinoceros 0.

5 Lee’s blood arrows gush out from Su Mingqiang’s part.

The strength was so great that it instantly dyed Su Mingqiang’s white trousers.

Su Mingqiang couldn’t help covering his part with his hand as a wave of pain that was higher than the wave came from the local area.

Both hands were immediately sprayed with blood.

“Master, you, you have hemorrhoids”

The head of the bodyguard yelled in a panic, and wanted to step forward to help Su Mingqiang.

Su Mingqiang pushed away the bodyguard leader with a bloody hand, and then endured the pain with a grimly expression: “Guild in Nima! Don’t take him down for Laozi!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Mingqiang “pupu”

Kneeled in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

In shock, Su Mingqiang couldn’t help but look up at Jiang Xiaobai, wanting to say something more cruel.

However, I saw Jiang Xiaobai holding an alloy longbow in his hand, and a long arrow condensed by star power was on the bow!!

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